
One roll per troll. Guaranteed to silence the most extreme and obnoxious Beasts of the Board. Field tested and proven effective against Redwave, pp_man, and other vermin species.

God Save the Board
I'm just curious, is there a limit to the number of rolls one can use at a time?

I thought there was a limit when we first got that nice button.
morninggirl5 said:
I'm just curious, is there a limit to the number of rolls one can use at a time?

I thought there was a limit when we first got that nice button.

These times call for drastic measures, ma'am. We got plenty. Need some for yomomenthem?
I've used more rolls in the last two weeks than in the last year.

It has this amazing effect of keeping me from saying some things i shouldn't too.
I'll take a roll of that stuff. Is it the super clingy stuff that rips skin off when removed?
have you ever wondered what it would be like to be ducttaped to a wall and left to die?
kiwiwolf said:
I'll take a roll of that stuff. Is it the super clingy stuff that rips skin off when removed?
That kind hurts. Though it does make some fine cleavage in a pinch.
Custom colors and widths are immediately available. We also have a wide range of sticky factors from 1 (Band-Aid) to 55 (Skin Graft).
miles said:
Custom colors and widths are immediately available. We also have a wide range of sticky factors from 1 (Band-Aid) to 55 (Skin Graft).

three inch, in cobalt blue, two rolls please :D
I'll take 6 rolls of the 55 ..

One green, two pink, two orange and a red...all in 2 inch width.

freakygurl said:
I'll take 6 rolls of the 55 ..

One green, two pink, two orange and a red...all in 2 inch width.


Remind me not to troll you.
freakygurl said:
Why? Don't like my color choices? ;)

No - you took that double nickel shit. It rips the hide slap off a frigging elephant.
miles said:
No - you took that double nickel shit. It rips the hide slap off a frigging elephant.

Ah.. well you don't seem like the troll type anyway.

By the way.. Nice shoes ;)
miles said:
One roll per troll. Guaranteed to silence the most extreme and obnoxious Beasts of the Board. Field tested and proven effective against Redwave, pp_man, and other vermin species.

God Save the Board

Wouldn't pesticide be more effective? Or a really big rock?
I was supposed to use it on trolls?! I like my idea better.
Aquila said:
have you ever wondered what it would be like to be ducttaped to a wall and left to die?

We once duct taped my sister to the wall. Took quite a long time.. and lots of duct tape......
We didn't leave her to die though......

..way to much time on our hands at that time.. :rolleyes:
as a hardware guy how could I resist a thread about duct tape. I have a whole store of the stuff so if you want to stop by and pick up a roll I'll give you my discount.