Foursome / Swap


Literotica Guru
Oct 2, 2017
Hey all so few items for peoples thoughts hehe x

Is a swap/foursome better than a threesome ?
Soft swap or full swap first ?
With strangers or friends better ?
Condoms or bareback ? Creampies aloud hehe?

Lol share your thoughts and experiences x
I’ve been in both threeso and foursomes. All fun. The degree of fun depends largely on your orientation. Bisexuals have the potential for the most involvement. If you’re a voyeur soft swap can be rewarding ,I prefer full swap personally. Everyone starts out as strangers, meet for drinks or other social setting and get acquainted until you’re comfortable. You’ll always remain somewhat nervous even with friends the first time. In todays real world condoms are necessary. I like barebacking but only after getting to know them and feeling safe with their decision making. Cream pies, love them but safety first.
Hey all so few items for peoples thoughts hehe x

Is a swap/foursome better than a threesome ?
Soft swap or full swap first ?
With strangers or friends better ?
Condoms or bareback ? Creampies aloud hehe?

Lol share your thoughts and experiences x
It depends. For me most erotic is DP, so swap is worse than threesome if swap don't evolve into foursome. On the other hand swap can be also very erotic when I am fucking some nice chick and voyeur on my spouse fucking someone.
Full swap.
Strangers can be friends fast. It can be strangers or friends - not that important.
Condoms with people who I don't know well enough... and probably condoms with rest.
Always condoms and dental dams.
If you assume 12 new partners a year and assume the same for them and do on. you realize that you are sexually linked to very big fucking number
I've thought it would be fun to do. Never have and doubt my wife would ever go for it, but sounds like a good time.
Threesome, foursome or moresome they are all good.

Condoms are a must unless you really trust your playmates, ie. you know who they have been with and everyone is tested.
Swap, most definitely. In fact, any even number when straight MF couples are the players.

You have to walk before you can run, so definitely soft to start.

Friends if you have one that close. (Additional consideration below.) Guys almost always think "stranger," but my wife told me girls vary, but the majority favor friends, especially if the friendship originated with the women.

Honestly, I'd want to settle in to a group of n00b friends particularly married couples. Without the worries of STD's, I think bareback would be everyone's preference (in for a penny, in for a pound), but I could well imagine some of the wives drawing the line at creampies, either taking them or letting their husbands give them. (Guys? No such hesitation.) A group of close couples who let nature take its course/penises do their thing would be heavenly.
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