Freya2 how was the Super Bowl?


Nibblin' On Sponge Cake
Feb 7, 2002
Did you have fun? Tell us all the details of your experience with males, beer and football, please?
Hey CL. Sorry I wasn't here when you posted this.

We had a pretty good time. My girl friend bailed on me, but I went to meet my guy anyways, and watched most of the game with him and his friend. We were at a Legion hall for most of it, then went to another bar to catch the last quarter,, and although I don't have a clue about anything to do with football, I had fun watching others get excited.

I did feel kinda bad for poor PC though, with his team getting trounced so badly. :)

And no, I didn't cook and serve beer to anyone.
Some were pretty cute. We watched the game on ABC, but I heard that the commercials that people had watching it on satellite were even better.