Sorry to say this, but my government was wrong.
Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, head of the German government, and Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer made probably the worst move in international diplomacy in the post WWII aera.
They claimed they'd vote "No" in the UN Security Council long before the deadline of resolution 1441 was ever close.
This took the pressure a little bit off of Saddam Hussein and made the entire complicated procedure of international diplomatic efforts to discipline Iraq's regime more than just questionable.
The current President of the United States of America is a sabre rattling cowboy who only wanted to finish his Daddy's open account with Iraq's dictator just because it's all about oil ???
BS !! Plain and simple bullshit !!
And even if we'd assume GWB was that stupid,
fact is Iraq is guilty for not following UN Security Council's resolution 1441 (2002), adopted by the Security Council at its 4644th meeting on 11/8/02,
and fact is Iraq is guilty for not following several UN Security Council's resolutions adopted before the above mentioned,
fact is also that Iraq didn't and still doesn't cooperate in the mannor, res 1441 and others before told them to.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that Saddam Hussein is a direct threat to homeland USA, but he is an indirect threat by supporting international terrorism, even if it wasn't Al Qaida directly.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't really impressed by what Collin Powell had to show the world as "evidence". But what did we expect ?
A pic showing Hussein, who's giving Ossma Bin Laden a BTR full of AK47 and an envelope full of Benjamin Franklins ?
A list of adresses and telephone numbers of shelters, where they're hiding SCUD warheads full of anthrax ?
A voucher for Bagdhads first gay strip club ? Come on !
My point ?
I truly believe that war is the last option, but how long does it take to see that Saddam Hussein was, is and probably always will be playing tricks, holding back demanded informations, and furthermore was, is, and probably always will be a threat for the entire region, that is, was and probably always will be a gunpowder barrel ?
GWB was clever enough to make it an international thing with UN SC backup and not just a Bush sr./jr vs Hussein showdown at high noon.
But the German Government fucked it up, making the SC and its decisions look like a WWF franchise, where the final result is clear even before the session begins.
No, wait, you've already known that before.
So thanks for making us Germans look like cowards, Mr Schröder.
And just because Jaques Chirac is your new friend, doesn't make it any better. He'll kick your ass sooner as you'll notice it.
May God bless you and your families.
May God bless those who'll fight this war for us.
Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, head of the German government, and Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer made probably the worst move in international diplomacy in the post WWII aera.
They claimed they'd vote "No" in the UN Security Council long before the deadline of resolution 1441 was ever close.
This took the pressure a little bit off of Saddam Hussein and made the entire complicated procedure of international diplomatic efforts to discipline Iraq's regime more than just questionable.
The current President of the United States of America is a sabre rattling cowboy who only wanted to finish his Daddy's open account with Iraq's dictator just because it's all about oil ???
BS !! Plain and simple bullshit !!
And even if we'd assume GWB was that stupid,
fact is Iraq is guilty for not following UN Security Council's resolution 1441 (2002), adopted by the Security Council at its 4644th meeting on 11/8/02,
and fact is Iraq is guilty for not following several UN Security Council's resolutions adopted before the above mentioned,
fact is also that Iraq didn't and still doesn't cooperate in the mannor, res 1441 and others before told them to.
Don't get me wrong, I don't believe that Saddam Hussein is a direct threat to homeland USA, but he is an indirect threat by supporting international terrorism, even if it wasn't Al Qaida directly.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't really impressed by what Collin Powell had to show the world as "evidence". But what did we expect ?
A pic showing Hussein, who's giving Ossma Bin Laden a BTR full of AK47 and an envelope full of Benjamin Franklins ?
A list of adresses and telephone numbers of shelters, where they're hiding SCUD warheads full of anthrax ?
A voucher for Bagdhads first gay strip club ? Come on !
My point ?
I truly believe that war is the last option, but how long does it take to see that Saddam Hussein was, is and probably always will be playing tricks, holding back demanded informations, and furthermore was, is, and probably always will be a threat for the entire region, that is, was and probably always will be a gunpowder barrel ?
GWB was clever enough to make it an international thing with UN SC backup and not just a Bush sr./jr vs Hussein showdown at high noon.
But the German Government fucked it up, making the SC and its decisions look like a WWF franchise, where the final result is clear even before the session begins.
No, wait, you've already known that before.
So thanks for making us Germans look like cowards, Mr Schröder.
And just because Jaques Chirac is your new friend, doesn't make it any better. He'll kick your ass sooner as you'll notice it.
May God bless you and your families.
May God bless those who'll fight this war for us.