gotoEleven (closed for BlackTeen)


Mar 25, 2012
City of Altair, Upper Level
Time: 03.55Theta

Ident: Spartacus Omicron Six
Age: 27 cycles
Status: Independent
Rank: Administrator Level 1-A initiated...

I look down at the grey sheet of datite in my palm and watch it fill with information. Like all datasheets, it comes with a feature to hide its more mundane processes, but I've always enjoyed watching the little things work. I will sometimes turn my vidscreen on before the streamer is attenuated. So long as the speakers aren't on (I'll admit, I have ruined a set that way) the patterns the viewer makes before it catches a signal are fascinating.

I bend it into a question mark and sit it on the table so that the screen faces me. The symbols are moving across the screen so fast that the pattern loses any discernible meaning other than the complex shapes it creates toward the end. Finally, it turns bright blue and the logo of the store I bought it at beams up at me from it's gleaming surface.

Oh yeah, real classy.

I promptly replace the image with a picture of my girl in one of my favorite outfits. Before opening the folder, I look at the sleep monitor imposed over the surface of our bedroom door to make sure she's not just pretending to be asleep.

Delta Wave 3.38
Resp: 14.7
BP: 140/90
Arterial Blood Gasses:..​

The monitor was as thorough as they'd said. I hadn't downloaded the instructions yet (even though that required nothing more than staring at a little sticker on the back of the booklet for two minutes) but I knew enough to know she wasn't faking and was actually down for the night.

Satisfied I wouldn't be caught, I began to flip through my favorite pictures of her so I could put a background to my newest app. The guy at the store told me she might "run hot" for a few days after installation, so I picked one of her in a sundress at the park. It was a few seconds after the wind caught her dress, but a few seconds before she noticed and pushed it back down over that sweet little apple of an ass.

Look at the face on the kid in the background. He became a man that day.
