Fortunate Timing (closed for cbelle02)

Natalie sat in the tub for a couple of minutes after Corey left. He didn't say a word to her as he dried off and left the bathroom. Most guys she'd been with, after such an intense coupling, would have asked her if she was ok. They would have taken her in their arms, holding her close as they came down together. Soothing, treating her like a delicate flower. But Corey wasn't most guys and Natalie was far from a delicate flower. She had come back from the brink of death. Corey knew that and he'd instinctively known what she needed. Because it was what he'd needed too.

The realization sent a shiver down her spine. She wasn't sure what this was between them. And she didn't know if Corey knew either. But whatever it was, they seemed to be perfectly synced. The build up over the past few weeks seemed to be culminating in something neither of them could quite describe, but it was happening and they were falling into it together, continually realizing they wanted the same things, whatever they were. They were playing it out without ever even needing to see the script. She'd never felt so connected to anyone before.

She dried off and dressed in a t-shirt and pair of shorts, pulling her hair back in a wet ponytail. Padding into the kitchen, she wasn't surprised to see him still there. Of course he hadn't left. "Hey." He said simply. She smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Good morning." She said softly. He didn't have to ask, and she didn't have to offer. It was as if it was a given that she would prepare breakfast for both of them. And maybe it already was.

Natalie pulled out a couple pans, to start eggs and bacon on the stove, before popping bread in the toaster. She poured herself a glass of orange juice to sip on while she cooked. Turning to him, she noticed he was about to say something, but looked a little unsure.

"Look...I do want to keep doing whatever this is...but we'll have to be careful." He started slowly. Natalie nodded. "I want to keep doing this too." She agreed, but frowned slightly at his words of caution.

"About avoiding undue suspicion at work, I mean." He clarified. "Oh...right." She sighed and turned back to flip the eggs and bacon. In everything that had happened since yesterday afternoon, she'd forgotten all about work and Adrianna. She'd pretty much forgotten anything existed over the last 12 hours except the two of them. His words brought her back to reality.

"I see what you mean." She thought a moment. " work, we just pretend like nothing happened. Treat each other like nothing more than coworkers. No breaks or lunches together. We don't even have to talk to one another beyond work duties. She has no proof of anything to go on." Even as she said it though, she knew it'd be difficult.

"What do you think?" She asked him, turning back around to transfer the eggs and bacon into plates. She tossed a couple slices of toast on the sides and set them both at the table, meeting his eyes again. "Because I don't think I'm capable of not doing this." Whatever this was.
"Oh...right." sighed Natalie in return. Corey grimaced a bit, realizing he had killed the mood, but their boundaries were better fleshed out now rather then impulsively done later, after another reprimand from their employer. The job market was such that everyone was on edge, and even someone with 'seniority' like Corey wasn't immune if he decided the rules weren't for him; reasonable or not. A quiet settled in between them as she started their breakfast, and he spoke to her back. "We just need to be careful, that's all." They'd had a very intense last twelve hours, and that shouldn't overshadow the fact that they would need to learn to work together.

"I see what you mean." A beat passed as she continued. " work, we just pretend like nothing happened. Treat each other like nothing more than coworkers. No breaks or lunches together. We don't even have to talk to one another beyond work duties. She has no proof of anything to go on." Hearing the words tasted bitter to him, and he could tell from her expression that she didn't particularly like it either, but they had to start somewhere.

"What do you think?" she asked as she turned back, setting their plates. "Because I don't think I'm capable of not doing this." On that, Corey could agree. He could, but was far from considering it. It was more then about the sex, even with as fantastic as it was...and it wasn't exactly romance, either. Something about the way Natalie acted around him. He poured himself some water, chewing on a piece of bacon before responding.

"It'll take some tweaking." He started. "I don't think an entirely off limits social policy is warranted, since our bosses-" Again, not mentioning her name. "-are smart enough to know when folks are deliberately ignoring each other." He looked at her. "They know we get along, so I think if we pull it back from where we were before - the deliberate favors, getting me coffee, talking too much in the lunch room-" And they had on occasion, although Corey's schedule as of late had kept him from taking many breaks at all -"stuff like that we can curtail. But no need to stay away completely."

A beat passed as he let her take in in - and as they both worked at their breakfasts. He was famished, and judging from Natalie's demeanor, it seemed like she'd worked up quite the appetite, too. She still looked hot, too, even as his body cried out at the mere thought of taking her again, he could let his eyes linger on her a bit here and now. Lord knew that he'd have to watch his gazes at work, too, especially if she wore a couple of the skirts she'd had on this week...

"That's not to say we can't have *some* fun, after all." He teased. "They can't tap our phones, right?" Corey smiled a bit at her, a devilish smirk on his face and playfulness in his eyes as he looked at her, feeling some of that delicious tension rise back up in the air again...the same thing that had driven them to fuck like animals.
Natalie sat down at the table, taking a sip of her orange juice and looking to Corey for his reply.

"It'll take some tweaking." He said, after considering her ideas. "I don't think an entirely off limits social policy is warranted, since our bosses are smart enough to know when folks are deliberately ignoring each other."

Natalie noticed that he still avoided using Adrianna's name directly, keeping to an earlier promise they'd made not to talk about her. But they couldn't avoid discussing their situation so leaving her name out of it was the best they could do. "That's true." She replied, breaking off a piece of toast and nibbling it slowly. "So what do you suggest we do?"

"They know we get along, so I think if we pull it back from where we were before - the deliberate favors, getting me coffee, talking too much in the lunch room- stuff like that we can curtail. But no need to stay away completely." Corey finished and Natalie nodded, looking down at her food.

She'd enjoyed the little favors throughout the day, but she could find ways to do things for him after work. Probably things much more enjoyable for them both, she thought as the events of the last evening and morning came to mind.

"Alright." Natalie sighed. "It will take some getting used to. And I can already see getting stressed over whether we're showing each other too much or too little attention. But I'm sure we'll find the fine line."

"That's not to say we can't have some fun, after all." He teased her, his eyes twinkling, attempting to brighten her mood a little. "They can't tap our phones, right?" His smile conveyed a playful wickedness that brought back the same delicious stirrings within her that he'd drawn out last night.

"Yeah..." She raised her head, a slightly blushing smile on her face. "I guess that's right." She leaned across the table at him. "You can text me all the naughty things you'd like me to be doing to you...or for you..." Her voice was a seductive whisper before she grinned and turned back to take a bite of her food.

"So what are your plans for the rest of the weekend?" She asked him, leaning back in her chair and pulling a knee of to her chest as she picked at her food.
"Yeah..."Her blush was a little cute, and a little hot, especially with the words that followed it. "I guess that's right." Corey stayed still as she leaned across the table, her words breathy and wanting. He wanted to feel her breath on him, and let her words wash across his ear "You can text me all the naughty things you'd like me to be doing to you...or for you..."

Those were both things that he had no problem with, and he knew how much he'd enjoyed making her squirm in their short time together. "And you can say what else you'd be willing to do for me...." He teased. The moment seemed uncertain, so he went back to his food. There was no sense to spend all of the time rebuilding the tension between them when there was perfectly good food in front of them, after all, and he watched her do the same in silence before she asked.

"So what are your plans for the rest of the weekend?" Corey was chewing when she asked, and finished a rather hearty gulp of her breakfast. It wasn't as if he was a terrible cook, but he could tell some subtle differences in the way Natalie prepared her food and part of him wished he could just have her around all the time. A rather dangerous thought, in more ways then one - especially with what she'd just asked him - and he responded quickly.

"Groceries, some spring cleaning, pondering a run or two." This dalliance had put him behind his usual weekend schedule but it was one he would gladly trade any weekend...or any night of the week, now that he thought of it. This would have to be done carefully, deliberately, and he couldn't resist pushing back at her. "Why? Not tired of me yet?" The smirk came back for just a moment before he gulped down another bite of toast.

Part of him wondered if he needed to spend some time away to reawaken the fire, but getting a look at Natalie in some lounging clothes, he had a feeling it wouldn't take much once he had some time to recuperate. There was something so incredibly addicting about the way she wanted to please him...

"I think I'll need to show you my place one of these days." Specifically the bedroom, and as he met her gaze briefly he had a feeling that Natalie felt the same way about which room she wanted to see first.
Natalie didn't have any expectations for his answer to her question. Sure, she liked the idea of spending more time with him but she had no hold on him. If it was what he wanted, she would gladly accept his company, but if he wanted space she would understandably grant it. Her question was asked with genuine curiosity and not as a hint of anything else.

"Groceries, some spring cleaning, pondering a run or two." He answered her and then grinned flirtatiously. "Why? Not tired of me yet?" He teased. She knew he was pushing her and she decided to push back a little.

"Eh, maybe not. I seem to have a fairly high tolerance for you." She smirked at him as she watched him eat for a moment. Then she met his eyes and spoke, her voice low and seductively purposeful. "It will take a lot more than a couple of hard fucks to break me." She raised an eyebrow, as if to challenge him.

Then she chuckled. "Actually, I've got a few errands to attend to today as well. I guess that means I have to put on actual clothes."

They ate for a little longer before he looked up again and watched her thoughtfully for a moment. "I think I'll need to show you my place one of these days." He said finally, only a slight lilt to his voice. Yes, she did want to see his place. But in that moment, they both knew it wouldn't be to just tour the place. Of course, her mind wandered to how they could make such a tour fun. After all, there was no sense letting the rest of the house go to waste.

"Oh I agree." She nodded. "I'd love to see your place sometime. See what you're like on your own turf."

They finished up breakfast and Natalie stood to gather their plates. She didn't say anymore as she took them into the kitchen. She could feel that tension building between them again. Even as they'd tried to have a normal, nice breakfast, it was there. It was like they couldn't avoid it. Everyday polite conversation somehow still turned suggestive. But it was fun. And Corey was fun. And Natalie wasn't going to worry too much about it. She put the dishes in the sink, intent on taking care of them later, and returned to find Corey. "I hope you liked breakfast." She said as she walked back into the dining room. "It's not often I get to cook for other people."
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Sure. See what he was like on his own turf. In a way, Natalie had seen that already with him at work, which had been as much his own turf as anything these days. But Corey had a feeling that he'd be redefining a lot about what was 'his' and what wasn't over the next little while, giving her another appreciative lookover when she turned away after gathering their plates. Her mentioning of 'actual' clothes had gotten him thinking again about their next the table was cleared, he got up deliberately. This felt like it was too much, and that he needed to give her some space.

Or maybe wanted some himself. To think, reflect on what they'd just done. She wasn't just a fuck buddy (as much as he'd enjoyed that particular part of their time together), and while he cared for her...he was still finding out what this was. "I hope you liked breakfast. It's not often I get to cook for other people." The same could be said for him, and he found himself wondering how the two of them found themselves so alone, so in need of someone to spend time with, to find comfort with. But as he took her in again, Corey pondered one rather big difference. She wanted to satisfy him, and he just...wanted to be satisfied.

He wanted to see her happy, of course, but if she was willing to do things for him...

"It won't be the last time." He said kindly, taking a step towards her. "At least, not if I have anything to say about it..." Corey was trying to say a lot without saying it, and leaned in for a quick kiss on Natalie's lips; the taste of her sparked familiar urges in him, but he fought them off as he met her gaze.

"I...should go." He said, a trace of sadness in his voice even as he knew it was probably best to go too early rather then too late. "Let you do your errands...get some real clothes on..."

He leaned in again for another kiss, their lips meeting more hungrily, hands instinctively going to her body, teasing her shirt up just a bit. The quick feel of her bare skin was still enticing, and he pulled away with a shuddering breath. It would be so easy, and he wanted to see her again, let her satisfy him...

"I'll...text you."
"It won't be the last time." Corey said, moving toward her. "At least, not if I have anything to say about it..." His words were kind, but still sent a small shiver down her spine. She wasn't sure what that shiver represented. Excitement that he wanted to see her again? That he wanted to share more of such an intimate environment? Or...was it that his gentle tone seemed to obscure some less altruistic meaning behind his words?

His lips on hers broke apart her thoughts. "I...should go." He breathed, a hint of melancholy in his voice, but he made no move to do so. "Let you do your errands...get some real clothes on..."

Natalie just nodded and didn't dare step away from him. "I suppose you should..." She managed to say before he kissed her again. This time it wasn't just a little peck. This time, his lips took hers, owned hers as they kissed. She gripped his upper arms as his hands moved to her shirt, pulling it upward enough to touch the bare flesh at her belly and sides. She couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips, muffled by his own. She felt sure he was going to pin her to the wall again, or throw her over the table, maybe push her on her hands and knees where they stood and take her one last time.

But instead he pulled away, leaving her breathless and gasping for air, flushed, hot, and more than a little turned on. Just that one kiss. The power he had over her, to turn her to putty with a single kiss. He had to know what he wielded. She had the urge to drop to her knees, to take him in her mouth, to please him once more. But he'd stepped away, already at the door.

"I'll...text you..." he said simply and she nodded. "Ok. Bye Corey. See you soon." She said as he walked out. Shutting the door behind him, she quickly leaned against it. "Fuck..." She whispered. How did he do that to her? He had to know the state he'd left her in.

Natalie sighed and walked into her bedroom to change her clothes. She took a look at her body in the full length mirror attached to her dresser after she'd removed the shorts and tshirt she wore. Her chest was flushed a light red, her pink nipples had hardened into stiff peaks and further down, she could just see a slight glistening between her thighs. All from just one of Corey's kisses. Sliding a hand up her stomach, she lightly tweaked her own nipple, moaning softly as a shard of pleasure ran through her. Then she pinched it harder, until it became painful and then harder still. She imagined Corey's mouth, his teeth biting down hard on the pointy nub. Gasping softly, she moved onto her bed, imagining Corey pushing her down onto it, taking possession of her mercilessly with the same rough, wild abandon he'd taken her with earlier.

She wanted to call him, to beg him to come back and fuck her again. But she had an inkling that that wouldn't be how this worked. Whatever this was. No, she wouldn't do that. But she grabbed her phone, staring at it, contemplating whether to text him or not. It'd been only less than 10 minutes since he'd left. Sighing, she put the phone down, her hand traveling from her breasts, over her stomach and further still, her legs parting. She felt the familiar throbbing between her legs, aching to be soothed by her touch. Yet she stopped short, picked up her phone and sent Corey a text.

You left me so fucking hot this morning. I want to touch myself so badly... Then she sat down her phone, waiting for his reply.
"Ok. Bye Corey. See you soon." He heard Natalie say on his way out, and his lingering look back spoke volumes, and even as the door closed behind him, shutting her from his sight, if not entirely out of mind. With a long sigh, Corey turned to walk to his vehicle, alone with nothing but the still morning air and his thoughts to keep him company as he started to make his way home. He felt his pants and shirt shift against him, and Corey realized just how much he needed to change. This outfit didn't feel right unless it was perfectly fit, unworn, and maybe with another button or two on his shirt. He'd have to check to see if she'd managed to tear one or two in her haste to rip it off of him the other night...

And still, a sly smirk crossed his face as he thought about what kind of thoughts were going through Natalie's mind as he left. He'd felt her move against him as he kissed her, her desire for him to explore her body and have her again....and truth be told, he wanted to, too. It wasn't just the physical; if anything, his body would've said no. It was the mental; the desire to see Natalie please him, serve him...bend to his will. It was a drug he was rapidly getting hooked on, and he wondered if she wanted it as badly as he did.

If he could see her at that moment, he would know.

His phone buzzed with a text a short while later, but he was still a ways from home, and didn't like checking when he drove. Another random happenstance, as the content of the text would've caused him to gape at the phone and veer off the road.

Fortune saw it fit to smile on him, however, even if it didn't seem so at first with his gas gauge flickering close to empty. He scowled, and pulled into a gas station, not exactly enthused with filling up with a wrinkled suit...and he had to go inside to pay. This was where he saw the upside of having to sped money on gas; waiting in line for a old lady who wanted to pay with 'exact change'. A quick pull out of his phone, and a glance at it to see who'd texted him.

Surprise, at first, to see it was Natalie. Had he left something over there? Instinctively, he reached for the wallet that was sitting in his pocket, the panicky thought quickly leaving him as he read the words, a familiar stirring in his groin at the tempting phrases.

You left me so fucking hot this morning. I want to touch myself so badly...

The first, he'd suspected. The second, he'd...hoped for? Anticipated? Dreamt about? What, exactly, would apply here, to someone he'd really known for two weeks, had just fucked the daylights out of last night...someone who owed her life to him. Taking a quick glance at the register, he spat out a quick reply, his own breath quickening as he thought of had been eight minutes since her message; eight long, torturous minutes for one of them.

Are you telling me you haven't yet? Be honest.... He was building on the second part of her message, where she'd be implicitly asking him for permission. Corey had started to type out the second part of his message, but a loud clearing of the throat broke his reverie. The old lady was gone, and a rather tired gas station worker was waiting for a guy in a wrinkled suit to pay for his gas.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly, producing his card as he waited for Natalie's reply. Whatever it was wouldn't be enough; she'd hinted at what she wanted to give him. Ever since they'd started working together, Corey had seen the signs of her submission; now that he'd tasted it, Corey intended to indulge of every sinful pleasure he could of her...control was more then just physical.

After checking to see if she'd gotten back to him - a smirk playing at his face as he saw her reply - he took in in, intent on asking for more.

Tell me what you wanted me to do, Natalie. What it is that's driving you wild...and what you're wearing. Corey could feel his pants tenting at this point, and suddenly wanted to get home as quickly as possible to continue this little 'game', eager to see what it'd lead to.
Natalie pressed send and waited for Corey's reply. Several minutes passed, but she didn't give herself the relief she craved, only idly toying with her breasts and nipples. God, why hadn't he texted back yet? Normally, she wasn't one to obsess over waiting for replies but this time was different. She was eager for his reply and every minute that passed felt like an hour. Be patient. She told herself. He hadn't been gone long, he was probably still driving.

And then her message tone chimed on her phone. Her heart beat faster as she read his words.

Are you telling me you haven't yet? Be honest.... She grinned and quickly tapped out her reply.

Only a little. She wrote, then thought a moment and finished. I want to...but only if it's what you want. Then she pressed send again. wasn't much...but she'd taken a step to give him explicit control. She'd put into words what they would eventually look back and see as inevitable. Her submission. She wondered if she'd regret that, as she ached to slide her free hand further down to explore her wetness, maybe reach into the drawer beside her bed and find one of her toys. But she restrained herself.

Thankfully, he didn't take nearly as long to respond this time. She opened the message and read his reply. She bit her lip at his words and took a shaky breath.

Tell me what you wanted me to do, Natalie. What it is that's driving you wild...and what you're wearing.

I'm not wearing anything... She sent that message before typing another one. First, I wanted you to push me to my knees and shove your cock down my throat. Then...I wanted you to fuck me take your fill of me...right there...then leave me a trembling mess on my floor

Natalie hesitated before sending the message. It was like she hadn't truly realized what she'd wanted until she typed it out. She surprised even herself at the dark explicitness of her words. Then she sent the message.

She waited a minute, debating how far to go...and what the implications were for when she saw him again in person. Her heart pounding, she added, I need you to use me, Corey and pressed send.
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I'm not wearing anything...

There was always something forbidden about texting like this. It wasn't quite sexting, exactly, especially since Corey wasn't in his home, comfortably receiving her replies. He'd just gotten back in his vehicle, and had lingered at the pump a moment before resuming his drive home. He'd wanted to see one more, to let his mind race with possibilities and anticipation.

Imagining her naked, phone in hand, her free hand wandering down her smooth skin and rubbing herself certainly did that. But she hadn't answered his second question yet, and he started home; cock tenting in his pants, making him shift as he drove with just a little bit more urgency, not wanting to have to wait to enjoy their series of naughty little messages. He'd been at her house just a short while ago, and it'd be an easy turn around if he wanted to do it.

But that was a part of it. Not always indulging. Letting it build for the next time. Just like they had at work since their first get together. The tension and flirting through the week; the release of their shared lust last night. And now, letting it percolate between the hell were they going to work together now? With the threat of losing their jobs balancing with this dirty little game they were playing.

Now that was going to be fun.

His phone buzzed with another message, but he didn't dare look at it, lest he swerve off the road. But Corey could feel the urge to. At a stop light, his fingers tapped the wheel, and he glanced towards it. Just a quick look, he told himself, but he knew better. Biting his lip, he locked his gaze on the road ahead. It wouldn't be long now.

Corey couldn't quite get comfortable in his car seat.

It was another five minutes before he got home, and his phone buzzed again. His mind ran wild with possibilities, and he had his phone in his hand before turning off his ignition. He saw the first message; stared at it, really, as he took in every one of her words to him.

First, I wanted you to push me to my knees and shove your cock down my throat. Then...I wanted you to fuck me take your fill of me...right there...then leave me a trembling mess on my floor

His hands rubbed over his pants, and a shudder of pleasure passed through him as he realized he needed to get inside. Especially after he saw her second message:

I need you to use me, Corey

The images of her first message were enough to make him rock hard, the idea of doing more to her in her house, taking her body one last time despite the fact he'd had her three times already....but it was the second message that drew him in. It was more about what she hadn't said then what she had. Using was purposefully vague; carte blanche on her body. The idea filled him with excitement as he went inside, no longer as desperate to change as he was to send her another message.

Then touch yourself. Feel free to play with that hot little body of yours. Being vague would work both ways, and Corey added more to his message before sending it. Use a toy on yourself if you really want me to use you so badly.... Sending that, he hurried to a chair before realizing that his bedroom would probably be a better place to continue. He didn't even know if she had toys, but found himself desperately hoping she did.

As Corey unbuckled his belt with one hand, going up his stairs before adding the cruel, delicious second message, undoubtedly after she'd read his first:

But don't cum. Corey found himself eager to test how far she was willing to go for him. It had barely been half an hour since he'd left her home, and he was aching for her again....and the only thing more delicious then that was knowing that she would be wanting for him just as much.

No, not just as much.

Natalie eagerly awaited Corey's response to her texts. She groaned impatiently when he didn't text her back immediately. She knew that she could touch herself, regardless of what Corey said. He would never have to know. But that wasn't how she wanted to play this game. Though, if she were honest with herself, she'd admit that she didn't want it to be just a 'game.' She wanted to be obedient to Corey. So she wouldn't dare touch herself until she got a text back with his permission. But it was torture. And the longer she waited the hotter she became.

Finally, her phone lit up with the sweet sound of her text message tone. She quickly opened the message and sighed in relief.

Then touch yourself. Feel free to play with that hot little body of yours. Use a toy on yourself if you really want me to use you so badly...

She closed her eyes and allowed herself to move her free hand down, gasping when her fingers felt the wetness at her center.

Fuck...I'm so wet... She texted him and sent the message just as his second one came in.

But don't cum. She groaned. He wanted her to touch herself, play, drive herself to the edge, but not cum. So that would be exactly what she would do. She didn't know what he meant by that. Whether he meant don't cum yet, don't cum until he told her to, or don't cum at all. She hoped it wasn't the latter but even if it was, she knew she would obey. Her thoughts wondered briefly over to what he would do if she disobeyed him. Would he punish her? She shivered at the thought.

You're so cruel...:( She messaged him back.

Then her fingers would trail down again, dance along her lower lips, dipping slightly in to brush her swollen clit, drawing a moan from her lips.

She opened her bedside drawer, perusing the toys there. A thought occurred to her and she laid them all out on her bed. 2 small vibrators, a dildo, a Hitachi wand, nipple clamps, and a small butt plug. She also threw in a bottle of lube.

She snapped a picture and sent it to Corey along with the message. Which of my toys should I use? How do you prefer I play with myself?

Showing him all of her toys felt like she was baring herself to him, letting him into a part of her personal life that few knew about. Yet she felt no shame in doing so.
The sight of her quick message - sent before his last one even if he hadn't read it before then - made him hard, and he flopped down onto his bed, shuffling backwards awkwardly as her words rang in his mind.

Fuck...I'm so wet...

It could have been an echo of his own state at the moment; Corey was hard again, and he ignored his body's complaints about how much he'd exerted that particular area over the past day or so. All he knew was the immediate moment; she was turning him on, and he had every intention of seeing how far he could push her, and how exerting that control would make him feel. It was as if he was in a dream, caught in something that would make no sense or any kind of rational explanation later were he to tell this to a friend.

Not that he had any intention of such...but that was the point. He couldn't explain it. He was only indulging in the moment, and it kept on giving or giving...

You're so cruel...:(

Or, more to the point, she did. A smirk crossed his face at it as he imagined Natalie pouting, even as a part of him wondered if he'd gone too far. Corey was too lost in the 'game' (was this really what it was?) to care, calmly stroking himself as his zipper was now fully opened, his pants pushed down his hips awkwardly; more concerned with what he was doing rather then how.

Eventually, he found the sense to shrug the pants off entirely, his shirt now opened as he rubbed himself still through his boxers as he saw her second response. One with a rather interesting photo of many sex toys...he saw everything she had to offer, and while far from a prude himself, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at this naughty little truth Natalie had shared with him. Which of my toys should I use? How do you prefer I play with myself?

He took in a few breaths as he got out a jumbled response. You'll use all of them. The message hung in the air before he added a quick clarification, his command bringing many dirty and nasty images into his head of Natalie wantonly pleasuring herself. Eventually. It wasn't just about what he was imagining now, but the images he was putting in her head, too. She was giving him permission to play with her, and never having had this kind of power over a woman before, Corey wanted to take full advantage while he still could. Would they really be able to go back to each other on Monday as coworkers, pretending nothing had happened? Could they really hide all of this - whatever this was, had been, or was going to be?

For now, let's start small...take the smallest vibrator. A shiver passed through him as he tried to focus, and get the commands out to her before his mind ran wild with what Natalie was doing to herself. Naked, splayed out awkwardly, aching with need, not entirely unlike him at the moment. Tease your clit with it, run it slowly up and down...and then slide it in and out of your pussy.

Another beat, as he imagined her starting to obey him, the distance between them somehow making it better for him as he added something else. Don't forget about your breasts, too...if you want it so badly, maul them with your free hand. Grab them, twist your nipples like you want me to. Maybe she didn't, but Corey wasn't really concerned about what she wanted at the moment.

Especially since so much of it seemed to line up with his wants.
Natalie's heart pounded as she waited for Corey's response. This was happening. The excitement of being told how to pleasure herself from afar had her on fire. As soon as she saw his next text, that fire would only grow larger.

You'll use all of them.


She glanced at all her toys still laid out on the bed. All of them. Normally, when she pleasured herself, she would use one or two, depending on how horny she was. She'd never used them all. Her phone dinged again with another text. More specific this time.

For now, let's start small...take the smallest vibrator. Tease your clit with it, run it slowly up and down...and then slide it in and out of your pussy.

Natalie bit her lip and immediately reached for the smaller vibrator. Staring at his text message, she flipped the switch to low. Then she turned, so that she could see herself in her dresser mirror. Reading his words again carefully, she did as he said, slowly dragging the vibrating rod down her body to finally touch lightly against her clit, drawing a gasp from her lips. She circled her clit, teasing herself, before watching herself in the mirror as it disappeared inside her, sliding back out covered in her wetness. Her eyes closed as she alternated teasing her clit and dipping the vibrator in and out of her pussy.

Then his next text came and she groaned aloud. Don't forget about your breasts, too...if you want it so badly, maul them with your free hand. Grab them, twist your nipples like you want me to.

Oh God, he was going to drive her crazy. She quickly texted back with one hand.

OK...she typed out, then she thought better and erased it. Instead, she replied with. Yes, Sir...

Her breathing was quick and shallow as she sat the phone down. Still teasing her clit, she reached up to cup each of her breasts, then squeezing them roughly, imagining Corey grabbing them. It was Corey's fingers that pinched and pulled and twisted her nipples. Her hips moved upward, mixing pleasure from the vibrator with the pain of her hard pinches on her nipples.

She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. Her face was flushed, her chest heaving, nipples hard and jutting out, an angry red from her twisting torment, her legs spread wide, knees bent, the vibrator pressed against her swollen clitoris. She was quite a sight. She let go of her nipples to take a shot of her reflection with her phone, then texted the picture to Corey. He could have proof that she was being a good girl. Or maybe a very bad one.

See what you've reduced me to? A horny, dripping wet slut.
She wasn't the only one being driven crazy. Soon, his seconds were stretching into what felt like hours, and Corey didn't look at his phone, simply letting his head lie back on the pillow as his hand found a familiar course up and down his shaft, still tented beneath his boxers for the moment. Eventually, his phone buzzed with a response; so lost in rapture he was that it took him a moment to see what she'd said in response; it said something about his (or their) state of mind that he didn't even consider the chance of her rejecting his request.

Yes, Sir...

And still, Natalie's submissive words and mood made him shiver. She didn't just say 'okay', or 'Yes Corey'. Part of him wondered if he should make her call him Corey, adding sexual undertones to innocent work conversations. But something about this being different, something else, about him becoming something else in her eyes made him forget all of that as he slowly started to work his shaft; his mind providing imagination enough for the things Natalie was doing to her naked body right now. He wished he was there watching her, taking in all of her submission and obedience, but in a way not being there made it better. It left it uncertain what exactly she was doing, which would let his mind explore the possibilities.

So lost in the fantasy, he jilted when his phone buzzed at him again. Natalie. He hadn't responded, so he wondered what she'd sent her. His left hand reached for his phone, laying idle at his side as he saw her message...much more then words this time.

He saw Natalie, on her bed. Totally naked. Her body flushed and open to him, her nipples hard and wanting, darkened from the feel of her hands on them. And her hand - the one not holding phone for the picture - pushing her vibrator against her clit. But as much as that turned him on, her words...or the phrase she chose to send to him...sent a shiver of pleasure through him.

See what you've reduced me to? A horny, dripping wet slut.

Her description of her state of mind made the picture better. Corey could see Natalie was anxious, eager for more, eager to please him. He quickly jutted out a reply, unwilling to let go of his manhood as his fingers danced along the screen of his phone.

You are that way because that's how I want you, Natalie. He sent that quickly, eager for her to resume her twisted work on herself. Don't stop. Don't slow down just because you're afraid of release. Push yourself harder, farther, Natalie. You need to prove to me how badly you want it...

When he'd left her house...what was it, close to an hour ago now?...Corey wasn't sure how realistic it'd be to see her again later in the day. Now, he couldn't see how he couldn't see her. Have her over to indulge the depraved desires that they both seemed to be having. He waited a minute, letting her do more to herself before continuing.

Are you ready for more? Without seeing if she was complying, he sent out another quick message, stroking himself as he did. Take the dildo and start fucking yourself with it slowly. He paused. Your other hand can do what it wants...with or without the tiny vibrator.

Pointedly, he hadn't told her to cum yet.
You are that way because that's how I want you, Natalie.

She read his reply, imagining him standing over her, eyes blazing into hers as she wantonly pleasured herself. His voice in her head was a low, commanding growl. She shuddered and arched her hips toward the vibrations.

Don't stop. Don't slow down just because you're afraid of release. Push yourself harder, farther, Natalie. You need to prove to me how badly you want it...

"Yes, Sir..." She whispered aloud. She didn't text back yet, just taking a few moments to do as he'd ordered. Her right hand worked the small vibrator around her clit, dipping in and out of her tight wetness occasionally. Her left hand grabbed and mauled at both her tits, squeezing the nipples painfully again. Her legs trembled and shook and she knew she was getting close. With a loud groan, she forced herself to pull the vibrator away, shaking with the denied orgasm.

Are you ready for more? Taking deep breaths, she reached for her phone, almost dreading to see what he wanted her to do next. Could she handle any more? She was already so on edge...

I don't know if I can...I'm already so close to cumming... She sent the text but received his next command at the same time.

Take the dildo and start fucking yourself with it slowly. Your other hand can do what it wants...with or without the tiny vibrator.

She groaned and reached for the dildo. She applied a little lube and teased it over her clit, letting it part and slide through her wet lips slowly before pushing it inside herself. It wasn't huge, not nearly as big as Corey, but it was thick enough to stretch her tight walls. She moved it in and out of herself, pulling at her nipples. Grabbing her phone again, she took another picture and sent it to him to show him that she was indeed complying. Normally, she would combine the dildo with the vibe against her clit, but she didn't dare do that now. The trust she had in herself not to come was very little.

What happens if I accidentally cum? She asked him, starting to move the dildo a little harder.
I don't know if I can...I'm already so close to cumming... Natalie's pleading reply came back shortly after he sent his message, and his reply was blunt, angry and defiant as a smirk crossed his face.

It doesn't matter if you can. Because you will.

Corey leaned back, content to let his euphoria wash over him as he pleasured himself, his hand wrapped around his hard shaft; wishing it was Natalie's soft hand pleasing him, or her mouth. He shut his eyes and imagined her warm mouth around him, devoted to nothing but his release, her tongue, her head bobbing back and forth as she stared up at him with her big, bright eyes...

His mind was pushed elsewhere with another buzz, and he looked to see another picture from her. It showed Natalie with her legs spread, the dildo half pushed inside of her, and her breasts a little more flushed then before. Hell, her entire body looked overheated, and Corey could imagine how much better it'd be if he was actually watching her do it. Maybe that was something for next time...

What happens if I accidentally cum?

Corey felt his manhood perk at the question, as he had a lot of ideas of what he wanted to do if she 'disobeyed' him. But this had been so spontaneous that it wasn't like he had a diagram of how this was going to go. He'd sort of fallen into the role of dictating to Natalie what she did to herself, and now that he had this control all he knew was that he wanted more of it. And the only way to keep it was to not push her too far.

Although he had promised she'd use all of her toys eventually, and whether that was today or not, he planned on making her push herself farther then she ever had. And so, he answered.

Then I'll have to punish you the next time we see each other. Again, he was keeping it vague intentionally, letting both of their minds run wild with the possibilities before continuing his message after a minute. I want you on edge, wanting to be fucked by me so badly that you think about nothing else. Which was impossible, of course, but the mere thought of such made Corey push harder as he sought his own release, selfishly with how much he was denying the woman on the other end of the phone with her legs spread and a dildo being pushed in and out of her.

Part of him wanted her to hold back, and a larger part of Corey relished the idea of her losing control, and so he continued, not even thinking about how he could possibly back up all of his talk; this was a role he'd fallen into, not one he was a natural at. Maybe I'll make you come over tonight and bring your toys... Perhaps the mystery was a part of it. The endless domain of the mind, running rampant with possibilities. Or just leave them with me for an entire week. Deprivation, maybe? Frankly, he liked the idea of her having access to ways to pleasure herself, as long as she told him...

...and there was the rub.

If you cum now, then you have to let me know whenever you get hot and bothered during the week. No touching yourself without asking first. A beat. Until I decide you've made it up to me.

Which might be irrelevant anyways, since Corey fully intended to enjoy and exercise his newfound power over his lover/coworker/fuck buddy/whatever it was she was turning in to now. As he came, he certainly knew what he wanted to eventually think of her as.

[B]It doesn't matter if you can. Because you will. [/B]

Those words hung on her screen and sent a shiver of...trepidation? through Natalie. The dildo moved slowly in and out of her dripping pussy. She wanted to cum so badly but forced herself to go slow.

Her phone dinged with his reply to her previous text. Then I'll have to punish you the next time we see each other.

Natalie bit her lip at the word 'punish.' Somehow, that made this real. He could order her around all day, but those were just empty words if he didn't back up those commands with consequences if she failed to obey. Natalie had just been desperate to please Corey, to give him what he wanted. But this new added element of punishment if she didn't...made her want it even more. Punishment. That could mean a lot of things. She wanted to ask how he would punish her, but she received his next text before she had the chance to respond.

I want you on edge, wanting to be fucked by me so badly that you think about nothing else.

She groaned and quickly texted back. God, yes. I need to be fucked so badly.

Natalie moved onto her hands and knees, reaching back to force the dildo inside her from behind. She couldn't come close to matching the force of Corey's wild thrusts, but she tried. Her phone on the bed in front of her dinged again. She barely paused when she opened the message.

Maybe I'll make you come over tonight and bring your toys...Or just leave them with me for an entire week.

God no. He couldn't torture her then leave her without a way of release other than her fingers. He wouldn't, would he? She'd brought herself right to the edge again when her phone lit up again. It was as if he had sensed it.

If you cum now, then you have to let me know whenever you get hot and bothered during the week. No touching yourself without asking first. She forced herself to stop the dildo. Her body trembled, her heart pounded. She didn't just want this, she needed it. She needed the release he was denying her. But she also needed to please him.

Until I decide you've made it up to me.

Fuck. Trembling, she lowered herself to the bed and turned on her side, one knee up to keep the dildo inside her.

Yes...Yes, Sir. I'm shaking so badly with need. I'm on fire. She typed out her desperation. But I promise to try my hardest not to cum without your permission. I want you to be good for you.
God, yes. I need to be fucked so badly.

The words stayed in his head even as he continued to message her. Truth be told, he wanted to fuck her again, physical consequences for either of them be damned. This wasn't a feeling he wanted to burn out, but one he wanted to build until it was a raging inferno between them, never to be quenched. And if he had her again, tonight, as enticing a prospect as it was, it risked sating both of their hungers before they had a chance to starve.

But oh, it would be so easy...would it be better not to leave her hanging? Corey was operating more on primal instinct then on rational thought, and her reply made him lick his lips. His physical load was spent, but he still ached with need for her, imagining her state at the moment with the words she was sending him.

Yes...Yes, Sir. I'm shaking so badly with need. I'm on fire. Corey took a shuddering breath of his own, wanting to touch her badly at that moment, to kiss her, pull her hair, gaze into her lust filled eyes the same way he had last night. To feel her next to him, around him, her wet pussy wrapped around his manhood, their bodies joined in reckless abandon to desire and lust.

But I promise to try my hardest not to cum without your permission. I want to be good for you.

Sure, she did. That's why Natalie had sent him two pictures of herself, completely naked, masturbating with a vibrator and dildo. Corey's reply was almost scornful, disdainful, and in his lustful furor he didn't worry about pushing too far.

As long as you're willing to be bad for me when I ask for it as well... A beat. Along with sending me proof of your obedience when required. It wasn't as if he'd never been sent intimate pictures of his lovers before, but Natalie had pushed it to another level and Corey wanted nothing more then to keep pushing her, testing her. A thought came to mind. Tonight would be one thing, but maybe he could make her even more devoted to him.

What if I wanted to see you tomorrow? He was specifically vague on when or where. He already knew it'd be at his place, and that this wouldn't be dinner, or a movie, or anything like that. There'd be time for that again, but right now he wasn't interested in her as anything but his toy, and his fingers shook as he typed out the next message.

I don't know when yet. But I do know that when I ask to meet you somewhere, that I want you to want me as much as you do right now... Wanting her on that edge, not having gotten release yet having tried for it, was an intoxicating prospect to him.

But there had to be consequences, too.

You have to be ready for me, Natalie, or you can wait until the next time I feel like indulging you...

Fuck. This was going to be harder then he thought. Even if he was claiming to indulge her by letting her come over so they could fuck, he knew damn well that he would be getting something out of it, too. If not more so.

Which made it hard to be so dispassionate about the whole thing. He wanted to use her as much as she wanted to be used.
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As long as you're willing to be bad for me when I ask for it as well... 'Bad' was another word that could have multiple meanings. And a delicious shiver of excitement traveled down her spine.
Along with sending me proof of your obedience when required.

I will be whatever you want me to be. She sent back, setting the phone down to pinch and pull at her nipples again.

The building tension over the past week, combined with the culmination of that tension that exploded in the hot, relentless fucking last night and this morning, had only ignited a larger flame in Natalie. It had done nothing to quench her desires, only adding to them. How the fuck were they supposed to act normal at work, after all this?

What if I wanted to see you tomorrow? Natalie's heart skipped at the possibility of seeing him again so soon. She thought she'd have to wait til Monday at work, which would be a sort of torture all its own.

Yes...please... She begged.

I don't know when yet. But I do know that when I ask to meet you somewhere, that I want you to want me as much as you do right now...

She smirked a little at that message. She didn't think that would be a problem. If he could only see how wet she was right now.

You have to be ready for me, Natalie, or you can wait until the next time I feel like indulging you...

Fuck. His messages were becoming more and more insolent and cold. She hadn't expected that and she wasn't sure how she felt about it. But it did nothing to dampen her excitement, and maybe in a way it excited her more.

I will always be ready. She responded finally. You won't have to worry about that.

Natalie sat her phone down, gripping the end of her dildo in both hands. She imagined Corey, leaning over her, biting hard at her nipples, his fingers digging deep into her hips and her pulled her toward him, slamming his cock inside her to fuck her mercilessly. She tried to imitate it with the dildo, shoving it as hard as she could until the hard unrelenting toy became almost painful. Finally, on the verge of orgasm again, she yanked it out and threw it across the bed, breathing heavily, nearly weeping with need.

She'd never been like this before. How did Corey do it? I think I'll need to take a cold shower now, so that I can even make it until then.
Corey breathed heavily, his body spent even as his mind whirred with activity. He should go there now, regardless of how tired his cock felt, his body complianing, his mind begging for an hour or two of rest. He wanted to go there, while she was wanting, catch her unawares. Throw open her door, grab her by the hair and drag her to her counter, bend her over it, push into her. He'd feel her tight, wet pussy squeeze his length as he pounded her over and over, hearing her moan, yell, gasp as he-

I will always be ready. You won't have to worry about that.

How he longed to test that statement. His fingers tapped his abdomen as he wondered what he was doing, eventually deciding on another message, wondering if she'd ever see it. I look forward to seeing you prove it. It might have been interpreted as a threat, but it was plain truth. Corey was very eager to see what she would be willing to do to sate their joint hunger...

He got up to clean himself up a bit, changing his entire outfit and washing his hands from relieving himself. Corey still felt off, and wondered if a shower would do him some good when her next text came to him. If she was wondering how he did it, the truth was he was making it up as he went.

I think I'll need to take a cold shower now, so that I can even make it until then.[/QUOTE] Speaking about the hypothetical Sunday time he'd mentioned, and part of him wondered if it was a good idea. As much as he liked playing the domineering, strong man who could have her under his thumb...

Me too. Don't cool down too much now...

...sometimes, it was nice to be a normal guy, too.


It came to Sunday, at about six thirty, and Corey had a problem. Well, two, if you counted his cable cutting in and out, but the real one was how antsy he'd been all weekend. It had made him remarkably productive in terms of getting things done, wanting to keep his mind occupied, but now he wanted to just chill out before work on Monday, and his TV had cut out.

He'd thought about what he told Natalie about meeting later. While he'd mentioned Sunday, it occurred to him now that he hadn't specifically said they would definitely meet on Sunday. He wanted to, but a part of him didn't want her first time at his house to just be a quick fuck....when a thought occurred to him.

Don't show her the house....

He started to text her, spitting out a quick message. Hey. You got any plans? He frowned at the wording. It was normal for where they'd been before, but given what she'd promised him...he rewrote it quickly.

Remember what you promised me? He wanted to see her again, even just for a bit, before Monday. She'd be a twenty to twenty five minute drive away, and he decided that maybe a bit more bluntness was necessary. If you're ready, come on over... He peeked out his window, which had a pretty good view of his street as he sent his address along.

A small garage attached to his house, his car backed into it. The hood on which he'd toyed with her was facing the garage door; this time, he planned on doing more then just 'toy' with her on it...
After her shower, Natalie felt a little better. Though she still very much wanted Corey, her urge for release had dissipated a bit. At least enough that she could go about her day without her panties being soaked. He'd told her not too cool down too much. That was almost laughable. If he only knew.

The rest of the day passed with no more word from Corey. That was ok. They weren't require to keep in touch 24/7. But as Sunday arrived and the day moved on, Natalie felt herself anxious to hear from him. He hadn't promised that they'd see each other today, but she'd hoped he would want to.

She'd nearly given up the prospect when her phone dinged Sunday evening. Just seeing that it was from Corey sent a pulse of heat between her legs and her heart skipped. Remember what you promised me?

She quickly sent back a simple Yes

If you're ready, come on over...

She swallowed hard. She was definitely ready. And it'd only taken a simple text from him.

I'm ready... She texted back. She quickly changed into a short black skirt and a purple halter top that dipped low to show off her cleavage. Though she had a feeling she could have worn a potato sack and it wouldn't have mattered, she still wanted to look and feel sexy for Corey. On a whim, she grabbed a her toys and threw them in her bag.

I'm on my way. She texted him as she got in her car. She hadn't worn panties, knowing they'd just be soaked anyway. And she wasn't at all ashamed of her eagerness.

About 20 minutes later, she arrived at Corey's house. I'm here... She sent the message as she pulled up. What he had in store for her, she didn't know. Maybe they'd just hang out, but she hoped, from the intensity of their messages yesterday, that it wouldn't just be that.

Natalie got out of her car and started to walk toward his door.
Truth be told, Corey didn't need to put all this effort in. He had to know with their little impromptu sexting/toying/whatever it was session they'd had on Saturday that they both just wanted each other. It didn't matter where, or when, or if his garage had a few loose boards or specks of dust or whatever (as all garages did). Even if it was a bit musty, it wouldn't matter. This would be the very textbook definition of a hookup.

I'm ready...

So was he. With simple black jeans, a tight, dark red t-shirt adorning his form over dark red boxers, he was idly puttering about now, back in the house. He tried to resist looking out the window for her, but in his eagerness to see her again, to have her here with him.

I'm on my way.

It wouldn't be long now. It wasn't then, when he'd seen her messages, and a thrill went through him. This was different from a girlfriend, or a lover, or fuck buddy - he'd never had anyone as devoted to him as Natalie seemed to want to be. And he was more then eager to find out her limits, or if she had any.

I'm here...

A slight underestimation. Either he'd taken a bad detour to get gas on Saturday, she'd found a better way to get to his house...or maybe both. Whatever it was, Corey dashed out to the garage, the urge to *not* let her in his front door somewhat overwhelming as he opened the garage door, the whirr of the raising metal enclosure seeming to grab Natalie's attention as she was about to walk up to his doorstep.

It hadn't occurred to him to think of what he would say to her after they'd been apart for so long, but Corey found himself without words as he took her in quickly; her long bare legs swishing under the skirt she'd chosen. Before he said anything, however, his body didn't get the memo about a greeting being polite as his hand went to her back, pulling her to him as he crushed his lips against hers, two hands now exploring her midsection.

Eventually, he pulled her head towards him so he could kiss her harder, pulling away only when he needed to breathe as his eyes darted noticeably to her revealing halter top, a smirk playing on his lips with a whisper. "Thanks for dressing up." He said huskily, letting his gaze linger down her body for a bit longer before he started to kiss her again, fumbling with her towards his garage as his hand somehow made it back to the switch when they were both 'safely' inside. It fit his car comfortably, and while there were a couple of workbenches with tools and some shovels and things hung on the wall, they were all safely away from the front area where Corey and Natalie were making out.

In any case, he was 'forcing' her back towards the hood of his car as his hands eagerly explored her body; one finding its way to her thigh and up her skirt to find out what she wasn't wearing...a gasp escaped him even through their kissing while his other hand went to her top to find out what else Natalie might be missing from her wardrobe for that evening....
Natalie wasn't sure what she expected to happen when she arrived at Corey's. Would he hug her, invite her in? Would this be like a date, in spite of everything that had happened the past few days? Or would they find they were unable to keep their hands off one another? But as soon as she heard the garage door open and saw Corey step out of it and walk toward her she knew this wasn't going to be a 'date.' At least not a typical one.

He did look fucking sexy in those jeans and tight shirt. She smiled as he approached her, but his look was not one of friendly greeting. It was one of a lion stalking its prey. She opened her mouth but before she could say anything, his arms were around her pulling her in for a deep kiss that left her breathless when he finally pulled back. Now he would greet her, surely. But no, all he said was "Thanks for dressing up."

Then his lips were on hers again and he was urging her toward the garage. She stumbled a bit, gripping tightly onto his biceps. She never got the chance to ask why they were going in through the garage. And then as the door closed and he pushed her back onto the hood of his car, she realized they weren't going to make it inside. At least not yet.

She dropped her bag onto the garage floor as he lifted her onto the hood. It was familiar territory from the other night. She gasped as his hand quickly moved under her skirt to find her not wearing any panties. She wasn't wearing a bra either, the top having a supportive fit all its own. Corey's other hand explored upward to find that out. Her stiff nipples were visible through the top and would be easily felt against Corey's palm if he touched her there.

Her legs eagerly moved apart at his touch, urging him to test her word. She broke their latest kiss, panting as she gazed into his eyes. "I told you I'd be ready." she whispered hoarsely before pulling his head back to hers for another hard, hungry kiss.
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Corey's fingers traced to the inside of Natalie's thighs, a guttural sound escaping him as he felt her open for him, wanting desperately to feel her need for him as their gazes locked. "I told you I'd be ready." Her whisper was hoarse with desire and their lips locked again; he cupped her mound under the skirt and her wetness leaked onto his hand. His other one palmed her breast through her crop top; the feel of her hard nipple was evident through the material and he groaned in appreciation as he realized she wasn't wearing a bra, either. Feeling her soft breast through her shirt wasn't enough, and his hand slipped under it to squeeze it directly; Corey's head tilted as he tried to push her back against the vehicle, and soon that wasn't enough, either.

The hand under her skirt left reluctantly - just as he was about to tease her wet pussy lips - only to join his other hand in an assault on her breasts; the effort lasted seconds only until they went to the bottom of her top to lift it up her chest and arms to reveal Natalie's glorious, naked torso to him. The top was tossed to the side as his hands met at the top of her wrists, pulling them together so he could hold them with one hand and push her flat onto his vehicle; her body splayed and open to him, nothing but a skirt in his way.

But it would prove no real hindrance as he kept her hands pinned above her head, his free hand going under her skirt as two fingers her wetness, his eyes roaming over her bare chest as he started to finger her, taking in her reactions and her body's response to his ministrations. His hardness was evident even through the jeans and it pressed into her leg as he loomed over her, his eyes ablaze. "You remember what you promised, Natalie..." He said hoarsely, two fingers becoming three inside of her as he continued to toy with her. "...did you mean it?"

Fuck, this was going to be a long evening. And it would only be a small portion of the time he wanted to spend with her, exploring her...

"Do you still want me to use you?"
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Natalie gasped as Corey grabbed her wrists and pushed her down flat on the hood, pinning her hands above her head. She was completely exposed to him other than the short skirt. His eyes blazed down at her as his hand drifted between her open thighs again. She bent one knee, opening herself to him and he immediately pushed two fingers deep inside her, drawing a moan from her lips.

She pushed her hips upward, meeting the thrusts of his hand as her thigh brushed against the hard bulge in his jeans. "You remember what you promised, Natalie...?" He asked, and she felt a third finger join the first two, stretching her even more. She couldn't hold back another long moan as his expert fingers worked her. Natalie nodded quickly.

"I remember." She answered, gasping as his fingers hit just the perfect spot.

"...did you mean it?" He continued, his eyes never leaving hers, demanding an answer. "Do you still want me to use you?"

Oh God. Did she? She had wanted it in the moment when she'd sent that message. But this was real. And she had no idea where he would take it. Text messages were one thing. But could she handle the real thing? She did want to please Corey and to give him what he needed. So she nodded again.

"I don't lie to you, Corey. I always mean what I say." She said, making sure to maintain eye contact. "U-Use me as you wish." She finished and there was a flicker of trepidation in her face, but she held her ground. "I'm yours."