Frenulum issue


Really Experienced
Aug 22, 2011
Hi all,

So Wednesday morning I was having sex with my gf. She was on top and a bit less lubricated than usual. In the middle there was a sharp pain around my penis head. We stopped and later that morning I was showering I noticed a bit of blood. I am uncircumcised and noticed that my frenulum (the piece of skin connecting the foreskin to the head) was red and had a small cut on it. It was not severed completely but there was a cut on it. The blood was not overwhelming, I would say it was similar to a papercut. Since Wednesday morning we have not had sex. I feel pain when I attempt to pull back my foreskin to look at the cut or try to clean it. My questions are:

1. What is the best way to have it heal quickly?

2. How long will this take to heal? I have read around the internet it should take about a week.

3. What should I do to clean my penis in the meantime? Should I gently pull back the foreskin despite the pain and wash with a rag gently? Warm salt water?

This has never happened to me before and I would appreciate any incite. I apologize if I have posted this in the wrong area
I had a small patch of damaged skin on my penis left a pea sized wound that I thought would never heal. Keeping it dry and letting air get to it were obvious remedies, but difficult to achieve. I finally used liquid styptic on it, and that did the trick.

Warm sea salt soaks are never a bad thing, and provide an opportunity for walking around with your dick in a coffee mug.:D
An antibiotic and mild numbing cream like neosporin is a good general choice for wounds which aren't possible to bandage, and also tissues which need to stretch, which requires moisture.