Frumpled Knight in search of adventure



Hey everyone. Frumpled teacher type looking to unwind. Could use a little bit of adventure - written or otherwise. I am 32, slightly fuzzy (well trimmed beard and mustache), slim, outdoorsy. I share a pretty little Greek Revival home with a very dysfunctional cat.
I thought I was the only one with a dysfuntional cat. Mine is the size of small to medium size dog and has an attitude that won't quit.
Well, Tess is definately a pip. She acts the perfect little lady (only she waddles a bit.

Well, it sure seems like everyone is looking for something here. Any recommendations on how to get responses?

Re: hi

plaidpete said:
Well, it sure seems like everyone is looking for something here. Any recommendations on how to get responses?


I've not posted any of these, but wanted to wish you luck ;) And nothing wrong with scruffy or teacher types.
Thanks for the support. I don't mind being a scruffy teacher type.
Hello there!

A word ot the wise ;) I find that the best way to actually get ot interact with people here on literotica is to check out all the different boards here and post, post,post! I spend alot of my time in the playground, there are lots of fun threads there where you can get to know lots of different people!

you know...ALL cats are's part of why we love them...I'm on my third cat...all as different as night and day but all way weird! the dog is just as open and "normal" as can be...the cat is beyond eccentric!

I read your profile...all sounds the hiking and cafe sitting to watch people...and history was one of my fav's! You're actually the 2nd history teach I've met here! *smile*

I was under the impression that cats only tolerate you because you feed them. I have two cats....and the boys are always rolling each other like puppies.....never a dull moment!:kiss:
starting to figure all this out.

Well, everyone, thanks for all the great advice. I guess that I will slowly get involved. Its a funny thing, give me an auditorium full of fourth graders and I have no problem, put me semi-anonomous on the web and I am all self conscientious.

As an aside, my cat isn't talking to me today, I think that it is because I am busy sanding and polyurethaning the back stairs - she hates noise.

What is it that women look for in a man?

i only have one thing to say about cats and it goes something like this:

Dogs have owners--cats have staff.

i am a cat lover and know this to be the truth. can't have one in the present circumstances but am looking forward to the day when i again can become the staff to a cat.
Look for in a man...

You know Pete,

Ask 2 women that question and you'll get 6 or 7 different replies!!! *smile*

I want it all...a friend, companion, lover, someone that makes me laugh, but not if I don't want to laugh! Someone atttractive...but not to another woman! Someone who thinks I'm gorgeous and is glad when other men find me so as well!
Someone who will talk to me, listen to me, be my intellectual equal most of the time, but sometimes be totally superior to me...and maybe sometimes even bow to my greater wisdom!
Someone who is strong enough to protect me, keep me safe, make me feel secure, shielded, cherished, and cared for...yet be able to accept all of that from me when the situation warrants it...

And if all of that isn't would help if he could read my mind! *grin*!!!!

I do understand the trepidation. some of these threads can be quite intimidating ;) So here are some of my favourite hang out spots,I know you'd get a very warm welcome at any of them! :D

Skylars desert palm inn

a very easy going thread where people talk about anything and everything!
Word Association

A game where you look at the last word posted (i.e cat) and you post the word that jumps into your head (ie dog) Very simple, great way to initiate contact!

Goofy Game

As you can guess this is another game, one person posts one word, the next posts two and on until you reach five, forming a coherent sentance.

Give'em a try! :D
Re: starting to figure all this out.

plaidpete said:
Well, everyone, thanks for all the great advice. I guess that I will slowly get involved. Its a funny thing, give me an auditorium full of fourth graders and I have no problem, put me semi-anonomous on the web and I am all self conscientious. .........
What is it that women look for in a man?

<Perks> Did you say scruffy teacher type???? Hold on, I'll get my coat. You sound quite delightful to me!!

BethAnne: actually, I think your rundown of what women want is just perfect... so that's two of us who want the same thing! :D

But really, Pete, you should perhaps concern yourself far more with what YOU want, not what women want. If you try to be what you think people want, you end up pleasing no one - and certainly not yourself.

I quite understand your selfconsciousness and I would like to make a different suggestion: Try the live chat.

It might seem intimidating at first, but if you leave the fastmoving Lounge (where you first come in) and move to Syd's Hot Tub or Stories & Authors, you will usually find friendly, open-minded regulars and plenty of people worth talking to and getting to know.

Welcome to Literotica :kiss:

Thanks for the recommendation (and the compliment). I'll give the live chat a try.
Hiya Pete

Just checking in to see how you're doing...finding any luck in the chat rooms? I've managed to meet some terrific people there..although the ones I've met since coming to the Boards have been a little more stimulating...I think because there's more time to get to know people...make a connection, you know?

Something to consider Pete...if you post to a thread where you already know someone they often will go out of their way to ease your entrance to the thread. That's happened to me a couple of times, and it helps take away that self-conscious feeling! After I've successfully posted I get more comfortable and other people respond to me, so my circle of friends grows larger...that's the point really...we all need friends, and to feel that we're accepted by others.

Join me on any of the threads I post to and you'll get that welcome Pete...

Happy Saturday, try not to upset the cat today! *grin* My big boy is stalking his prey right now...funny thing is that it's my dog he's stalking...and the cat is 14 pounds while the dog is 85 pounds! It's so cute to watch them play together *smile*
