Fuck free speech, firefighters boo NY AG Lynch

In NYC the First Amendment does not extend to booing Democrats, only booing Republicans.

NYC’s ‘Fascist Pit Bulls’ Hunting Down Firefighters Who Booed AG Letitia James​


View Source | March 9, 2024 8:03 pm

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FDNY Commissioner Laura Kavanagh is hunting down smoke-eaters and other staffers who mercilessly booed New York Attorney General Letitia James – and cheered in support of Donald Trump – during a department promotion ceremony this week, The Post has learned.
Jeezus you people are touched in the head. A firefighter works for the CITY which is a GOVERNMENT. Because of that they work for EVERYONE. When they are out of uniform and off duty they can say anything they please, support anyone they want. BUT, when they are in uniform, on duty they represent the entire populous and not just one faction. Because of that, while in uniform, THEY DO NOT have the right to voice a political opinion, EVER!

I worked for a small city and worked under that same requirement and supported it. It wasn't my right, while at work, to express my opinions of a political nature.

There firefighters are being spoiled little children. So what comes next? If Lynch's house is on fire are they going to just let it burn because they think she's an asshole? They are government workers who work for ALL of us, even Lynch and need to act like adults, or face the consequences.

Politicians' praise for cops can backfire when cops kill. Firefighters and paramedics were generally safe to praise, until they started refusing totalitarian control of their lives.