Going to the dentist makes me nervous


Kpop lover
Nov 7, 2005
Does it you? I'm always afraid they will come back saying, "Miss Pink, you have 10 cavities."

I drink......I wouldn't say a lot but I drink too much pop for my own good, I should cut down.

NOOOOOOO cavities for me, I am so happy but I did need a good cleaning.

My choppers are pearly white!
My dentist recently retired and I need to find a new one. The guy who took over his practice doesn't watch where he puts his stomach and it rubs up against my head. But in general I don't have any dentistry fears.
My dentist recently retired and I need to find a new one. The guy who took over his practice doesn't watch where he puts his stomach and it rubs up against my head. But in general I don't have any dentistry fears.

Don't know what's going on in your visits, but my dentist's belly is never around my head.
My dentist's office keeps a masseuse on staff, so every teeth cleaning (or more invasive procedure) is accompanied by a massage of my arms, shoulders, neck, and feet. They found it keeps patients from stressing out and gets procedures done faster. Plus I make sure i regularly schedule cleanings, as I know I'll be getting a free massage to boot.
No matter how much you hate it, just go. And floss everyday. Or else.

Don't know what's going on in your visits, but my dentist's belly is never around my head.

I had never had that experience either until this particular dentist worked on my teeth for the first time. I only put up with it a few times because I love my dental hygienist. But I've reached my limit.
Show me your teeth!

and yes, I have a silver cap on the left side there.
I had never had that experience either until this particular dentist worked on my teeth for the first time. I only put up with it a few times because I love my dental hygienist. But I've reached my limit.

Can't blame a dentist for trying to look down your shirt.


and yes, I have a silver cap on the left side there.

I like your bling.
I don't mind the dentist's drill so much when I can take out my teeth and hand them to her for adjustment.
My dentist's office keeps a masseuse on staff, so every teeth cleaning (or more invasive procedure) is accompanied by a massage of my arms, shoulders, neck, and feet. They found it keeps patients from stressing out and gets procedures done faster. Plus I make sure i regularly schedule cleanings, as I know I'll be getting a free massage to boot.

Mate, that is genius.
The other day, I got all stressed up for major stuff and then nothing happened, I go back in a few weeks.
I drink......I wouldn't say a lot but I drink too much pop for my own good, I should cut down.

You and me both, kid.

I got bad teeth and even worse gums. Sheer neglect. I don't floss, I don't go in for regular cleanings and check ups. Only for relief from whatever hurts at the moment. I usually brush in a hurry when I'm going somewhere.

I've had more root canals than I can count including two this summer with an extraction between them both, so that I now have a brand new three piece bridge; two crowns and a prosthetic tooth in the middle.

The true irony is that I am no longer afraid of the dentist because he has literally done almost everything to me that could be done. I was almost able to spell "apicoectomy" without looking it up.

As long as they get me numbed up good, they can butcher me like a hog for all I care. Thanks to anesthesia, there's not much to be nervous about.

Your commitment to preventative hygiene, however, is definitely the preferred way to go.
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You and me both, kid.

I got bad teeth and even worse gums. Sheer neglect. I don't floss, I don't go in for regular cleanings and check ups. Only for relief from whatever hurts at the moment. I usually brush in a hurry when I'm going somewhere.

I've had more root canals than I can count including two this summer with an extraction between them both, so that I now have a brand new three piece bridge; two crowns and a prosthetic tooth in the middle.

The true irony is that I am no longer afraid of the dentist because he has literally done almost everything to me that could be done. I was almost able to spell "apicoectomy" without looking it up.

I do go once a year for my check up and since I've been doing that, my teeth have improved greatly. My first visit was 5 cavities and 2 root canals. I was a mess. Since then, no cavities, just cleanings.
I try to take very good care of my teeth, but I cannot floss between my molars as they are just too tight together. The floss string and tape snap every time I try.
So, every 3 months I pop in and see my hygienist and she does it for me with an ultra-fine wire. There's never any food bits stuck in between them, again because they're so tight, but sometimes there's a bit of plaque.
I've had all my wisdom teeth out in the hope that my other teeth would move back, but that hasn't happened.
I also went and got my eyebrows waxed today. I figured why not get the whole shebang done.

It fucking hurt.
I also went and got my eyebrows waxed today. I figured why not get the whole shebang done.

It fucking hurt.

The few times I have had my eyebrows waxed, the end shape was all wrong.
Now I pluck them myself.
And you're right - it fucking hurts!

My new salon does the '7-minute Brazillian' which I haven't yet had the courage to try.
I'm a bit worried that it means they cover everything and kinda rip it all off in one go! :eek:
The few times I have had my eyebrows waxed, the end shape was all wrong.
Now I pluck them myself.
And you're right - it fucking hurts!

My new salon does the '7-minute Brazillian' which I haven't yet had the courage to try.
I'm a bit worried that it means they cover everything and kinda rip it all off in one go! :eek:

I would never do that in a million years. I will shave and shape till I die.
I also went and got my eyebrows waxed today. I figured why not get the whole shebang done.

It fucking hurt.

I'd like to tell you that you get used to it, but I still haven't after 4 years. However, I no longer have the patience to tweeze them myself, so I'll keep getting them waxed. Ibuprofen helps.

Ogg! How's it going, mate?

Better. I handed the grandchildren back at 6.30pm and we have a whole weekend to ourselves, having done the monthly shop this morning.

I can take my teeth out and have a cold beer.
I'd like to tell you that you get used to it, but I still haven't after 4 years. However, I no longer have the patience to tweeze them myself, so I'll keep getting them waxed. Ibuprofen helps.

It had been a while since getting them waxed. I had forgotten how painful it was. I walked out of there with my eyebrows ALL red.