Goth people look funny


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
when the sun is out. They really do.

There's this popular gothic hang-out pub near where I live that I pass on the way home from work. It's a pretty cool place, and everyone's pretty friendly, and the music is way better than at most pubs. 99% of the clientele are full-on goths, and that's fine and all - it's more effort than I personally want to put into getting dressed every day, but whatever. Most of the time, the weather here is grey and about to rain and rather dismal, being England as it is, so usually all these folks in their big black boots and big black hair and big black greatcoats and big black eyemakeup sort of fit, you know?

But when the sun is shining, man they look silly.
the Amish look funnier, and the Hare Krishna's look way funnier than Goths.
peachykeen said:
when the sun is out. They really do.

There's this popular gothic hang-out pub near where I live that I pass on the way home from work.

Is it the Purple Turtle in Islington?
Re: Re: Goth people look funny

Topher said:
Is it the Purple Turtle in Islington?

I didn't know there was a Purple Turtle in Islington. I know there's one in Camden, but it's not a goth pub, it's more like a retro 60's/70's kinda place (big posters of Hendrix, Joplin, etc.) No, the one by me is called the Devonshire Arms, also in Camden. Like I said, it's cool, I like it there. It's just really amusing to me to be sitting out in the sun sipping pints with, like, a bunch of extras from a Sisters of Mercy video.
One of my best friends is an ex-pat American (he just now swore to the Queen) who lives in Islington. I did BUNAC in 1996 and I lived near the Angel with him (on Goswell right around from the Slimelight). He is a really big goth so I met a lot of the goths and punks in London. He used to dj at the Slimelight and we went every Saturday - ugh, how tiring.

The Purple Turtle in (on Essex Road?) in Islington is, I think, the first one, and I remember the decor's being sorta Hendrixy, but all the punks and goths whom we knew hung out there a lot, and I think they still do. I think they might share it with other sorts of clientele, but I know that my friend is buddies with the ownership.
De Sade said:
the Amish look funnier, and the Hare Krishna's look way funnier than Goths.

Well, the second part of that is certainly true, but they would look funny anywhere.

I don't see many Amish folks sitting around the pub in London; I usually see them at Reading Terminal Market selling fresh farm goods, or actually out on the land, so they look appropriate to their place.

It's all about context.
There are Amish in London? Or are they some other sort of Mennonite-related cult?
I don't know of their being any Amish here, as they are of Germanic extraction. There reason there are so many in Pennsylvania (as well as Mennonites and Hutterites and Quakers and all) is of course because of William Pann and his commitment to creating a place where they would not be persecuted. Of course now there are more communities spread out in other areas of the US of course. I know there are Quakers in th UK, probably Mennonites too. Not sure about the others.
Sorry - the one in Islington wasn't the first. It looks like it is a little franchise.
LOL... people who put that much effort into going for a "look" like that crack me up.

Saturday we were at a charity event on Duquesne University's campus that included a performance by Rusted Root's Mike Glabicki which of course brought out a handful of neo-psuedo-hippie chicks all set to twirl around a sprinkle pixie dust on each other.

On closer look, however, they were all had apparently showered that morning, put on make up, and had very defined and well-plucked eye brows. Not very hippie-like it all.

Of course, if they had really been hippies they would've been out protesting the war somewhere.
i know what you mean .... i think the reason they look unhappy is they are over heating in all the leather coats and stuff :)

i find some goth girls sexy though :)
sexy-girl said:
i know what you mean .... i think the reason they look unhappy is they are over heating in all the leather coats and stuff :)

i find some goth girls sexy though :)
Well anyone would be unhappy in a ton of leather...but I agree some goth chicks are hot...hmm odd thing is I love the goth look...I don't dress in a ton of leather, I'm not unhappy but I do like the attention you all seem to be giving to those who dress differently...funny...Black lipstick is sexy :)
I don't know...something about a Goth chick makes me incredibly turned on...I don't like the sunshine much, which may help some.
Mizz_Erotica said:
I'm not unhappy but I do like the attention you all seem to be giving to those who dress differently...funny...

gurl, please. I live in Camden Town in North London. Everyone dresses so 'differently' here they all look alike LOL. Since I don't have six spikes through my face, yarn in my hair and eight inch platform boots, I'm the one that's dressed like a freak!

Don't get me wrong, I love it! I mean, I'm still a punk rock girl at heart and heaven knows I've dyed my hair so many times and so many colors I now refer to my natural hair color as "primer". And yes a lot of those girls and boys do look well sexy - just way too high maintenance for my current tastes - if you'd asked me twelve or so years ago, I'd have thought they were all just sex on legs! But I like being taken seriously as a professional woman now, and although I certainly think my opinions would be no less valid if I still dressed the way I did as a teen/young adult, I would rather people focus on what I have to say without having to 'get past' how I look.

Hey, that's what kids are for - I can't wait to have a spiky haired baby with leather nappies!

All's I'm saying is, creatures of the night look a bit out of place in the sun.
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I have no objections to dating a Goth chick, most look damn sexy in all black. Just so long as she doesnt demand to listen to The Cure or darkwave all the time.
peachykeen said:
gurl, please. I live in Camden Town in North London. Everyone dresses so 'differently' here they all look alike LOL. Since I don't have six spikes through my face, yarn in my hair and eight inch platform boots, I'm the one that's dressed like a freak!

Don't get me wrong, I love it! I mean, I'm still a punk rock girl at heart and heaven knows I've died my hair so many times and so many colors I now refer to my natural hair color as "primer". And yes a lot of those girls and boys do look well sexy - just way too high maintenance for my current tastes - if you'd asked me twelve or so years ago, I'd have thought they were all just sex on legs! But I like being taken seriously as a professional woman now, and although I certainly think my opinions would be no less valid if I still dressed the way I did as a teen/young adult, I would rather people focus on what I have to say without having to 'get past' how I look.

Hey, that's what kids are for - I can't wait to have a spiky haired baby with leather nappies!

All's I'm saying is, creatures of the night look a bit out of place in the sun.

You got me there...I don't go to that extreme and during the day I am quite presentable, as to be taken seriously as only piercing is on the inside so unless I poke my tonuge out at you no one knows ;)....During the day...I'm the sweet, shy college chick who wheres dark lipstick that everyone thinks is a good girl...

I conseed (sp) you win...creatures of the night do look a bit out of I do that often so yeah :p
sorry but I just had to reiterate this sentiment

so for the past week London (and Europe in general) has been absolutely sweltering, unbelieveably hot (for here) for several days ina row, which is just unheard of. And still I see these Jack Skellintgtons and Elviras all around town, white foundation and black eyeliner all melting down their cheeks, with their black leatherette trousers and spiderweb blouses. Gawd bless 'em, that is commitment.
One of the highlights of my day is the fact that the big goth club I used to make fun of people for going to is now the Starbucks where I get my Latte's
Peachy, my former web designers were Goth people from Austin who took a two week trip to London to stay with Goth friends and "do" the London goth scene. You'd have thought they were going to Mecca. They had a great time, from what I understood.