Give Us A Weather Report for Where You Are



It can be where you live, where you're traveling on vacation, or business or possibly visiting other Litsters. :D I'll start....

Mid Atlantic USA. We are into our typical mid-summer weather pattern. High temperature is expected to be in the low to mid 90's F, humid, with a chance of thunderstorms. People around here joke that weather forecasters could give that exact same forecast every day in July and August. And they pretty much do.

At 6:15 AM, it's 71 degrees F.

(O God - wrong sort of wether, huh?)
According to my weather bug it's mostly cloudy with a 50% chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the lower 90's. Southeast winds 5 to 10 mph. The current temp is 77 degrees. :D
73 now and cloudy. 91 is the forecasted high for the day. If it stays as cloudy as it is right now, it won't make 91. Just my opinion.:D
It's beautiful today, unlike yesterday, the sun has managed to burn off the low cloud, the sky is azulean and the temperature a comfortable 23 or so...perfect:D
72 degree's high 81 ......85% humidity 50% chance for storms...

got to be the only job in the world where you can be a bit off and or wrong and still keep your job.
I seem to have brought the rain with me from SC to NH... 70's, drizzly, overcast, kinda humid... going to rain again this afternoon/evening...
82° F, partly cloudy, and humid enough to where I could make a pot of rice just by leaving it on the front porch.
thunderstorms are moving in right now...might get a doozy soon, the sky is very black. but it is humid and temp is in the high 80's
A rainy start to the day.....It's upping the humidity, if that's possible. :D

I have tickets to the baseball game tonight, so I'm pulling for the rain going away.
Mid Atlantic USA - 71 degrees F currently, sun is breaking through the clouds that were here all day yesterday, dropping several inches of rain on us. Nice of the clouds to leave for the weekend. :D Gonna be a hot one though. 86 predicted high. But it is July in the Northern hemisphere, right?
71 with rain, rain and more rain. It's drowning my tomatos grrrrrrr
In the Great state of Tennessee it is currently 66 degrees and Sunny with blue skys and a High of 84 degrees