Gotta Get Me Some....

So madam lets see if we can turn the heat up here. Hmm something sexy about you something sexy. Give us a run through of one of your more exciting sexual encounters, or maybe you can give us what you like in a man?
So madam lets see if we can turn the heat up here. Hmm something sexy about you something sexy. Give us a run through of one of your more exciting sexual encounters, or maybe you can give us what you like in a man?

Hmm, way to put me on the spot there :rolleyes: Well. I like someone with a sense of humor, supportive, non judgmental. I don't really like anyone who is arrogant or cocky. It's great if they're confident...but they don't have to be an ass about it. Patient, caring, fun to talk to/ be around.
Hmm, way to put me on the spot there :rolleyes: Well. I like someone with a sense of humor, supportive, non judgmental. I don't really like anyone who is arrogant or cocky. It's great if they're confident...but they don't have to be an ass about it. Patient, caring, fun to talk to/ be around.

;) Yes my wife says I do that probably part of my nature I like making women squirm, but in this case I also wanted to help you with something more than a bump.

So what is the sweet spot for you. What spot besides the norm makes your toes curl?