
LG...I didn't know you were up here, too!

Freya should be at school. <stern look>

She is taking a program to become a massage therapist and started a couple of weeks ago. She doesn't post until night now...usually anyways.
Yes Ma'am! I am. I'm in Ontario though.

And Freya snuck a "Hi LG" response in on my thread to Hans/Busybody so I thought I'd respond publicly and make her feel even more special ;)
HA. You have an ulterior motive, you figure you come here, give us
:kiss: :kiss: 's and we'll take you to William Shatner!!

You are deeeeeevious!:p
yep, gotta love those HOTTT canadian women!

(speaking as a canuck myself)
LadyGuinivere said:
HA. You have an ulterior motive, you figure you come here, give us
:kiss: :kiss: 's and we'll take you to William Shatner!!

You are deeeeeevious!:p

Evidently not too devious... Damn women with brains...
Ugh! I'm caught!

I have a horrendous cold today, and so I skipped classes and stayed home.

Hiya LG - what's new?
Eh...not too much, just gave up on trying to read what I've missed the last while :)

Hot bath, hot soup and a big fluffy pillow and comforter for you!

Must be the frigid temp's here. Oh wait, where are you?
LadyGuinivere said:
Eh...not too much, just gave up on trying to read what I've missed the last while :)

Hot bath, hot soup and a big fluffy pillow and comforter for you!

Must be the frigid temp's here. Oh wait, where are you?

Southern Ontario. It's blechy today - it's been snowing since yesterday. I am so ready for spring and summer.

It's impossible to catch up around here. I was away for a week, and didn't even bother trying it.

Hiya BB :kiss:

And Mia too.

What a BEAUTIFUL AV!!!!!!!!

You have such beautiful breasts.....Very very nice :kiss:
Freya2 said:
It's impossible to catch up around here. I was away for a week, and didn't even bother trying it.

Hiya BB :kiss:

And Mia too.

In a nutshell: Everyone still adores you. You are still super sexy. I am having a Jewsih wedding in Canada and you are invited.
You are now caught up.:kiss:
Oh sure, Bluesboy, suck up to Freya, you didn't tell ME that. BAH, it's a plot in the "Meet Bill" game. :(

Southern Ontario, me too! The big T.O.
Bluesboy2 said:
In a nutshell: Everyone still adores you. You are still super sexy. I am having a Jewsih wedding in Canada and you are invited.
You are now caught up.:kiss:

Nut! :eek:

Thanks BB...errr, the other BB. :)

LG - I'm like one hour from you, you know that?
LadyGuinivere said:
Oh sure, Bluesboy, suck up to Freya, you didn't tell ME that. BAH, it's a plot in the "Meet Bill" game. :(

Southern Ontario, me too! The big T.O.

I thought it was evident I still adored you. Everyone does. The whole reason I stopped by here is that 3 of my favorite Litsters were posting here.
Lady G

You see? Despite my seeming preoccupation with "War and Hate", I still recognize BEAUTY......such as Freya.....
LadyGuinivere said:
1 hour? Hmmm...east or west?

Peterborough? St. Catharines?

West - just past Hamilton.

Edited to add a hello to Sven, and to say that yes, Busybody is not a totally bad guy. I like him, I just ignore his postings on war etc.

mmmmmmmm nice tits you're sporting there....quite suckable......;)

hope you feel better....i've missed ya around here.....<leaving some Nyquil, chicken noodle soup and a sporty, zebra striped vibe>.....a lil buzzing might make ya feel better.....