Gloryhole Gals


Really Experienced
Mar 21, 2002
God Bless women who like are some.....

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a few to get the thread started!!!


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More !!!

Let me know if you like these...I think it is just such a hot subject!!

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A couple more for now!!

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Closer for requested!!!!!!!!

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cant say it looks exactly safe, but there is something about not seeing the person that makes it hot.

good pics.

Any of our beautiful Lit women stepped up to a Gloryhole?????? Love to hear about it!!!!!!
OK, I wasn't too sure what a 'Glory Hole' was until I looked at this.

1) Looks like a good way to commit suicide by AIDs

2) Not something I would EVER do


I will admit I've had fantasies similar to this, either being 'forced' to do what these girls are doing or being exposed for men to do what they want with me. Sexy fantasy, but a fantasy only.
Cool thread :)
Check out stories by Linda Jean, she likes to write about this.
there is nothing better than a woman sucking your dick and then sucking down the cum.
anne 100%

fantasy 100%-unsafe exactly the same ratio- uz men love the idea of the cock loving, sucking, slut ( Do they have to be a women?) but how many would actually stick their dick thru a hole?
As a man -bi- who has, in his teens, worked cottages, it seems to have lost it's appeal for many- in a not disimilar to the ways I lost my co workers- and lets face it- or suck it- for 8 Euros a go it was not a job on the move- unless u sucked without a rubber- going rate 15 euro- then it was straight to a hospital bed
sorry guys to be a bit of a hard ass but why can't we see hard core porn with well wrapped cocks- and cunts- why does flesh on flesh seem to be where it is at?- let's get real-wrapping up duz not mean comming just means comin inside a rubber-inside the ass of the chicken of the fish that buggered the kangaroo that... (Well you get the point I think?)
Enough with the nay sayers

This is supposed to be fun and lots of fantasy too...

If it were real all the time, we wouldn't be on this damn computer!!!!!!!

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a few more


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more good stuff

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Are these pics copyrighted or did you take them yourself, Lookin?
nay to the naysayers

Excellent thread, lookinforfun! Very hot subject, and I agree, no need to critcize the subject matter here, we're just lookin! In real encounters, safety is important (goes without saying, but I said it anyway), but this is all fantasy, so let's have some more!

I'd post a few myself, but don't have any 1st-hand experience, and don't want to post any copyrighted images, despite being able to get my hands on many... sorry.

I've fantasized many times about being on either the giving or receiving end of a glory hole, I think the mystery of it is very exciting! And that black guy's cock in the last two is incredible! I'd also love to watch a woman take it through the glory hole, that blond in the first pic or two is so hot!

Keep 'em cummin!
thought I post this one

this girl is doing the right thing, now if she swallows

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