Getting cable Thursday


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
And my family comes puffing into 2001. Who knows, maybe soon will get a DVD player. Well, in three or four years.
Oh, nevermind then. I thought you were going to pollute your mind with Nick at night.
TWB said:
Oh, nevermind then. I thought you were going to pollute your mind with Nick at night.

No, I pollute my mind with TV Land.

*humming Batman theme*
Me too. I just thought if you didn't have cable, you didn't have to know about TVland mindrot.
Adult channels are illegal in my state, so I am never going to be fully satisfied with my TV options anyway.
I had satelite tv hooked up a couple of weeks ago and decided to go with satelite internet also.. ugh that needs some serious work.. so I'm back on dial up until Tuesday.. when my dsl will be hooked up.

I refuse to give our cable company any money.. so I'm avoiding cable internet.
Sillyman said:
Adult channels are illegal in my state, so I am never going to be fully satisfied with my TV options anyway.

We can even get those in SC..which I thought was the hub of Bible belt / crypto-Victorian moral standards. Of course, we do not even have dry-counties anymore (Thank you God).... and some even allow drinks on Sunday (yeah).

Maybe I need to re-evaluate this state.

Of course, we still fly the Confederate flag at the State House, just not on the dome :)
TWB said:
Me too. I just thought if you didn't have cable, you didn't have to know about TVland mindrot.

Let's all sing the Mary Tyler Moore theme song!! LOL

I know what you mean. Great point :)

"Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take a nothing day
And suddenly make it all seem worth while
Well its you girl and you should know it
With each glance and every little movement you show it..." :D

(I did not actually type that LOL)
LordLucan74 said:

We can even get those in SC..which I thought was the hub of Bible belt / crypto-Victorian moral standards. Of course, we do not even have dry-counties anymore (Thank you God).... and some even allow drinks on Sunday (yeah).

Maybe I need to re-evaluate this state.

Of course, we still fly the Confederate flag at the State House, just not on the dome :)

Let's see...

One of our recent political debates has been a virulent argument over the lottery. The money would fund our incredibly crapulent schools, but that would be gamblin...

We still have multiple dry counties. I lived in one.

Alchohol is illegal to purchase on Sunday.

Adult channels are illegal...

One of our recent debates in the state congress was over whether or not sex toys should be illegal...

One of our judges came out and boldly stated that homosexuality as a lifestyle was evil, sinful and against Jesus...

Same judge wants the ten commandments in the Courthouse. Not just the ten commandments either, but a 24-foot high stone replica.
Sillyman said:

Let's see...

One of our recent political debates has been a virulent argument over the lottery. The money would fund our incredibly crapulent schools, but that would be gamblin...

We still have multiple dry counties. I lived in one.

Alchohol is illegal to purchase on Sunday.

Adult channels are illegal...

One of our recent debates in the state congress was over whether or not sex toys should be illegal...

One of our judges came out and boldly stated that homosexuality as a lifestyle was evil, sinful and against Jesus...

Same judge wants the ten commandments in the Courthouse. Not just the ten commandments either, but a 24-foot high stone replica.

I feel your pain...

Basically you live in SC circa 1980.

Even Moses did not have 24 ft high 10 Commandments!!! Please...

We just had the great Lottery won when put to the people. Now, we are debating "the big games" like Power-ball....

I report, since the lottery, there has been no discernable increase in organized crime.

Still, we have homemade booze and ridiculous people who persist in dressing in linen and setting crosses on fire.

Praise the Lord!

I love Jesus too....But all fanaticism is bad. Jesus did not like zealots. And he liked wine :)