
Detach it. Slap a filter on it and smoke it.
I'm on week 3 of the 10 week patch program..

so far.. so good.

I fear the day I have to give up the patch. I have no cravings.. but I wonder.. is it me that isn't craving or is it the patch that is keeping me from craving.

Time will tell. :)
I started last night - but I started at step 2 because the cigarettes I smoked were really light. So far, so good - 27 hours, no smoking.
I am quitting tomorrow and I hope to have your success. I am so not looking forward to this. I am going to use the patch and I hope it helps. Good luck and continued success.
Freya2 said:
I started last night - but I started at step 2 because the cigarettes I smoked were really light. So far, so good - 27 hours, no smoking.

Congratulations and Good luck. I was going to start on step 2 also.. but decided to do step one just for good measure.

onyx11 said:
I am quitting tomorrow and I hope to have your success. I am so not looking forward to this. I am going to use the patch and I hope it helps. Good luck and continued success.

Good Luck..

To both of you: If you need someone to talk to.. my PM box or email is always open. :)
Thanks Freaky. And good luck Onyx!

I think I'm gonna turn orange from all the damn carrots I'm chewing on. I need something else to help this oral fixation! ;)
Freya2 said:
Thanks Freaky. And good luck Onyx!

I think I'm gonna turn orange from all the damn carrots I'm chewing on. I need something else to help this oral fixation! ;)

See I didn't subsitute one habit with another. I never had the craving for a cigarette.. I just had the habit. Like sitting at the computer. I was used to lighting up.. so when I felt that urge.. I'd get away from the computer.

I even gave up sex.. because I always had an urge for a cigarette afterwards.

Mr Freaky is not happy ;)
I am a little nervous and appreciate your support. I am going with Step 1 and I am more optimistic about this after hearing your experiences. I have been reading posts for months but never posted. I see I am a virgin :)
freakygurl said:

See I didn't subsitute one habit with another. I never had the craving for a cigarette.. I just had the habit. Like sitting at the computer. I was used to lighting up.. so when I felt that urge.. I'd get away from the computer.

I even gave up sex.. because I always had an urge for a cigarette afterwards.

Mr Freaky is not happy ;)

Well I did ok tonight with my first test - went to a friend's for dinner, ate a big meal with both of them smoking and I was fine. So I guess it's just mind over matter - still don't think I'll want to give up sex though.
onyx.. I'm honored you choose to come out and talk on a thread with my name on it. :) Welcome to Lit.

Freya.. I live with a smoker. A heavy one at that.. It's not easy. But yes.. mind over matter. And remember.. if it doesn't work. You tried..and that is all that matters. Don't get down on yourself if it doesn't work.

This is atleast the 5th time I've tried to seriously quit. 1st time with the patch.. and it's also the longest I've gone.
Freya2 said:

Well I did ok tonight with my first test - went to a friend's for dinner, ate a big meal with both of them smoking and I was fine. So I guess it's just mind over matter - still don't think I'll want to give up sex though.

and I was joking about sex.. ;)
Giving up sex isn’t an option, Mrs Onyx would kill me. Mrs. Onyx still smokes and that is where I think my problem will be. Having them handy at times of weakness may sabotage my efforts. I just hope the patch works and I can stay focused.