Getting Naked to Prove a Point?

A Desert Rose

Simply Charming Elsewhere
Aug 16, 2002
Redwave? where are you?

These goofballs got naked to make a point about cutting down redwoods...... They say the did it "to draw media attention" to their cause.

What I see is a bunch of ugly, naked nutballs...... Golly, if I looked like that naked.....

Well, I bet those ladies went shopping at Victoria's Secret before this little gala began.

Yea, they have won me over... ~laughing~
Sorry,I didnt have anything to add.

But I didnt want it to fall down the boards either. ;)
You are a doll baby.... and I will say so all over the place ~smiling~

Point is this: There is no winning people over to a cause by getting naked or doing any other public acts of goofiness.

You just simply make yourself and your cause look silly and certainly something not to be taken seriously by THINKING human beings.

I was wondering if REDWAVE was among the naked and the arrested.