God bless America.....and I am thankful for>?


Literotica Guru
Mar 16, 2002
I was on my way to work this am ........when I heard the news........I flashed back to the last shuttle accident......I was watching when that happened..........Sometimes I think we take things for granted.........I pray for the families that lost their loved ones today..........I am thankful that America is the land of the free ......that people care..love...we are still the home of the brave......cause they are the ones who gave their lives up this am for us.............God bless America!!!! God bless all of those who have given for us.......for we recieve and are safe cause of them.......Please take a moment to pray or just say a word what ever your thing is.........BUT remember they died trying to make OUR world better for US............

Our father who art in heaven...
Thats exactly true hun just as our beloved service men and women will be puttting their very own lives on the line also.. Please remember to tell the ones you love how much you care , you never know when you may not have them anymore...Allahu' akbar:rose: love and prayers to all .. thank you God for my family , my 4 beautiful children , my health , a free country , my wonderful friends and the blessed man I love..:heart: :heart:
I too was watching the last space shuttle 17 yrs ago with my middle son....we sat there in astonishment....not believing our eyes.....and then when the twin towers were blown up....it brought the terrible fact home to us....that we are not invinsible.......the terror the loss of lives that day were overwhelming.....the Oklahoma bombing.....the list goes on and on....we all take for granted that we can't be touched by these things...but one tiny moment changes lives forever......again I say.....we all need to send up a prayer for the families and not take for granted what we have......be grateful for all we do have....Amen.....
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~Dream~ said:
Thats exactly true hun just as our beloved service men and women will be puttting their very own lives on the line also.. Please remember to tell the ones you love how much you care , you never know when you may not have them anymore...Allahu' akbar:rose: love and prayers to all .. thank you God for my family , my 4 beautiful children , my health , a free country , my wonderful friends and the blessed man I love..:heart: :heart:

Thank You dream oh so true and to the other ones who have looked at this thread but didnt post...........I am sorry if you dont sleep well tonight.....think of those families whos husbands.....and the children who DONT have a father or mother anymore......yet you go on posting here......and cant just say a small prayer or whatever for them.................I am sorry but lets get real here.........7 families were touched by death today......do you know what that feels like.......I do......I lost my mother in sept...my sister 20 years ago and my brother 7 years ago...........so be thankful for what you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the people that we lost today
our prayers they go to you
it seemed like such a simple thing
space and the the things you do

now families left behind are hurt
some lost a mom or Dad
its no longer quites so simple
and America is sad

please know your mark is on our hearts
we'll feel it everyday
may you find that blessed rest and peace
From God who leads the way ...
~Dream~ said:
the people that we lost today
our prayers they go to you
it seemed like such a simple thing
space and the the things you do

now families left behind are hurt
some lost a mom or Dad
its no longer quites so simple
and America is sad

please know your mark is on our hearts
we'll feel it everyday
may you find that blessed rest and peace
From God who leads the way ...

holds dreams hand as they say a prayer for the families.....plus the rest of us........thank you.....
Windycityman...you started a pray and I wish to finish it...

Our father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

:rose: Peace be with them and their families:rose:
1sexylady said:
Windycityman...you started a pray and I wish to finish it...

Our father who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

:rose: Peace be with them and their families:rose:

Thank you sexylady.......i finished it myself.......but didnt post it.....I thought about what happened alot today before I came here to make this thread....now......I am going to give up some secrets...........my backround for many years was in the funeral & cemetery industry.......but I quit cause the emotions caught up with me........death is ugly.....especially when your so close......to being home........minutes.....i guess sometimes minutes is all it takes.......for some reason this struck home with me....with all this nation has going on.......this was the last thing we needed......but Gods speed and prayers will heal us........thank you for posting sexylady..........

I rather wondered...either that or in the ministry.....I know about losing people too...in my ex's family he lost 2 sister's both at 40 from cancer....2 niece's....nephew...brother in law.... one niece at 19 in a train accident....and I lost my father in 45 minutes....he had surgery came thru fine...I wne t home and his heart ruptured....and my son never forgave himself because he didnt get to say goodbye...that's why I tell them all......don't wait till someone is gone to tell them you love them:kiss:
wildrose70 said:
I rather wondered...either that or in the ministry.....I know about losing people too...in my ex's family he lost 2 sister's both at 40 from cancer....2 niece's....nephew...brother in law.... one niece at 19 in a train accident....and I lost my father in 45 minutes....he had surgery came thru fine...I wne t home and his heart ruptured....and my son never forgave himself because he didnt get to say goodbye...that's why I tell them all......don't wait till someone is gone to tell them you love them:kiss:

so true rose......he has that book with our names in it.......but he doesnt share the date next to our name.......and we sometimes wonder.......why...........maybe someday we will find out.........
Thank you for the bravery and unwavering dedication of the astronauts and ground personnel of NASA. Prayers to the American and Israeli space personnel who so tragically perished today. It brought the other shuttle disaster back to memory in a heartbeat. Thanks for my valued freedom that our troops and government fight for every day! I am especially thankful that we live in America...free to express our opinions (whether we agree or not), free to move about the country without intervention, and able to have the choices that so many do not have the luxury of having around the world. AA
Every day...I wonder why I got to live so many years...a few yrs ago I was moaning becuse of my age and a very good friend of mine said.....well what's the alternative...now I wear my age with pride...and thank God everyday for letting me stay...I need to be here for all the family:rose:
windycityman said:
Thank you sexylady.......i finished it myself.......but didnt post it.....I thought about what happened alot today before I came here to make this thread....now......I am going to give up some secrets...........my backround for many years was in the funeral & cemetery industry.......but I quit cause the emotions caught up with me........death is ugly.....especially when your so close......to being home........minutes.....i guess sometimes minutes is all it takes.......for some reason this struck home with me....with all this nation has going on.......this was the last thing we needed......but Gods speed and prayers will heal us........thank you for posting sexylady..........


I believe this and I could be wrong but it is how *I* feel.

When we are born the day of our death is already determined. So whether we are in the air, on the ground, in a car or just sleeping, it doesn't matter. What matters is what we did during our time on this earth. Sometimes death can be ugly but sometimes it can be a blessing too. I don't want to get too deep here but I try to treat others as I want to be treated. I feel we are going to war soon and I am scared. I am scared for my children and their futures. I teach them the same thing my mom taught me *smile at everyone and be kind, sometimes they smile back and are kind.* :) I live in New Jersey windycityman and 911 was my eye opener. I still smile and try to be kind........;)
1sexylady said:
I believe this and I could be wrong but it is how *I* feel.

When we are born the day of our death is already determined. So whether we are in the air, on the ground, in a car or just sleeping, it doesn't matter. What matters is what we did during our time on this earth. Sometimes death can be ugly but sometimes it can be a blessing too. I don't want to get too deep here but I try to treat others as I want to be treated. I feel we are going to war soon and I am scared. I am scared for my children and their futures. I teach them the same thing my mom taught me *smile at everyone and be kind, sometimes they smile back and are kind.* :) I live in New Jersey windycityman and 911 was my eye opener. I still smile and try to be kind........;)

Your truly right.....the day is determined.......and yes.......I have a framed poster in my bedroom ......that reads.......In a hundred years from now .......it wont matter the car i drove......the house i lived in or how much money i had..........But what will matter is that i touched the life of a child.......and the is a little boy looking out in the ocean.....Everyday is an eye opener.........each day we take the chance of not finishing that day.....yes your wisdom is to be adorded.....kindness is wonderful......smiles are needed each day.......I am scared too........but what i am scared for is the people who will be hurt and not know why or how..........the people who......will die for use without even knowing us......the ones who will die just because........ the inocent.......but war is war.......it holds no shame.......it goes on.....sometimes people die for the rest who will live.........I am sadden for this tragic loss..........like i said......so close.....and then gone......but thats how death is.....striking with out cause........

<wipes the tear away from his eyes.......> thank you for expressing how you feel.........some cant do that.......

1sexylady said:
I believe this and I could be wrong but it is how *I* feel.

When we are born the day of our death is already determined. So whether we are in the air, on the ground, in a car or just sleeping, it doesn't matter. What matters is what we did during our time on this earth. Sometimes death can be ugly but sometimes it can be a blessing too. I don't want to get too deep here but I try to treat others as I want to be treated. I feel we are going to war soon and I am scared. I am scared for my children and their futures. I teach them the same thing my mom taught me *smile at everyone and be kind, sometimes they smile back and are kind.* :) I live in New Jersey windycityman and 911 was my eye opener. I still smile and try to be kind........;)

Your truly right.....the day is determined.......and yes.......I have a framed poster in my bedroom ......that reads.......In a hundred years from now .......it wont matter the car i drove......the house i lived in or how much money i had..........But what will matter is that i touched the life of a child.......and the is a little boy looking out in the ocean.....Everyday is an eye opener.........each day we take the chance of not finishing that day.....yes your wisdom is to be adorded.....kindness is wonderful......smiles are needed each day.......I am scared too........but what i am scared for is the people who will be hurt and not know why or how..........the people who......will die for use without even knowing us......the ones who will die just because........ the inocent.......but war is war.......it holds no shame.......it goes on.....sometimes people die for the rest who will live.........I am sadden for this tragic loss..........like i said......so close.....and then gone......but thats how death is.....striking with out cause........

<wipes the tear away from his eyes.......> thank you for expressing how you feel.........some cant do that.......

windycityman said:
Your truly right.....the day is determined.......and yes.......I have a framed poster in my bedroom ......that reads.......In a hundred years from now .......it wont matter the car i drove......the house i lived in or how much money i had..........But what will matter is that i touched the life of a child.......and the is a little boy looking out in the ocean.....Everyday is an eye opener.........each day we take the chance of not finishing that day.....yes your wisdom is to be adorded.....kindness is wonderful......smiles are needed each day.......I am scared too........but what i am scared for is the people who will be hurt and not know why or how..........the people who......will die for use without even knowing us......the ones who will die just because........ the inocent.......but war is war.......it holds no shame.......it goes on.....sometimes people die for the rest who will live.........I am sadden for this tragic loss..........like i said......so close.....and then gone......but thats how death is.....striking with out cause........

<wipes the tear away from his eyes.......> thank you for expressing how you feel.........some cant do that.......


Kissing away the tears from your eyes...it will be ok.:kiss: :heart: :rose:
My heart goes to the families of these astronauts. The families were arriving to greet their husbands or wifes, fathers or mother, sons or daughter or brother or sisyer, for their safe return back home.

I was watching it, after my daughter came in to tell me. The tears came to my eyes again, thinking about the love ones left behided. They were young, but death has no age to go or stop on.

May god watch over the families, for the pain they are feeling now. Give them the strength and love they will need from this day on.
:heart: :kiss: :heart:

Someone pointed out on the news, they should stay away from the C's naming the rockets.