Good God, the Whining!!!


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
You know, I'd like Al Gore a whole lot more if he'd stop whining.

He actually did lose the election two years ago. Supreme Court decisions aside, he didn't run a very good campaign. He did what the Democrats did in the last election and it cost him badly. He even failed to carry his home state and there really wasn't any good excuse for that.

This kind of behavior from him, as evidenced in the Walters inteview tonight was really infantile. If he's the best the Democrats will have to offer in 2004, then they're going to get their asses handed to them.

The shame is that the Democratic party has some truly good people, with compelling and debate-worthy ideas. They won't run those folks, though, for reasons I can't even begin to understand. Congressman Ford has some very intriguing ideas and I'd be willing to listen to him at length to hear what he has to say. I can't at all say the same of someone like Nancy Pelosi, whose rhetoric I've heard more than a gazillion times already. It's tired and it's not working nearly as well as it used to.

I'm afraid that it's going to be yet more of a Gore whine-fest in the next two years and I'm sorry for it. Democrats deserve an awful lot better.
Almost makes me wish I were registered to vote.


Not really.

Carry on.
There are really only four words as to why I'd never vote for Al Gore.

"Tipper Gore" and "Kyoto Protocol"

One of them almost cost musicians a great deal of first amendment liberty and the other one almost cost every American about 1200 a year in additional enery costs, over 2 million jobs a year, and absolutely no environmental impact. And this from his own administration's energy information agency.

Other than that, he's a great guy and I would have voted for him. He would have saved ANWR.
Cerberus666 said:
AL in 2004, jim.
please say it aint so

Oh it's absolutely plausible.

I'd almost say that the odds are even-money right now.

KM, I'd also add the words "Single payer System" to the list of words that scratch Gore off my list.
why can't the dems just admit that they lost and come up with some other way to take over the world? :rolleyes: enough already!!!!
JazzManJim said:
I'd also add the words "Single payer System" to the list of words that scratch Gore off my list.

Remove that
Remove Kyoto
Remove Tipper

You're still not voting for him.
KillerMuffin said:
There are really only four words as to why I'd never vote for Al Gore.

"Tipper Gore" and "Kyoto Protocol"

One of them almost cost musicians a great deal of first amendment liberty and the other one almost cost every American about 1200 a year in additional enery costs, over 2 million jobs a year, and absolutely no environmental impact. And this from his own administration's energy information agency.

Other than that, he's a great guy and I would have voted for him. He would have saved ANWR.
How can you oppose Kyoto but also oppose ANWR drilling? Good Christ on a popsicle stick, they're taking 3 square miles out of an area the size of South Carolina.

Spinaroonie said:
Funny on Letterman, but I wasn't paying full attention.

Joe Lieberman is the funniest politician ever....

Algore can live off his dividends from the internet he invented. :D
teddybear4play said:
How can you oppose Kyoto but also oppose ANWR drilling? Good Christ on a popsicle stick, they're taking 3 square miles out of an area the size of South Carolina.


Cause Kyoto will fuck the environment up much worse than not doing anything at all and ANWR is the only untouched habitable biome left in the world. Digging oil out of it isn't going to solve the problem, it's just going to postpone it for about ten years. Why dig when developing the tech to replace oil is just a few short instances of turning down oil company bribes away? Particularly when it's something that's got to happen anyway?

Stopping global warming is a total impossibility (we are in a period of anti-glaciation and there's just nothing humans can do to change that), instead we should be concerned with total pollution reduction and development of alternate fuel technology.