Fucked up feeling #581: Pulling away from the urinal too quickly...


the cool urinals are the ones that have motion sensors on them, when you step away, they flush automatically.
Re: Re: Fucked up feeling #581: Pulling away from the urinal too quickly...

medjay said:
"No matter how much you shake, no matter how much you dance, the last two drops always go in your pants."

What if you dabbed it with a piece of tissue?
I don't use urinals. I always get the guy who wants to sell me on Scientology right as I'm trying to pass a kidney stone.

"You know, Dianetics really helped me overcome the problems I had in my life with the the delicate balance of salts and fluids in my kidneys..."
Re: Re: Re: Fucked up feeling #581: Pulling away from the urinal too quickly...

ksmybuttons said:
What if you dabbed it with a piece of tissue?

Then you get tissue stuck to your dick.
Re: Re: Re: Fucked up feeling #581: Pulling away from the urinal too quickly...

ksmybuttons said:
What if you dabbed it with a piece of tissue?

I heard Adam and Dr. Drew discussing this very topic on Loveline one night. Adam was of the opinion that any guy who dabs his dick with tissue is a homo. Dr. Drew said it's all about being sanitary and who can fault a guy for wanting clean drawers.

Personally, I like to use tissue but the roll is not necessarily handy when you're at a urinal. So into the pants it goes.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Fucked up feeling #581: Pulling away from the urinal too quickly...

Sillyman said:
Then you get tissue stuck to your dick.

posted by medjay
Personally, I like to use tissue but the roll is not necessarily handy when you're at a urinal. So into the pants it goes.

Excuses. I think guys just like that little wet spot.
Feeling 583

Fucked Up Feeling 583:

Was that fart unusually warm or was it ummm a little wet as well
It's gonna happen - let's face it.

A small price to pay for having few/no-lines to the bathroom. :cool:

Hoorah! :devil: We are men!
Frankly I think the speed provided by urinals is vastly exagerrated.
Agreed. One doesn't save any time pissing in a urinal than one would on the crapper. (Unless one likes to rest on the toilet - after all, relaxation is key). I do believe some time is saved in routine - some people seem to have routines in going to the toilet. But that's only a few seconds.

However, I think the urinals save space that is otherwise taken by the larger toilets. You can usually cram more urinals in a bathroom than toilets.

I could be wrong though - I usually am. I'm not a bathroom designer.
Shaq said:
men discuss.

It's that realisation that while you thought it was all out there was that one little squirt left, just waiting for the twist of the hips turning away before it flys loose.

Compounded by the fact you're wearing suede shoes... DAMMIT!