GB Drinking Game

Rimmy needs an emoticon intervention :mad:

4 smileys and no words in a post. Tsk tsk.
I think we both know the answer to that question.

Hey Smiley. I'm gonna be crashing at your place for a few days.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too! We milk the cow at 4:30 am. Bring your own stool.

And by "stool" I mean something on which to sit whilst milking said cow.

And by "cow" I mean dachshund.

A male dachshund.
Rimmy needs an emoticon intervention :mad:

4 smileys and no words in a post. Tsk tsk.
If it's good enough for the Jadge then it's good enough for me.:mad:
Nice to meet you too! We milk the cow at 4:30 am. Bring your own stool.

And by "stool" I mean something on which to sit whilst milking said cow.

And by "cow" I mean dachshund.

A male dachshund.
Sounds creamy. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.
That was too funny! Great minds think alike.

Your song titles are killing me.

I think I'll buy Garnate a Nickelback CD for her bday.

I was hoping that if I left bruises on you it would be from kinky time. Looks like plans have changed. *Cracks knuckles*

I'll take her Photograph and sing her a Lullaby.

Garnate, seriously, This is How You Remind Me of our friendship!??

Shiva H Vishnu!!! Are you fucking kidding me with this? How can you write that in good conscience?