Girls who appear Untouchable that are truly shallow


Sep 18, 2012
that might as well have a tattoo on their head saying Golddiggers.

Where can you find the most of these types in USA?
that might as well have a tattoo on their head saying Golddiggers.

Where can you find the most of these types in USA?

I have a feeling you find them everywhere.

It's called projecting your own insecurities onto others. :cool:
that might as well have a tattoo on their head saying Golddiggers.

Where can you find the most of these types in USA?

LOL anywhere....

Dude I'm a fucking hideous, broke ass, fat piece of shit....99% chance ONE of the thousands of "Untouchable shallow gold diggers" will get drunk, or drunk enough...and say yes.

If that fails I have the finest weed.....girls love weed.

hollywood, CALI.

NYC....:cool: place is a cesspool of douchery rivaled only by the likes of LA, Miami and Dallas.

All the guys are fucking meto fruits or poser macho fag's with their "Affliction" shirt, fauxhawk, and 500 dollar jeans with rinestones....

IDK Miami might be worse.....LA...ehhhh maybe....Dallas? Big D is the undisputed king of douchefagotry.
Don't criticize chicks in any way, ever, or you will hear the wrath of BBS. All females are perfect in everyway, don't you know? Well, except for the conservative ones, they are traitors to the feminist cause, lol.
Don't criticize chicks in any way, ever, or you will hear the wrath of BBS. All females are perfect in everyway, don't you know? Well, except for the conservative ones, they are traitors to the feminist cause, lol.

so you think it's okay to be a douche to women, and then blame them for your behaviour?

yeah, great mystery why you're single
here's a tip, stop being a douche and you might have women start to be interested in your personality

persoality does not interest me...i am all about wealth and power and look for someone who is truly shallow with supermodel looks

she should be shallow just like me and not go for personality either
persoality does not interest me...i am all about wealth and power and look for someone who is truly shallow with supermodel looks

she should be shallow just like me and not go for personality either

Can you clear something up for me? Do you provide the wealth and power or the supermodel looks? I mean, what do you bring to the table in all this?
LOL anywhere....

Dude I'm a fucking hideous, broke ass, fat piece of shit....99% chance ONE of the thousands of "Untouchable shallow gold diggers" will get drunk, or drunk enough...and say yes.

If that fails I have the finest weed.....girls love weed.

NYC....:cool: place is a cesspool of douchery rivaled only by the likes of LA, Miami and Dallas.

All the guys are fucking meto fruits or poser macho fag's with their "Affliction" shirt, fauxhawk, and 500 dollar jeans with rinestones....

IDK Miami might be worse.....LA...ehhhh maybe....Dallas? Big D is the undisputed king of douchefagotry.

same here, except i'm not fat. i tend to scare women. have this bad boy biker aka pirate thing going on. a lot of women now, due to tv, seem to want some dude who has money and metrosexual (aka wannabe homo). i think gold diggers are everywhere.