Fortunate Daughter (Closed)



Name: Bethany Smith
Age: 18
Height: 5'8

Already, at eighteen years old, I had more income than half the people working here at this investment firm. Of course, most of this was due to my generous father, who held the enterprise with an iron fist. Did I say generous? Well, he was. At least to me.

Being his only child, I suppose that he spoiled me some. What other girls have you known, that were given more than eighty thousand a year for doing nothing? Or allowed trips to the most exotic beaches in the world? Of course, I wasn't a sloth or anything. This year I actually started to work within the company with him, Allen Smith, and accumulated something around $120,000. For now. Well, everyone had to start somewhere right?

As if this wasn't enough, my looks got me ahead in most places. There was something about a beautiful blonde with blue eyes that got the attention of most men, who would practically roll down the red carpet whenever I walked by. My large breasts helped quite a bit; being incredibly well endowed 34F cup. I suppose that I added slight sway into my hips as I moved, but again, it was only to gather some favors from time to time.

In the end, my father could only criticize for me for being a bit 'rude' to the people around the office. It couldn't be helped though. They just all felt...below me, or something.

Now at the office, I was behind the front desk, dressed in a white blouse and black skirt as I went through my Facebook account with my laptop. Things were relatively quiet today. Not that I was complaining.
"Smith Investments. Nathan speaking."

In some ways, I was pretty lucky. I've known Allen for a long time and he was looking for someone like me after I left my last job. Having worked my way pretty quickly up the corporate ladder in five years, I was a rising star at Smith Investments. For a man of 30, I was very well off. The work was challenging yet not overwhelming, the benefits great, and the big boss paid pretty well and was generous to everyone he interacted with.

Which also happened to be the biggest problem.

His kindness and generosity extended a bit too far over some people, specifically his daughter, Bethany. Sure, I knew what her job title was, but I couldn't tell you what she did for the office all day, unless updating her facebook feed every hour was in her job description somewhere. To go with a secondary objective of pissing off every person in the office.

Sure, she was a hot little number no matter what she was wearing - especially when she had skirts that showed off her legs, or any top around those massive cans of hers - but that didn't make up for her snotty little spoiled miss rich bitch attitude. Or the way she treated us mere 'peons' who didn't have Daddy wrapped around their little finger. I'm not entirely unsympathetic for his plight; my daughter could probably ask me to paint the entire house neon pink and I'd have it done in a day.

Then again, that's also why I'll be smart enough not to have my daughter work for me. Or at least not making more money then the people in the office who actually *did* any work.

Which reminded me....I finished my call and stepped out of my office, see Bethany idly staring at her laptop at the front desk.

"Do you ever do any work around here?" I called sarcastically to her. "You could at least look like you're trying..." I knew I had to be careful about my banter; a couple of people had taken it a bit too far and found themselves without jobs. I knew where the line was, and if I was going to cross it, I'd be sure to leap right over.
"Do you ever do any work around here? You could at least look like you're trying..."

I gazed away from the computer screen to see Nathan standing idly by. He was one of daddy's favorites, I think, though I didn't really care much for him. He did good, at least from what I heard during business talks and what have you, but he was dispensable. In the realm of investment banking, he of all people knew that pretty much anyone, save for family of 'the boss' were easily disposable.

I kind of scoffed and simply told him "Do you ever mind your own business? Just go back to your office."
Her reply was equally as quick, and cutting. For all my complaints about her, a lacking wit was not among them; she was as quick as any of the guys (or girls) that worked here.

"Do you ever mind your own business? Just go back to your office."

I stepped out a bit more, fuming as I thought about what I really wanted to tell her to do...visibly tensing as I held back. "Your business is my business, Bethany. And if you don't start doing your job, I can't do mine." That arrogant look on her face drove me further, but again I bit my tongue. "You can't just sit there doing nothing forever."

Okay, maybe I didn't hold back as well as I thought I had.
"You can't just sit there doing nothing forever."

I looked at him a bit more bitterly as he stood there, simply criticizing me more and more, despite his lack of prestige around here. I rolled my eyes and said "Last time I checked, my dad is the boss around here. You're awfully short on the corporate ladder to start giving orders around here."

And so, I simply waved him off as I quickly closed my Facebook tab. A sudden grip of emergency hit me, as I saw my dad walk by us. I smiled at him, then to the snappy individual, and quite obviously putting on an act:

"So what can I do for you, Nathan?"

I didn't need to get any lectures from two people today.

My dad smiled to me and left to his office.
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She rolled her eyes at me - not the first time I'd seen that gesture - as she responded. "Last time I checked, my dad is the boss around here. You're awfully short on the corporate ladder to start giving orders around here."

"I'm not giving orders, I'm just-"

I saw her expression change ever so slightly and that was the only clue I had to her daddy coming along; a pleasant expression washed over my face as Allen walked by. She smiled at him, and I shot her a glare before nodding at my boss. "Good morning, sir."

Bethany, of course, put on the act. "So what can I do for you, Nathan?"

What I should have done is say "Nothing." What I did say, knowing that I couldn't get her to behave at the front desk, was something else.

"I need you to look over the Dresden file and let me know who the key contacts are." It wasn't a lie; I *did* need her to review it, like she hadn't been doing for the last week or so. Her delaying was reflecting badly on me. "Can you come into my office in an hour or so to discuss it?"
"I need you to look over the Dresden file and let me know who the key contacts are. Can you come into my office in an hour or so to discuss it?"

I was about to tell him off, until I saw my father leave his office again. "Okay, so you want to review the file? Well, I have a lot on my plate but sure. I wouldn't want us to fall behind."

"Working hard as usual, Bethany?"

"Yes daddy." I said with a smile, before my dad left the office. Probably a meeting, or something. Nevertheless, my dad would know if I didn't do anything today, so I did get up from my chair and headed to Nathan's office wordlessly.
"Okay, so you want to review the file? Well, I have a lot on my plate but sure. I wouldn't want us to fall behind."

I thought I had a chance at a retort, but then her meddlesome father appeared again. I liked the guy, but his timing wasn't doing me any favors as I again bit back my wording as he spoke to his daughter.

"Working hard as usual, Bethany?"

"Yes daddy." she said with that fake smile that still seemed to melt him. Again, I don't blame him; Bethany is a looker and the smile did something for me and I couldn't stand her rich entitled ass. That firm, delectable, tight little...

Okay, wrong train of thought. Allen walked out, and I remembered then that there was a meeting with a large client that he was going to. In fact, most of the office would be there; it was the largest client that I had nothing to do with. Between vacations, a couple of sick days, and that meeting, Bethany and I were almost alone in here.

Finally, I can tell her off. I came back into my office, and soon after she walked in behind me. That was a *bit* of a surprise, but I turned to her anyways.

"Close the door behind you so we're not disturbed; we'll be able to focus better that way." I swear I had no bad intentions when I said that. Really.

I slide my copy of Dresden across the desk to her; I had the details I needed memorized. "So who have you talked to at Dresden, Bethany?" I tried, and failed, to hide a scowl as I spoke. "Assuming you've talked to anyone there, anyways."
I closed the door behind us, though hating the fact that he said so before I did it myself. Of course I knew to shut the door when reviewing files. I then moved to the opposite side of the desk as he slid the copy to me.

"So who have you talked to at Dresden, Bethany? Assuming you've talked to anyone there, anyways."

Again, I rolled my eyes. "I've talked to two of their managers and gave them the memo." I said, resisting the urge for now of simply telling Nathan to fuck off "You're snappy. Too snappy. I swear to God, I don't know why my dad keeps you here."

I was ready to leave, as I asked "Is that all? This 'meeting' is a bit pointless."
That eyeroll. I'd find it funny if she weren't looking at me. "I've talked to two of their managers and gave them the memo." she replied curtly. "You're snappy. Too snappy. I swear to God, I don't know why my dad keeps you here."

A laborsome sigh escaped me. "Because I actually do work and keep clients happy." She was, so, so annoying-

"Is that all? This 'meeting' is a bit pointless."

Okay. I'm a patient man, but something about the way she said that, the way she'd been talking to me today - or the past few weeks - or the entire time she'd been here - made me snap.

"Sure. Go ahead, Bethany." I waved back outside of the office. "It's all for those of you who spend all of the day on facebook sending smilies to their boyfriend - assuming he is your boyfriend, anyways, and not some guy you just pulled out of your school after seeing him go googly eyed over your tatas - or for those of us who just flash a smile and some leg and assume the company is yours to walk over." A bit of anger entered my gaze as I looked at her. "But for those of us who actually give a damn about your father's company and its future, no, it's not *all*." I stood up, glaring at her. "Now sit the fuck down."

Do you remember that line I mentioned earlier? I'm pretty sure I just sailed right over it.
"But for those of us who actually give a damn about your father's company and its future, no, it's not *all*. Now sit the fuck down."

Anger flared up inside of me, as he simply attacked me like this. I couldn't just sit down now - the absolute nerve of this guy. "First of all, don't assume anything about me you prick." I said, with my heart racing at god knows what speed "Secondly, you're under the impression that I don't care about my father's company. That's not true, I pull my weight when it comes down to it. I just don't give a damn about you. And finally, no, I will not sit down."
The adrenaline ran through me as I couldn't believe I had lost my temper like that. Watching her response, it seems like she didn't like what i had to say.

"First of all, don't assume anything about me you prick. Secondly, you're under the impression that I don't care about my father's company. That's not true, I pull my weight when it comes down to it. I just don't give a damn about you. And finally, no, I will not sit down."

From behind my desk, I tried to glower at her; she wasn't intimidated by me because I really did have no leverage. She made more then me despite being at a lower level position, and all she had to do was send one complaint to Daddy and I was done. I couldn't stand her looking down at me, so I got up slowly, trying to be menacing; maybe I could intimidate her.

"We are *not* done." I walked slowly towards her, my gaze meeting hers - stealing a couple of glances at her tits - as I grabbed her arm, squeezing it a bit more then necessary; nobody could touch her anyways so I might as well take advantage of it. "You won't be leaving until our business is complete." I tried to pull her towards the chair.

"Sit. Down."
"We are *not* done."

And so, I was stopped by his hand, which harshly grabbed at (and squeezed) my delicate arms. He tried to pull me towards the chair, and although I struggled, he forced me down onto the seat.

"Sit. Down." he repeated.

"You have no right to touch me like that!"
I practically yelled "When my father hears of this, your career is over."
She didn't react well to my forced handling of her; she moved easily against my strong grasp. "You have no right to touch me like that! When my father hears of this, your career is over."

It was then I decided it was time to leave the proverbial line in my rearview mirror as I yanked her back up. "Okay. You don't have to sit down then." I kept her wrist in my grasp as I leered at her. "But what would your father do if I did this?"

With that, I let go of her and grabbed at her tits through her blouse, squeezing them as hard as I could, stopping when I heard her response, rearing a hand back.

"Or this?"
I slapped her across the face, sending her sprawling to the floor.
I was utterly confused as he pulled me up. "But what would your father do if I did this?" he said before I gasped loudly, feeling his hand grab at my large breasts, hidden behind the fabric of my blouse and bra, and just squeezed as hard as he could. Luckily the bra in of itself helped restrain him.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled out and was silenced with a harsh slap.

Now on the floor, I called him out "N-Nathan! You're crazy! I'm going to sue your ass off for this!"
"N-Nathan! You're crazy! I'm going to sue your ass off for this!"

Well, probably. Which meant I had better get as much out of this as I can. Everything she said only fueled my aggression as pulled her to her feet - by her hair.

"Guess that means it doesn't matter what happens now, does it?" I hissed, grabbing her tits again through her blouse. "I've always wanted a chance at these..." I kneaded them roughly through her blouse and bra but my focus wasn't on the tits themselves - it was on the items of fabric containing them. I was no gym rat, but testing the material I figured I was strong enough to do what I wanted.

I met her eyes as I grabbed the lapels of her blouse, and pulled on them as hard as I could.
"Ack!" I cried out, being pulled up by my hair. "Guess that means it doesn't matter what happens now, does it? I've always wanted a chance at these..." he hissed, before his hands went onto my breasts. "Damn it Nathan! Let go!" I cried out, but to no avail - his hands cupped as much as they could (though couldn't fully hold them, given their sheer size) and just kneaded the flesh, or at least as much as he could.

Soon, it seemed that his frustration met its peak, as he pulled on the fabric of my blouse (which were strained already, given how my bust would test it). "S-Stop it! You're going to rip-" and sure enough, he ripped the blouse, making it easily fall off from my torso.
"S-Stop it! You're going to rip-"

Well, gee. I guess I'll stop then. Buttons flew across the room as the fabric containing her bust gave way; I didn't know if I'd ruined it, and didn't really care as I yanked it away from her. Her bra-clad breasts bounced as I threw her over my desk, my hands greedily feasting on her exposed tits.

"You stupid cunt." I growled. "Thinking you could do whatever you wanted as long as Daddy was here to protect you." Her bra seemed to be a back clasp, and I pondered what to do about that before my knee pressed into her thighs, feeling the other articles of clothing she was wearing.

"It's time you paid for your attitude." I kept one hand mauling her chest while the other went for her skirt. I started to unfasten it before shrugging mentally; In for a penny...

I grasped for a letter opener on my desk, letting her see it before I pulled her skirt away from her a bit. "You don't need this skirt anymore, do you?"
And the buttons just flew across the room. My breasts bounced slightly at the removal of the blouse, which only seemed to entice Nathan further. God...his hands were relentless.

"You stupid cunt. Thinking you could do whatever you wanted as long as Daddy was here to protect you."

"Fuck you! I'm going to...I'm going to..." I tried to say, though he managed to intimidate me more this time, as he pressed tightly against me. His hands continued to maul my chest as he did so...all the while his free hand showed me a letter opener.

"It's time you paid for your attitude. You don't need this skirt anymore, do you?"

"D-Don't! I'm warning you!"
I said, trying again to stop this...
"D-Don't! I'm warning you!"

The opener was not the ideal skirt-cutting tool, but if anything that made it better for what I had in mind; I didn't care what she went home covered it after I was done with her. My mind was lost in lust and adrenaline as I pulled at her skirt, but with my hands and the opener as the fabric split with my efforts. Eventually, I tossed the opener aside and tore it with my bare hands, tossing it across the room.

Now, just the bra and panties left. I slapped her thighs, shoving her back against the desk. I pressed one hand into her stomach as the other grabbed her bra, pulling it slowly away from her. The straps dug into her flesh as I gradually pulled harder and harder, the underwear gradually tugging away from her. Sure, it had a back clasp, but that would be too easy; my arousal was too far gone to take even a few more seconds to get this teasing rich bitch humbled.
"N-NO!" I cried out as he ripped my skirt with his bare hands, abandonning the letter openers. And then, just like that, the remains of my skirt were tossed aside before I too was moved, just on my back onto the rough, cold surface of his desk.

His hands hurried, pulling onto my bra and panties with all his might. The straps hurt my soft skin, given that it was being pulled more and more.

"S-Stop it Nathan! You...You..."

And it finally gave in, and with a final tug, both of my undergarments were ripped off. My large breasts bounced freely at the sudden release, and my trimmed pussy was also at Nathan's direct sight.

This was sick. He was obviously disturbed.

So why was I beginning to enjoy this?!
"S-Stop it Nathan! You...You..."

With a growl, I pulled even harder on the last two coverings of her modesty, not caring about the damage I did to her or them; I wanted her naked.

*SNAP* The bra finally torn, sent flying through my office. Soon, her panties joined them, leaving her naked and sprawled on my desk. My hands started to explore her, one to her unprotected breasts, the other to the area between her thighs, which glistened with...

Wait. She was wet? I grinned as I ran my finger through her juices, tracing her wetness down the center of her body as I squeezed her tits.

"You're getting off on this? You dirty little tease." I laughed as I ran a finger around her mouth. "Do you dream about this? Fantasize about it every time you wear a low cut shirt, a short skirt? Every time you shake that ass for a delivery guy?" I slapped a tit at her response. "Answer me!"
"Do you dream about this? Fantasize about it every time you wear a low cut shirt, a short skirt? Every time you shake that ass for a delivery guy?"


I cried out, feeling his hand harshly slap my breast, as his eyes watched the full mounds jiggled about.

"Answer me!"

"N-NO! I don't know...I don't know what you're talking about!"
I cried out, hoping that somebody outside would hear me.
"N-NO! I don't know...I don't know what you're talking about!" she cried out, a bit louder then I would've hoped for. I did want to hear her yelp and scream, but on the other hand there was the chance of someone being here. A lot of people were gone but I couldn't be too careful....

"Then why are you wet?" I whispered darkly, harshly jamming a finger inside of her to confirm what I had seen before. Yep, still wet...and soaking. I wiped it on her face as I helped myself to her uncovered breasts, squeezing and pinching them.

"What about this is turning you on, Bethany?" I slapped her breast again. "Do you like being punished?"
"Then why are you wet?" he whispered harshly into my ear. I yelped in surprise, feeling a finger shove its way deep inside of me as I pressed myself more again the table - the single digit testing how tight I was. I felt disgusting, feeling that wetness on his finger on my face - though that humiliation was over with quickly, replaced only with the pain and pleasure of his fingers pinching my sensitive nipples.

"What about this is turning you on, Bethany?"

"Oh god!" I moaned.

"Do you like being punished?

"N-No! I don't know...what you're talking about." I said between gasps.