GQP says Fuck The ERA!!!


Dec 31, 2009

Senate fails to extend deadline to ratify Equal Rights Amendment as most Republicans vote no
ABC|36 minutes ago
The Equal Rights Amendment or ERA, first introduced in Congress a century ago, would enshrine gender equality in the Constitution

Yes, well, the Republicans are going whole hog into Neanderthal. This will all be helpful in the next election.
Women don't deserve rights.

As the conservatives envisioned
Surrender monkey Democrats fail the American people again. In no other competitive arena can you blame the opposition your losses and failures. Running conservative right wing candidates in red states as standard operating procedure for decades, losing to real Republicans in red states continually, then complaining it's the fault of Republicans that they kill important bills.

Corporate Democrats, their endless and enthusiastic financial and moral support for right wing conservatives and idealogues like Manchin, and support for a STRONG REPUBLICAN PARTY can fuck right off.

Surrender monkey Democrats fail the American people again. In no other competitive arena can you blame the opposition your losses and failures. Running conservative right wing candidates in red states as standard operating procedure for decades, losing to real Republicans in red states continually, then complaining it's the fault of Republicans that they kill important bills.

Corporate Democrats, their endless and enthusiastic financial and moral support for right wing conservatives and idealogues like Manchin, and support for a STRONG REPUBLICAN PARTY can fuck right off.

Yep. They are responsible for Republicans and Democrats as well as the system of government that was set up.
Yep. They are responsible for Republicans and Democrats as well as the system of government that was set up.
They are responsible for their losses like all losers. In no other competition can you claim, "It's the winners fault that I lost", with any credibility. The gaslighting in American politics jumped the shark decades ago. Amazing how people accept these bullshit excuses without question and cluelessly wonder why millions of Americans don't vote.
Americans have lost touch with what really matters and it's hilarious to watch but it also pisses me off because we have some low IQ people up here who parrot "American conservative values".
Ain't nobody got time for that.
Americans have lost touch with what really matters and it's hilarious to watch but it also pisses me off because we have some low IQ people up here who parrot "American conservative values".
Ain't nobody got time for that.
So, mash potato brain… what really matters to you? Ya can’t use jerking off in the closet, Fuzzynuts has already laid claim to that.
“There is no good reason — none — for this chamber, this Congress, and this nation to bind itself to limitations set fifty years ago,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor.

“The Constitution itself imposes no such barrier; by keeping this barrier in place — this seven year barrier — all we’re doing is needlessly obeying skewed rules set by politicians who are long gone, and whose views ought not rule the day any longer.”

repubs won't be happy till most women are tied back up in the house with kids being popped out every year
So, mash potato brain… what really matters to you? Ya can’t use jerking off in the closet, Fuzzynuts has already laid claim to that.
With the state of the world and the economy, the biggest problems are obviously trans athletes, bud light and Disney. What say you potato boi?
Says a lot when the Democrats have a 51-49 majority in the Senate...yet they lose the vote 51-47. What does that say about the Leadership of the Democrats when they can't get they own people to vote for their "policy".

Surely....that's an aberration.

But then today, the Senate also revoked the EPA's requirement to reduce air pollution by fixing a 51-49 vote.

See the problem? Failed Administration
NO Member of Congress should EVER vote 'policy'.

They should vote the bills as they see fit as what is best for their voters. They are there to represent their voters, not any party.
They are responsible for their losses like all losers. In no other competition can you claim, "It's the winners fault that I lost", with any credibility. The gaslighting in American politics jumped the shark decades ago. Amazing how people accept these bullshit excuses without question and cluelessly wonder why millions of Americans don't vote.

That's the issue. Government was never meant to be a competition but a compromise. We don't wonder why millions don't vote. The system is so hopelessly rigged (mostly in favor of conservatives which ever party represents that at the time) that our votes only mean shit in like 7 states. The rest of us if there is nothing local going on there is no good reason to go out and vote.

I for example live in California. Assuming Biden is the nominee (I hope someone runs against him and wins but I don't foresee it) I can vote Arnold Schwartzenegger for President with no harm done.

Says a lot when the Democrats have a 51-49 majority in the Senate...yet they lose the vote 51-47. What does that say about the Leadership of the Democrats when they can't get they own people to vote for their "policy".

See the problem? Failed Administration

I know you're aware you need 60-40 to win right? I've read enough of you over the years to know you're not braindead or anything like that. I might not always agree with your conclusions but hey sometimes I stumble over new information or a new perspective and don't entirely buy my own crap. Like I'm really curious why Arnold can't run for president with the rules as written. I know the 14th Amendment was really about saying "Former slaves are in fact full citizens." However since Natural Born Citizen isn't defined. wouldn't

Section 1.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

As its written say once you've become a full citizen, you are a FULL citizen? I know the men who wrote that well over a century ago weren't concerned about a black president and the people nearly a century before them were mostly worried about Prince What's his name coming over winning the Presidency and signing us over. That wasn't a realistic threat for the latter generation. IT SURE as fuck isn't a risk we have any reason to fear.

Anyhow, you're not an idiot so what part of "filibuster" is too complex for you to understand here? And again, this should not be a competition. In theory Republicans and Democrats believe most of the same things. Safe communities, good jobs for themselves and their families a better life for their children. Now I won't lie, the last ten fifteen years have convinced me that conservatives hate "others" more than they love their families or even themselves. I can't hate on that level but its pretty hard to argue at times.

As much as I wish it was Bernie in the presidency everything in my heart tells me that like Obamacare which is unpopular while the ACA is popular that Bernie vs Trump would go like this.

Trump: Bernie Sanders admits to being a socialist! You know who else was a socialist? Mao! Stalin! Hitler! My son in law is a Jew, do any of you have friends who are Jewish or part of the LGBT community? Sanders would send them off camps! *mike drop*

He'd lose CA and New York and win every other state. HAve you anything to show to suggest the American public is smarter than that? I dunno like 60% not thinking the election was stolen? I have friends to this day that think 9/11 was an inside job and the frustrating part is them being if not experts but experienced enough in relevant areas that its like "The steel support beams didn't melt, they became maleable! which is well within jet fuel burning temp! You literally do this shit for a living and twenty minutes of google shits on you.
NO Member of Congress should EVER vote 'policy'.

They should vote the bills as they see fit as what is best for their voters. They are there to represent their voters, not any party.
Being a good leader is all about building support for the right answers. What you're describing is more like following than leading.