the mean part of me wants to mock him for being a part of the music hating piece of pop culture trash, but the nice part feels sympathy with him over his substance abuse issues. all in all it's a push.
but i seriously hate glee. just not enough to be happy over someone who was probably at least decent dying in their early 30's.
but, yeah, obviously enough to feel the need to mention said hatred in a thread about his death. i guess i'm kind of a bitch.
I really enjoyed Glee's first 2 seasons. Then, not so much. But Cory did seem like a really nice guy. He and Lea Michele made a sweet couple, and I can't imagine her pain. He also seemed like he had his shit together. I was surprised to hear that he had a drug problem, but I thought it was great that he was getting help and seemed to have a solid support system. He never made any of those headlines that you associate with "troubled" actors.