Free Writing Resources


Really Experienced
Jan 4, 2003
I'm not sure if any of you will be interested, but what the heck!

I found a site that has thousands of free writing resources. It's not an erotica writing site, but the free writing links that they do have there is enormous.

Anyway you can find them at and they cover pretty much all the other genres but erotica [I think they supply some of their resources to school kids, hence the non-adult content], however, if you're a writer or a wannabe and need to increase your skill sets, check them out. I've been using the place for about a month now and it's pretty decent.

Take care,
TerryKickstrom said:
I found a site that has thousands of free writing resources. It's not an erotica writing site, but the free writing links that they do have there is enormous.

Good sites for writing resources are always useful. I personally prefer Purdue University's Online Writing Lab or Trinity College's Writing Center.

The technical aspects of writing stories and story-telling tricks apply to any genre. (Good) Erotica actually deals with issues that require better descriptive skills than some other genres -- that doesn't mean that general writing skills aren't applicable, though.
Free Writing Resource Links Database


Thanks for the writing information on Trinity - didn't know about them. OWL at Purdue I knew about and is actually where I found that first writing resource web site I mentioned previously.

Whether the genre is erotica, which I find difficult at the moment to write, or something else, maybe Literotica should put together a top 20 list of writing resource links web sites.

I'm currently taking an erotica writing course by snail mail from Ottawa, Canada {go figure, eh? The most conservative city in my country <grin>} that I purchased from a writing school called "Quality Writing of Course". It's actually pretty good.

Have you written erotica?

Take care,
Re: Free Writing Resource Links Database

TerryKickstrom said:

Thanks for the writing information on Trinity - didn't know about them. OWL at Purdue I knew about and is actually where I found that first writing resource web site I mentioned previously.


Have you written erotica?

If you search with google or another search engine on "Online Writing Lab" or "Writing Center" you'll turn up several thousand other sites -- some commercial sites but mostly university sites like Purdue and TC's.

Yes. Some of it was even "good" erotica. :p

Lookfor stories here by Dirty Old Man -- there are three stories posted.

PS: check out the Writer's Resources link from the Story Index page. I haven't been there in a while, but it did have some good links last time I was.
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You're right - is this a normal thing for you, being right that is? <grin>. Thanks for the info - very helpful.

Here are the two searches I did at Google on

Writing Lab

Writing Center

Then to get a Canadian representation I did a search using
Writing Centre {we spell center different than Americans}

I tried to find your work here, but there doesn't seem to be a way for me to search under authors name. Took a look for you in their author list under Dirty Old Man, but nada.

If you're listed here as Weird Harold and there as Dirty Old Man, then I'm making the assumption that the system allows for multiple pen names? That would be good. I'd like to work in a number of sub-categories of erotica and assign different names to the work. Easier to identify with type thing. I'll check out the resources here and see what's offered. Thanks again.

Take care,
TerryKickstrom said:
If you're listed here as Weird Harold and there as Dirty Old Man, then I'm making the assumption that the system allows for multiple pen names? ...

I've one essay posted as Weird Harold, but Dirty Old Man is the guy inthe red suit and horns that sits on my shoulder and nags me into writing dirty stories, so I give him credit for the stories.

Yes, you can post under different pen names, and several authors do just that.

Dirty Old Man's Author page

PS: each author name is also automatically a BB username, becuase the BB and site member's list share a single database.
TerryKickstrom said:
I'm not sure if any of you will be interested, but what the heck!

I found a site that has thousands of free writing resources. It's not an erotica writing site, but the free writing links that they do have there is enormous.

Anyway you can find them at and they cover pretty much all the other genres but erotica [I think they supply some of their resources to school kids, hence the non-adult content], however, if you're a writer or a wannabe and need to increase your skill sets, check them out. I've been using the place for about a month now and it's pretty decent.

Take care,

Here's another freebie site, a huge one, Capital Community College, in Hartford, Connecticut, dedicated to general grammar and writing (no specific genres).
Re: Re: Free Writing Resources

ProofreadManx said:

Here's another freebie site, a huge one, Capital Community College, in Hartford, Connecticut, dedicated to general grammar and writing (no specific genres).


Thank you. It has some great search capabilities.
It's amazing how a person can increase their levels of self-education with all of the information on the internet these days. Pick a career and you could learn all about it from the comfort of your own home!

Take care,
Weird Harold said:
I've one essay posted as Weird Harold, but Dirty Old Man is the guy inthe red suit and horns that sits on my shoulder and nags me into writing dirty stories, so I give him credit for the stories.

Yes, you can post under different pen names, and several authors do just that.

Dirty Old Man's Author page

PS: each author name is also automatically a BB username, becuase the BB and site member's list share a single database.

I think every guy has his own "Dirty Old Man" what we always look for is a ladie with a "Dirty Old Woman" on her shoulder! HAHAHAHA

Thanks for the info. I'm slowly getting sorted away here with the more advanced commands at this site and how to get around. In the past I was just a reader. Now that I have a little free time on my hands to explore I thought I'd check out some of the extras.

Take care,

PS I'll read your stories later on today. If you don't hear anything back, it means that I think they're great. Silence is golden.