

Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
Why not do this instead of telethons? It seems like a much more lucritive idea.

I'd give my money to watch people fuck, for charity.
I already do give my money to watch sex, but this way Jerry's kids can get money, and I can get off.
Starfish said:
Why not do this instead of telethons? It seems like a much more lucritive idea.

I'd give my money to watch people fuck, for charity.
I already do give my money to watch sex, but this way Jerry's kids can get money, and I can get off.

Brilliant idea, I like it , and I watch with you Fishy!
Starfish said:
Why not do this instead of telethons? It seems like a much more lucritive idea.

I'd give my money to watch people fuck, for charity.
I already do give my money to watch sex, but this way Jerry's kids can get money, and I can get off.

holy shit what a cool Idea

and if there were big name porn stars on the telathon think how much more money could be made a year
As the Grand Poomba would say....

Like lots of other commitees I make a motion for you to start the offical lit webcam club. Who wouldn't want more fish in their lives? I know I do....I love chicken of the sea...especially if it is yours....

:kiss: :rose:
So, you are the Blanche Devaraux telethon planner??

You rock, fishy! :kiss:
A Jack-A-Thon would be cool, too.....there could be lil neighborhood jack-a-thons.....to raise money....that'd be way fun....
Olivianna said:
What about a not-for-profit charity brothel?

Is that were a man goes to blow his money or where a woman goes to blow someone elses..
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Master Control said:

Is that were a man goes ot bow his money or where a woman goes to bloe someone elses..

Neither. It is where you learn to spell simple words and form a correct sentence.
Ginny said:
A Jack-A-Thon would be cool, too.....there could be lil neighborhood jack-a-thons.....to raise money....that'd be way fun....
I'm a professional at this. I don't do charities.
thats a good idea, but if jerry lewis is there then no one will wanna do it.
In 20 Years.....

Starfish, she was a visionary....Never has one individual given so much....The National Fuck-A-Thon is proud to have been able to provide visual stimulation, for going on 20 years now....

I remember our humble beginnings fondly...A ragged mattress tossed on the floor a vat of lube and line of virtual unknowns....They gave so readily of themselves....

Can it continue for another 20 years, only our fearless Fishie can keep it going....What would Fuck-A-Thon be without her???

And now a short message from one our sponsers......

We here at Lube-O-Rama have been involved since day one....We gladly look forward to another 20 years of irritation free penetration....Thank-you Fishie, without your vision Fuck-A-Thon would be red and irrtating.....:p
I have an ephinany

Though he isn't my favorite, I am sure the king of all media, Howard Stern would be a good backer for such a lewdly arousing affair. He definitely knows way more porn stars than any of us, however I do candidly recall meeting Tori Wells all doped up on smack, and getting my picture with her. Gee those where the days....sigh

May I work on the pledge line for the Fuck-A-Thon?

Do we take direct deposits?

Narcosis said:
thats a good idea, but if jerry lewis is there then no one will wanna do it.

On the other hand Narcosis...if your tongue was there.....I would be standin in line....:kiss:
Re: but.....

xx_La_Reina_xx said:

On the other hand Narcosis...if your tongue was there.....I would be standin in line....:kiss:

o0o in that case, im so there :p :devil: