
Originally Posted by Farawyn View Post
He's a misogynistic, racist, spoiled, impulsive, tax evading, outsourcing, pussy grabbing, lying, cheating orange asshole.
He's not ever said he's going to change.
Why should he get the benefit of the doubt, or anything else from me?

This has nothing to do with some deep childish fear, save me the Pysch 101 bullshit, I took that class, too.Seriously. After the two-year racist, misogynistic "fuck you" bullyfest he just laid out, don't tell me to "give him a chance." He just had a years-long job interview where he shit on the conference room table and skullfuck-raped the kindly old cleaning woman - and still got the job. He promises to gut all US environmental policy. And the KKK is literally planning a victory parade in NC. The onus is all on Rich Biff, at least until Marty can go back and get that fucking Sports Almanac.


As for DS, I don't mean to be condescending by implying that you haven't looked into everything possible, but I haven't seen a reference to magnetic treatments. Forgive me if I missed that, and I do hope you can find a way to beat this monster.


Ok, I get that you're not happy. I get that you believe everything that mainstream media has hyped over the last 18 months.

The problem from my point of view (which you are dismissing completely in favor of your terrified hysteria) is that mainstream media has lied to you and you can't or won't see it.

Best example of this is that the liberal media is telling everyone that stop and frisk is unconsitutional. It's not. Never has been. The US Supreme Court has said it is LEGAL. Yet, the liberal media STILL says it's unconstituional. Because of some lame judge in a trial court in NYC. NYC doesn't make policy for the whole country - the SCOTUS does.

Yet for the liberal media this is a talking point because it promotes a specific agenda. Do you think they don't do the same in other areas too? Do you think that ANY media source isn't biased in some similar way?

Ok, that said, from there we head on out to the forest of misconceptions.

Trump = misogynist
Hillary = liar

Trump = Racist
Hillary = Corrupt

Etc etc etc. (I'm not going to list everything because there's not enough bandwidth in the universe to do that. And life is too short anyway.)

What I'm trying to point out is that NONE of that is proven. Yes, there were slanders and slurs and recordings and emails and all of that. But what we've been given is just a slice of the media feeding us stuff to promote THEIR AGENDA. It's all BS regardless of whose voice or computer or whatever is the source.

Does anyone believe that Hillary isn't shady in some way? Does anyone believe that Trump wouldn't say anything to anyone that makes him look sparkly and shiny at the moment?

Does that mean that either wouldn't make a good prez? (ie Hillary would be a better prez that the Donald or vice versa.) If you think so, how do you KNOW? Do you have a crystal ball? Do you have FACTS that support a specific future other than opinion and belief?

I didn't think so. I can't predict the future and I'm pretty sure you can't either. Niether of us can say that one or the other WILL be a bad prez. What I can do is have is optimism. I can hope that tomorrow will be better than today. I can work hard every day to try to make that happen. I'm sure, in your own way, that you do too.

Whining about Trump's victory in the election doesn't promote a better tomorrow. Protesting in the street doesn't promote a better tomorrow. Yelling at other forum members doesn't make ANYONE feel better. (In fact it can cause much hurtfulness and loss of a voice or 50).

But, you know what? I'm done with this attempting to calm the tempest. I'm not the forum king or a mod or the forum owner. I have a book to write and if you guys want to trash and dis and hurt each other over some STUPID ELECTION RESULT then go ahead.

Fuck this. ( <-- see I can TOO follow the thread rules. :p )

Hi Elle, have you gotten rid of Rosa and Luna's rainscald yet? I usually use a diluted bleach solution and curry curry curry.
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*hugs cookie tightly*

:heart: That feels good!

Fuck.....it's gonna be a long day today.

You're fucking telling me. I'm growing a kids birthday party today. Fuck.

Is being fucked a cure for the common cold? I fucking intend to find out!

Well fuck, everyone! Buck the fuck up. :) I got t-shirts for everyone:

Protesting in the street doesn't promote a better tomorrow.

That would depend on what one is protesting against or marching for. In many cases, it's exactly what has promoted a better fucking tomorrow.

You're certainly correct that there is no way to predict the future. However, when considering a candidate - and party - for office, the words of Maya Angelou come to mind:

"When someone shows you who they are, believe them."
Now we are fucking talking? Did anyone fuck last night?


But I just took my fucking fuck pills and if I can get a fucking hard-on in about two hours Wife and I are going to fuck until, well, who the fuck knows...


now, where the fuck did I put the damn dick pump and vibrator....


(Fucking when one gets older can be a fucking pain in the ....)

:nana::nana: (these two are an expression of hope)

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But I just took my fucking fuck pills and if I can get a fucking hard-on in about two hours Wife and I are going to fuck until, well, who the fuck knows...


now, where the fuck did I put the damn dick pump and vibrator....


(Fucking when one gets older can be a fucking pain in the ....)

:nana::nana: (these two are an expression of hope)


Fuck Shank you give me hope for the future. I hope we can still fuck when we're older, straight into our graves if I have any fucking say about it :)

But I just took my fucking fuck pills and if I can get a fucking hard-on in about two hours Wife and I are going to fuck until, well, who the fuck knows...

And you are sure you took the fucking sildenafil citrate and not the god damn fucking sodium picosulphate?

But I just took my fucking fuck pills and if I can get a fucking hard-on in about two hours Wife and I are going to fuck until, well, who the fuck knows...


now, where the fuck did I put the damn dick pump and vibrator....


(Fucking when one gets older can be a fucking pain in the ....)

:nana::nana: (these two are an expression of hope)


Fucking report requested. :rolleyes:
I can't believe that fucker had the nerve to contact me after all the months. To tell me sorry but he was not apologizing. What the fuck! You so can not male shit like him up. SMH maybe it's the tumor. Either way i hope he goes away perminatly. I have better friends in my life. I don't need fucktards like him mucking about.
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Best example of this is that the liberal media is telling everyone that stop and frisk is unconsitutional. It's not. Never has been. The US Supreme Court has said it is LEGAL. Yet, the liberal media STILL says it's unconstituional. Because of some lame judge in a trial court in NYC. NYC doesn't make policy for the whole country - the SCOTUS does.

SCOTUS has NEVER given carte blanche to stop-and-frisk. They have been clear that it is legal in some circumstances but unconstitutional in others.

The general principle, as established in Terry v. Ohio and refined in later cases, is that stop-and-frisk is legal when an officer has reasonable suspicion that a person is about to commit a crime and has reason to believe they may be armed and dangerous. Not just on a whim.

Re. that "lame judge" - and it's revealing when folk use terms of disability as an insult - her name is Shira Schiendlin. She ruled that stop-and-frisk as implemented by NYPD was unconstitutional.

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals removed her from the case because of issues with her conduct but explicitly stated that this didn't reflect on the merits of appeals against her ruling; they stayed her ruling pending appeal but refused to vacate it. In the end the appeals were dropped, so as far as I can see her ruling stands. (Though I'm having trouble tracking down some of the details on that one; feel free to provide links if I'm in error.)

What I'm trying to point out is that NONE of that is proven. Yes, there were slanders and slurs and recordings and emails and all of that. But what we've been given is just a slice of the media feeding us stuff to promote THEIR AGENDA. It's all BS regardless of whose voice or computer or whatever is the source.

Please clarify. Are you saying that it's BS that DT said, in interview, that he likes to "grab women by the pussy"? Or are you saying that it's BS to interpret that as misogyny?

Does anyone believe that Hillary isn't shady in some way? Does anyone believe that Trump wouldn't say anything to anyone that makes him look sparkly and shiny at the moment?

Does that mean that either wouldn't make a good prez? (ie Hillary would be a better prez that the Donald or vice versa.) If you think so, how do you KNOW? Do you have a crystal ball? Do you have FACTS that support a specific future other than opinion and belief?

Hi. Could you please post your full name, date of birth, and bank account/credit card details here on this forum?

If not, could you please provide FACTS to support the idea that they would be misused?

That's the absurd level of "benefit of the doubt" that you're asking us to apply here, when you suggest that we can't even judge candidates by their own published statements about their intentions.

I am beginning to doubt that there's ANY level of evidence that you would accept until after the damage is done, aka "too late to be useful".

I didn't think so. I can't predict the future and I'm pretty sure you can't either. Niether of us can say that one or the other WILL be a bad prez.

You are wrong. Watch me.

"Trump will be a bad prez."

There. Did it.

Whining about Trump's victory in the election doesn't promote a better tomorrow. Protesting in the street doesn't promote a better tomorrow. Yelling at other forum members doesn't make ANYONE feel better.

You are wrong. I don't normally enjoy yelling at people, but in this particular case, it makes me feel very slightly better.

I like to get along with people in this forum. But I also value the happiness of a lot of people who aren't in this forum, and I don't intend to downplay the dangers of this outcome for the sake of making nice here. I am not going to meet halfway with people who believe that a KKK-endorsed pussy-grabber should be treated as harmless.

Anybody wants to play "can't we all get along?" Go tell it to the guy who shouted "Kill Obama" during Trump's victory speech, the guy who threatened to set a woman on fire for wearing a hijab, the guys who've been doxxing journalists and posting threats to them, the UPenn students who added black classmates to a "Nigger Lynching" contact group. I could spend all day extending that list, but I've got work to do.

When you've convinced all those folk to be peace-loving cuddlebunnies, then by all means come back and tell me not to shout.
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Ok, I get that you're not happy. I get that you believe everything that mainstream media has hyped over the last 18 months.

The problem from my point of view (which you are dismissing completely in favor of your terrified hysteria) is that mainstream media has lied to you and you can't or won't see it.

Best example of this is that the liberal media is telling everyone that stop and frisk is unconsitutional. It's not. Never has been. The US Supreme Court has said it is LEGAL. Yet, the liberal media STILL says it's unconstituional. Because of some lame judge in a trial court in NYC. NYC doesn't make policy for the whole country - the SCOTUS does.

Yet for the liberal media this is a talking point because it promotes a specific agenda. Do you think they don't do the same in other areas too? Do you think that ANY media source isn't biased in some similar way?

Ok, that said, from there we head on out to the forest of misconceptions.

Trump = misogynist
Hillary = liar

Trump = Racist
Hillary = Corrupt

Etc etc etc. (I'm not going to list everything because there's not enough bandwidth in the universe to do that. And life is too short anyway.)

What I'm trying to point out is that NONE of that is proven. Yes, there were slanders and slurs and recordings and emails and all of that. But what we've been given is just a slice of the media feeding us stuff to promote THEIR AGENDA. It's all BS regardless of whose voice or computer or whatever is the source.

Does anyone believe that Hillary isn't shady in some way? Does anyone believe that Trump wouldn't say anything to anyone that makes him look sparkly and shiny at the moment?

Does that mean that either wouldn't make a good prez? (ie Hillary would be a better prez that the Donald or vice versa.) If you think so, how do you KNOW? Do you have a crystal ball? Do you have FACTS that support a specific future other than opinion and belief?

I didn't think so. I can't predict the future and I'm pretty sure you can't either. Niether of us can say that one or the other WILL be a bad prez. What I can do is have is optimism. I can hope that tomorrow will be better than today. I can work hard every day to try to make that happen. I'm sure, in your own way, that you do too.

Whining about Trump's victory in the election doesn't promote a better tomorrow. Protesting in the street doesn't promote a better tomorrow. Yelling at other forum members doesn't make ANYONE feel better. (In fact it can cause much hurtfulness and loss of a voice or 50).

But, you know what? I'm done with this attempting to calm the tempest. I'm not the forum king or a mod or the forum owner. I have a book to write and if you guys want to trash and dis and hurt each other over some STUPID ELECTION RESULT then go ahead.

Fuck this. ( <-- see I can TOO follow the thread rules. .

*points to your fucking signature and fucking smirks*

But I just took my fucking fuck pills and if I can get a fucking hard-on in about two hours Wife and I are going to fuck until, well, who the fuck knows...


now, where the fuck did I put the damn dick pump and vibrator....


(Fucking when one gets older can be a fucking pain in the ....)

:nana::nana: (these two are an expression of hope)


Well, fuck. Do we have to wait all fucking day to hear how it went? Or are you still fucking?
Fucking report requested. :rolleyes:

Well, fuck. Do we have to wait all fucking day to hear how it went? Or are you still fucking?

Well FUCK :D

Hard-on :nana: Check (Thanks pump & pills) (Fucking funny story to follow)

Wife = The Big O :catroar: Check

Me = The Big O :( Nope (vibrator just could not find that damned SPOT) (PS: Fuck You Cancer)

Overall Fuck rating 90% Damn Fine Fucking - So, what-the-fuck, an orgasm is just an orgasm.

Thanks folks for giving a fuck...
