Good Morning, Literotica!!!

Luscious Lioness said:
I haven't done that in ages!

I"m in super good spirits this morning... even posting half clothed. ;)

What are you going to do today? I'm working as usual. Anyone else?

It is Friday! WOO HOO!

I know I'm a little too exicted. TOO much coffee. :D

Good morning! :)

Fully clothed

Going to work

Friday :)
Luscious Lioness said:
I haven't done that in ages!

I"m in super good spirits this morning... even posting half clothed. ;)

What are you going to do today? I'm working as usual. Anyone else?

It is Friday! WOO HOO!

I know I'm a little too exicted. TOO much coffee. :D

Geez, how cool it is to see you so "up".;)

Lioness, I am freezing off everything I got. Still buried under 8.5" of snow, 10 degrees, rodes are frozen, my pipes (water, that is) are frozen, its about 50 degrees in here, kids are home from school again, it's my daughters birthday (6) and I'm in dire need of a trip to town or else birthday is a no go and food is too, for that matter. Frankly, I am a little stressed.

Yep, friday, great, wooiciclehoo.:)

You posting half clothed doesn't even inspire me. Dammit.

Have fun, I'll live vicariously through you.;)
Good morning! Listening to some really upbeat music here to wake me up! I have a lot to do this next week. I need to get all the kids stu ff packed!
Re: Re: Good Morning, Literotica!!!

intrigued said:
Geez, how cool it is to see you so "up".;)

Lioness, I am freezing off everything I got. Still buried under 8.5" of snow, 10 degrees, rodes are frozen, my pipes (water, that is) are frozen, its about 50 degrees in here, kids are home from school again, it's my daughters birthday (6) and I'm in dire need of a trip to town or else birthday is a no go and food is too, for that matter. Frankly, I am a little stressed.

Yep, friday, great, wooiciclehoo.:)

You posting half clothed doesn't even inspire me. Dammit.

Have fun, I'll live vicariously through you.;)

Happy Bday to your child! You guys could come here although it's 27 as I speak. No snow.
Luscious Lioness said:
I"m in super good spirits this morning... even posting half clothed. ;)

What are you going to do today?

Wishing you had a webcam.

Morning LL :)

I gotta work later as usual.....*sigh*
Lots of partying coming up next week though!
Good Morning LL!! Long time no see! :D Glad to see you in such good spirits. Work here too but got an old friend coming over for a visit tonight so I'm looking forward to that.
Re: Re: Re: Good Morning, Literotica!!!

Bluesboy2 said:
Happy Bday to your child! You guys could come here although it's 27 as I speak. No snow.

Will you come get me? I'm kinda trapped.

Thanks, (hi Trish!) I haven't reminded her that it's her birthday yet.:(
Good Morning!

It is good to see you back. I am working through hell for a while so Friday is a very good thing. We have just gone up on a new computer system that isn't very friendly.

Doubles the work load and I get over loaded. My mantra right now is "I will get through this, I will get through this. If it doesn't get better, my resume is all ready. I will get through this..."

Ugg. Spelling error.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Good Morning, Literotica!!!

intrigued said:
Will you come get me? I'm kinda trapped.

Thanks, (hi Trish!) I haven't reminded her that it's her birthday yet.:(

I would have to sell a guitar to do it, but you are worth it. Love the AV BTW. Such a pretty face.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Good Morning, Literotica!!!

Bluesboy2 said:
I would have to sell a guitar to do it, but you are worth it. Love the AV BTW. Such a pretty face.

Well damn. Thats a very nice thing to say.

We'll be fine, and I thank you.:rose:

Thank you funspirit, we'll have her birthday eventually.:)
Good morning, but am I confused or is P'Trish? I thought it was Intrigued's little one, not LL's.

These decongestants are seriously messing up my concentration.
LukkyKnight said:
Good morning, but am I confused or is P'Trish? I thought it was Intrigued's little one, not LL's.

These decongestants are seriously messing up my concentration.


I think I need little pills, too.
These aren't all that little, but they do something to my head...

Best to go nap awhile.

Good morning. Happy Birthday wishes to your little one Intrigued.

Welcome back LL. Nice to see you back.
LukkyKnight said:
These aren't all that little, but they do something to my head...

Best to go nap awhile.


I agree, I feel like pulling the covers over my head, and not peeking out again til Spring.

What does TTFN mean?

Thank you, LTGR. :rose:
Good morning all! Happy Friday too!

Intrigued - TTFN is Ta Ta For Now - as said by Tigger (of Winnie the Pooh)!

I'm working today, but don't mind it! Glad it's Friday though.
Secret Kate said:
Good morning all! Happy Friday too!

Intrigued - TTFN is Ta Ta For Now - as said by Tigger (of Winnie the Pooh)!

I'm working today, but don't mind it! Glad it's Friday though.

Judging by your AV I would have to say it's casual day where you work.
You are silly!!!! With as cold as it is - I have all that covered up now!

Edited: Cause I changed my av - see the jeans are covering my ass now Bluesboy!
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