Game changers

Jurassic Park. Both on visual effects in general and in dinosaurs in particular scientific "accuracy" (we can debate the size of several of the dinosaurs if you like later) we can pretty safely divide the cinematic world into before and after with Jurassic Park. It's was beautiful twenty years ago and it still stands up well and again that's when the general public realized T-Rexes don't drag their tails for cryin out loud.

Bram Stoker's Dracula: This is the man who codified vampires literally. Every single thing you think of when you think about vampires started with this man an his novel and without him we wouldn't have any of the stuff that has build upon his legacy.

Lord of the Rings: As a novel he's responsible more than any other invidual for codifying orcs, elves, dwarves and there general relationships with each other. As a movie series they proved that there is money to be made in that genre.
Stravinsky, Les Paul, Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Elvis, The Beatles, Nirvana
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