Gangs of New York


Apr 18, 2001
just got back from seeing this film with my sicko girlfriend ... i really loved it not only was it an interesting story with good acting and levels of action it really showed a part of history that i don't think many american's let alone english people would know perhaps as well as we should ... i do wonder how true to history the film is knowing scorsese it probably is pretty close i must admit the film surprised me some because i didn't think it would be quite so good

daniel day lewis was excellent in it bringing a real memorable character to the screen that i don't think people will be forgetting for a while ... and he's not just an evil bad guy he's a real person i think he should win an oscar for the film

anyway has anyone else seen it yet ?

(even leo wasn't tooo bad :))
I'd have waited the director's cut which was over four hours.

The one out now is cut-up so many times to please the studio I'd be surprised it made any sense.
Havent seen it yet. But I hear good good things about it all the time.
4laterer said:
It looks shit, but I'll go and see it for Scorscese

sexy, WHY was it good except for the history

well it recreates new york of 1847 very faithfully all the slang and buildings seem well researched

there's a good deal of violence and blood in the film that almost force you to turn away but its all done with reason not just for the sake of it

bill the butcher (daniel day lewis) just makes it worth seeing alone he's amazing in it

but also the story shows new york as the melting pot before it became new york the city ... there are some hollywood moments but it does limit them to create a believable film/story rather then just a typical hollywood big film (its not titanic :))
london - south east

and yes i hate leo too and at times it was kinda hard to watch but only probably twice in the film does he get real bad

i haven't heard of either of those two films off hand but i'll look out for them

be careful with spoilers in this thread :) but the end made sense t me pretty much
I thought it was about as interesting as three hours of carnage. Other than that it was great.
Myst said:
I thought it was about as interesting as three hours of carnage. Other than that it was great.

well that was part of it yes :) but i thought there was more too it then just that ... maybe i was just in the right sort of mood to see the film

and thanks 4laterer although i quite enjoy living here as i was born here also :)
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Isn't Peckham a really shitty cheap part of the city?

i don't know i've never been there

i live further out so no i don't sound like jade thank god :)