Fuck off Laurel you fucking sack of Graves Disease ridden shit

vixenshe said:
fuck you

and your shit-spewing mouth
vixen, i would say fuck you, but i have standerds....i don't have sex with sperm whales with no class
Kay. Art's either a poor troll come back with a new name in search for a second chance or just a troll wanna-be looking for some space in troll filled forums.

Just for the record, Vixen, I'd fuck you. :) But I'd expect a blowjob and photograph too.
Sixth said:
Kay. Art's either a poor troll come back with a new name in search for a second chance or just a troll wanna-be looking for some space in troll filled forums.

Just for the record, Vixen, I'd fuck you. :) But I'd expect a blowjob and photograph too.


thanks, sixth... lol..