Already, at eighteen years old, I had more income than half the people working here at this investment firm. Of course, most of this was due to my generous father, who held the enterprise with an iron fist. Did I say generous? Well, he was. At least to me.
Being his only child, I suppose that he spoiled me some. What other girls have you known, that were given more than eighty thousand a year for doing nothing? Or allowed trips to the most exotic beaches in the world? Of course, I wasn't a sloth or anything. This year I actually started to work within the company with him, Allen Smith, and accumulated something around $120,000. For now. Well, everyone had to start somewhere right?
As if this wasn't enough, my looks got me ahead in most places. There was something about a beautiful blonde with blue eyes that got the attention of most men, who would practically roll down the red carpet whenever I walked by. My large breasts helped quite a bit; being incredibly well endowed 34F cup. I suppose that I added slight sway into my hips as I moved, but again, it was only to gather some favors from time to time.
In the end, my father could only criticize for me for being a bit 'rude' to the people around the office. It couldn't be helped though. They just all felt...below me, or something.
Now at the office, I was behind the front desk, dressed in a white blouse and black skirt as I went through my Facebook account with my laptop. Things were relatively quiet today. Not that I was complaining.