Former student (please pm first)


Literotica Guru
Nov 6, 2011
(let me start by saying this is in now way created for teacher/ student.)

Cory was in his fourth year of teaching at a small town high school. It was the first time in his teaching career he had seen a group of students through for all four years. Cory was only 25 and had started teaching at 21 after graduating college quickly. Cory was the cute young coach all the moms, women, and other teachers dreamed about. At 6'2 195 lbs Cory was well built. A wide receiver in college and now an assistant coach on the football team everyone knew who Cory was. His short brown hair and dark eyes were something that always captured the ladies attention.

As the first game of the season was winding down the fans took the field to cheer on the home team win. Cory shook the others coaches hand and then began shaking parents and fans hands. As Cory looked over while talking to a parent he noticed a familiar face. It was Aubrey. Aubrey had been a senior during his first year of teaching and was the diamond in the rough. She was a beautiful girl but was very studious and didn't let high school drama get in her way. Cory knew she had went off to an Ivy league school somewhere and hadn't seen her since she graduated. She was now about the age that Cory was when he was teaching her.

Cory wondered what she was soon back home? Afte the head coach gave his speech he players and parents all began taking pictures and congregating. Cory looked and saw Aubrey talking to another teacher. As that teacher walked off Cory made his way over to her. Aubrey had always been one of his favorite students because she was so smart and more mature than her age. Making his way over he smiled. "well if it isn't ms. Valedictorian Aubrey Crest." Cory said as he walked up to her. "what has brought this great young mind back to this one horse town?"

(looking for a lady to play a very intellectual young woman. Perhaps just graduated college early taking summer classes and was now back home before starting a job or traveling the world. Will leave specifics up to lady and her appearance. If you are interested please feel free to pm me. Hope I have a taker!)

It had been a long four years at the university and while Aubrey went in there with big dreams and aspirations she found herself coming out with a teaching degree and room to grow. She had thoughts of continuing on to be a professor, but decided ultimately after four years she needed some time to decide where she wanted to go. She had options now and while she always enjoyed school she didn't know whether she was ready to be on the other side of the desk now.

When she had told her parents about what she wanted after her graduation they were accepting. They had always been hard workers in their own right but also had been 'late bloomers' themselves and understood that a little time was usually needed for big decisions. Since High School her parents had been in real estate, flipping houses, and had made a nice living at it. They bought a duplex when it had come up for sale and rented the other half out to cover the mortgage and then some.

Since there was no current renter they decided it was better to have their daughter next door so she could have space while still being close enough that she could get help if she needed. So they set her up in her own living space, and set up a monthly allowance for food and clothes and whatever else she might need. The rent and bills they insisted on taking care of until she had made her decision, coming to an agreement that she would pay them back when she had her career going.

Once the school year had started in town she had moved ahead with talking to Principal Butler about volunteering as a teacher's aide to see if she would enjoy teaching high school. He gladly accepted on the condition that a teacher would be willing to allow her to shadow them. She hadn't quite picked out the teacher she would like to work with yet, so she came to the first football game of the season to reminisce on some good times and meet up with some teachers after the game. School pride had always been big in the little town, and nearly every teacher would be on hand, especially for the first game of the year.

As she sat in the bleachers she remembered all the good times she'd had while at the school, and how nice it felt to be back in a place she considered a second home when she was younger. After the win she had filed onto the field with the rest of the locals to congratulate the team and talk with the teachers she knew. After talking to Mrs. Mitchell a bit she noticed Coach Jones heading her way.

"Oh my, Coach Jones! It's been forever!" She smiled giving him a quick hug. "Well this great mind graduated but has come upon her own quandary as to how to proceed with life, and is taking some time to figure things out. My parents were gracious enough to let me use the old rental space on the other half of their duplex to work things out. So I'm on my own, but still at home you know. How are the kids treating you this year?"
Cory quickly hugged Aubrey and then stepped back. Well if ms. Aubrey hasn't grown up and got a college degree." he joked. Cory listened to her talk about being unsure about where she wanted to head next and movin next to her parents. "that is not a bad thing at all. I sometimes wish I wouldnt have been in such a hurry to grow up." Cory laughed lightly "come to think of it I was about your age when I was teaching you."

"as for the kids they are kids always a few who want to be a handful." Cory laughed. "but none as bad as you were!" Cory laughed. Standing there for a few more minutes the chatted catching up. The crowd had began to thin and Cory needed to get back immune locker room for the post game coaches meeting. Looking at Aubrey Cory grinned. "well it was good to seeming Aubrey. If you need any help or I can do anything for you let me know. I am either here or at my place out on smiths farm." everyone knew where everyone lived so it was uncommon for students to know where every teacher lived. "just give me a shout if you need anything." Cory shook aubrey's hand and then turned and headed back to the field house to meet up with the other coaches.
Aubrey shook Coach Jones' hand then made her way back to her car. After making her way through the exiting traffic she got through town and settled in for the night in her apartment. Her parents had already gone to sleep for the night, she knew they did most of their business starting in the early mornings, so essentially it was just her and her apartment. Walking inside she got herself some food and sat down to think about what she wanted to do the next few days. She knew Monday she would be heading back to the high school to see about finding a teacher to shadow.
Sitting through the meeting and then heading home. On Saturday Cory headed into town to grab some groceries. As he was pushing the cart around the grocery eating an apple he picked up off the shelf as he walked in. This was his normal routine on Saturday morning and it was like no one even notices that he was taking the apple and eating not as if anyone would care because football run this small town and Cory and the team he helped coach won last night. Making his way down by where they cut the meat Cory stopped his buggy and looked in. There is nothing like a Saturday in late summer and early fall because football was on all day long. Cory reached in the meat selection and grabbed a container holding two steaks. "well I guess on today one tomorrow" he says to himself throwing it in the cart.

Moving on through the store Cory turns down one of the aisles. As he looks up he is surprised to see Aubrey making her way down looking at the products not paying any attention. Smiling to himself as she stops looking at the cereals. Cory walks up to her as she does not see him yet in long thought looking at the cereal. "you know the hardest part of living on your own is choosing the right cereal!" Cory laughs to himself as he stops his buggy right next to aubrey's.
Laughing softly "Yeah, do you give in to the kid in you and get the marshmallows, or do you act like your a grown up and get the bran. Sometimes I can't help myself, gotta get the marshmallows."

Abby smiled, tossing some Lucky Charms into her cart. Abby grabbed some oatmeal while she was next to it. Food shopping was becoming part of her regular Saturday routine, in a small town like this it wasn't a big thing to run into half the town at any given moment. Then she noticed Coach Jones' cart.

"Making some steaks tonight for some lucky lady Coach? Make sure you pick a nice wine for that now."
"if you call a lucky lady your Sunday lunch? Then yes. It is cheaper to buy two so you figure what they hey! Dinner and lunch!" Cory laughed. "and who needs wine when you can just have a beer? You did go to one of those fancy colleges didnt you?" Cory teased her.

Cory couldn't help but notice how cute Aubrey really was. Not like high school girl going to be cute one day. But down right a naturally pretty lady. "so what about you? Big plans tonight? Those local boys find out you were back in town and come calling every night?" Cory leaned forward on the handle of his buggy now. "or you still got a steady from back at college?" Cory teased her again. He couldn't help but be interested in where life had taken her.
Aubrey blushed slightly.

"No, no big plans, just me sorting things out with the place right now. Alone. I've kept to myself since I got in town mostly, haven't been out and about to be hounded by the local guys yet. You however, I'm surprised some lady hasn't snatched you up yet. You know half of the single mothers in the stands were always there to check you out."

She laughed again, smiling sweetly. Half the mothers and a good portion of the girls from the school too. She thought. All her old friends were always raving about him that year he started teaching. To be honest she would've done some talking herself but she was always a bit shy when things like that came up.
Cory grinned when she mentioned the women admiring him. "ah you know not really interested in playing daddy." Cory laughed looking down at his cart knowing he only needed a few more things to grab before grab before heading back to his place. "well I know you said you were interested in teaching and you don't have plans tonight. If you want I wouldn't mind giving up this extra steak for a little company tonight?" Cory looked at Aubrey not knowing what she would think.

"I mean it's cool if you don't want to or have something else to do. But there is some good football on tonight and I have to admit I find myself talking to myself sometimes since I really don't ever have any company." Cory laughed as he joked. "so if you want the invitation is out there to come out to the farm and have a steak and a couple beers. That is if you are of age now " Cory laughed again.
Aubrey thought over the invitation. She didn't have anything planned tonight honestly, and a warm meal and friendly conversation didn't sound too bad right now. Nodding slightly she smiled.

"Sure Coach, you provide the steak and a few wine coolers for me, I'll provide a nice dessert. You aren't allergic to berries or anything are you?"

She was running through recipes in her mind, thinking about a pie of some kind. It would be nice to be out of the house tonight, and maybe she could talk to Coach about shadowing him as a teacher's aide.
Hearing her agree made Cory smile. "deal! And no allergies.Just come on over when you want and I will start the grill when you get there. I just moved a flat screen outside on the porch we can watch some footba and grill us some dinner." Cory said with a smile. "so I will see you after while?" Cory pushed his buggy on picking up a few more items including the wine coolers and some extra beers for hiself.

After leaving the store Cory headed home straightening up the house a little then taking a shower. Throwing a pair of khaki shorts and a school logo football shirt Cory walked out back and filled a cooler up with ice opened beer and had a seat on the porch turning the tv on awaiting aubrey's arrival.
"Sure thing Coach, I'll catch you at your place after a bit. I'll need to use your oven for dessert."

Making her way through the rest of the store she grabbed the rest of the groceries she needed, and the ingredients for the pie. Arriving back home she put her groceries away, all except the ingredients for dessert, then headed to her room to get dressed. Standing in her room as she looked in the mirror debating her outfit she found trouble deciding.

Was this a date? No, it was just a friendly dinner watching some football, right? Well would you want it to be a date? Well.. no, he was a teacher when she was student, so he wouldn't ever think about dating a student... even a former one, right?

Sighing she finally decided on a nice light yellow shirt, something sunny and breathable since they were going to be outside. Pairing it with a modest white skirt she felt she had a good outfit. Then she opened her underwear drawer. Sighing again she picked something a bit plain, nothing too outrageous... but as she held it up she looked down at a nice white lace set she owned. Trying not to second guess her instinct she grabbed the lace set and hopped in the shower.

Getting dressed she got herself collected and calmed. Grabbing the pie ingredients and an apron she hopped into the car and checked the time. Just enough time to get to the Coach's place and get dessert together before the game started. As she drove she went back and forth in her mind on the possibility of the Coach thinking it was a date. Before she came to an answer she was pulling up to the Smith's farm, and around the back to the Coach's place. Heading towards the door she held on to her bag of ingredients tightly as she knocked on the door.
Cory was sitting out back when heard the sound of tires on the old gravel drive that led back to his place just beyond a tree line well off the road. Walking into the the house from outback he glanced out the front window to see Leah getting out of the car. He couldn't help but give her a little stare at the outfit she had worn and how good she looked in it. Cory now looking at his own old pair of khaki shorts and a tshirt new it was to late to change. Looking in the mirror by the door he made sure his short brown hair was alright and then heard a tap on the door.

Opening the door Cory smiled. "well hello stranger! I think this is becoming a regular thing now me running into you!" Cory joked. "here let me take something." taking the bag from her hand caused his hand to brush against hers and for the first time Cory felt a little jolt of energy fill his body. He always thought Leah was a pretty girl and had to admit that seeing her the past few days had made him attracted to her as she was now a woman but the outfit she was wearing tonight and the way she looked only confirmed it. The thought filled his mind now as well. "is this a date he thought?" Cory shook off the thought. "come on in sorry if the place is a mess." Cory walked into the kitchen. "looks like you need the kitchen? Please make yourself at home. I will go out back and start the grill now that you are here and grab us a drink. I will be right back." Cory set the bag of groceries on the table and slipped out the sliding glass door to the back porch to start the grill and grab them a beverage.
As his hand brushed hers her mind raced. Oh hell, is this a date!? When he sat the bag down in the kitchen she smiled, looking around.

"I will get dessert together and in the oven." She called after him as he went out to the grill. Sliding the apron over her clothes she started prepping the pie. Before long Coach had come back in with a nicely chilled wine cooler for her and she smiled, taking a sip before getting back into the dessert. She noticed him watching her while she worked, and she could feel herself blushing as she worked through making a triple berry pie. As she finished getting things together she stuck it in the fridge to chill, knowing it needed some time to chill and set. Setting the small timer she brought with she started cleaning up, finally feeling relaxed enough to chat again.

"You have a really nice place here Coach, its nice and quiet, a bit quaint too. Peaceful."
Cory headed out back. For some reason as he went to start the grill he noticed how sweaty his hands had become "shit. What the hell is wrong with you?" he said to himself as he started the grill. After making sure it was lit he grabbed a beer and a cooler from the ice and headed back inside before entering the door he peaked in and saw Aubrey with an apron on now working diligently on the pie. Cory couldnt help but stand there a few more moments admiring her working in the kitchen. "maybe this is a date? And why shouldn't it be?" Cory thought to himself as he opened the door.

Walking in and stepping up behind her he sat his beer on the counter and stuck his arm around her dipping his finger in the freshly prepared pie for a little taste. Licking it off his finger he got the reaction he was going for as Aubrey turned around giving him an evil little playful look. "sorry I couldn't resist it looked to good!" Cory said as they were now standing face to face. In his mind Cory thought about how good she looked standing there in the kitchen in her little white skirt and yellow top with her apron on. Coming out of his thought he handed her the cooker as she mentioned how nice his place was. "well thank you. I do the best I can but I guess a bachelor can only have a bachelor pad." Cory laughed taking a swig of his beer as he leaned against the cabinet on the other side of the kitchen as Aubrey placed the pie in the fridge. Cory couldn't help but take a look at her butt a she bent to set the pie securely in the fridge. As he looked he couldn't help but notice the outline of a little pair of white panties she was wearing that was now visible through the thin skirt as the light from the fridge shined on it.
Standing beside the counter sipping on her wine cooler she smiled. She felt mostly comfortable here, it was a nice little place in a corner of the town far enough away to not be bothered by much but not too far to make it grueling to get to and from anything like groceries or the school.

"Even as a bachelor pad, you've really got a nice setup here."

Making her way out to the grill and tv she sat down and gave a glance to the pre-game show. The steaks were starting to smell good, and once she got down to the bottom of the wine cooler she was starting to get a good buzz.

After about half an hour her timer went off and she got the pie into the fridge, getting the pie in the oven and setting the timer again. Grabbing another wine cooler she settled back on the chair to relax.

"I imagine those steaks won't be too much longer, huh?"
Walking outside Cory walked to the grill as Aubrey has a seat on the couch out on the porch. Checking the steaks out Cory closes the lid to the grill. "they have about another 15 minutes or so." walking back over Cory takes a seat on the opposite end of the outdoor couch then Aubrey. Grabbing the remote Cory turn down the volume a little on the tv and then looks at Aubrey.

"so a big college graduate now!" wow! I bet that was exciting to know you didn't have to go back to school anymore. That is if you didn't want to?" Cory grinned and sipped the long neck beer bottle. Rubbing his hand on his shorts trying to wipe away a little of the sweat built up on his hand it was evident that he was a little nervous. "you know this may be the first time I have had a lady to my house for dinner in some time. So please forgive me if I seem a little nervous. It's not everyday you get to have dinner with a pretty lady like yourself." Cory took another swig knowing he sounded corny but he was so uneasy he didn't know what to say.
Aubrey leans back against the couch, relaxing a bit knowing now that he was as nervous as she was.

"It's okay, and thank you for the compliment." She smiled "Yea, I haven't decided if I want to go back and work towards a doctorate and become a professor, or just be a regular teacher."

Taking a sip of her wine cooler, she thought a moment.

"Can I ask you a question?"

As he gave her a nod her mind came up with Do you really think I'm pretty? but she tucked that away.

"What made you decide to teach high school?"
"what made me be a teacher huh? Well football sure did help. I have always loved football and coaching was the best way to stay in it. As for high school. It's just cool to see kids go from being kids to young adults before they leave. I also thinks it's cool to challenge intellectual students. You were one of those kids. You were so smart so far ahead of your time." Cory took a swig of his beer. "I mean I always knew you go away to college graduate and get your degree. There was and still is no doubt you will make something of yourself."

Cory stood and walked over to the grill opening it up. The steaks were about done. Turning around "do you mind running inside and getting me a plate these things are ready to eat!" Cory flipped them one time an then shut the grill top. "get me a plate and I will get us another drink." Cory smiled and headed towards the cooler.
Getting up and heading inside Aubrey grabbed a plate for each of them as well as some utensils. Just before heading out the timer went off so she pulled the pie from the onion and set it out on the oven to cool, the smell of the berries wafting from the kitchen as she came back out to the grill, handing him the plates.

"The pie should be cooled down enough to eat after the game is done Coach. Coach, I know it may be bothering you, but if you don't mind I'd like to ask you a big favor. I asked Principal Butler if I could volunteer as a teacher's aide this semester while I decide if I want to continue my education, and he said it would be alright so long as the teacher agreed to it. Would it be okay if I shadowed you this semester, got a feel for the high school teaching scene?"
As she brought the plates put Cory placed a freshly grilled steak on each plate. Listening to her ask if she could aide for him this semester cory's mind ran wild. He knew seeing her everyday would only make this growing attraction for his former student even more prevalent.

"sure I don't see that being a problem as long as the principal said it was good." Cory grabbed the freshly open wine cooler and set it on the table and grabbed his beer having answer. As he began cutting his steak Cory looked over at Aubrey as she took a seat. "so you still wear those little pink framed glasses when you read?" Cory asked with a playful grin. "I know you hated them when you were in my class but I always thought they made you look so cute!" Cory hopes he wasn't over stepping his boundaries but the beer had made him a little more relaxed.
When he agreed to letting her be his aide she was jumping for joy, in her mind. She finally was going to get some on the job experience and see how she liked it. Blushing a bit on his comment about the glasses she finished her bite of steak before answering.

"Well, I have a pair of black glasses I wear occasionally now. I tend to wear contacts most days, but every so often I wear the glasses to give my eyes a break from the contacts."

As she continued eating and watching the game a bit she caught herself glancing over at the Coach quite a bit. She knew he was being quite flattering right now, to the point of normally she would have told him to relax but she was enjoying the attention so she wasn't too worried. Maybe that was the buzz thinking, but she was relaxed and not too worried about things.
After finishing dinner Cory and Aubrey heard into the kitchen to clean the dishes both agreeing they could wait a little while before dessert. Aubrey volunteered to wash the dishes while Cory ran the garbage out to the can. Upon returning Cory grabbed a towel to dry the dishes off. As Aubrey handed Cory the plate their hands softly touched each others. As they did their eyes locked an for the first time it seemed like they both mutually knew there was more there then two people just having dinner.

As Aubrey handed Cory the last dish he dried and then put it away. As Aubrey rinsed the sink out Cory took the towel winding up like a boy would do and playfully popped aubrey on the rear. It wasn't even hard enough to pop just a softl little pat as Cory laughed he threw the towel on the table looking at her. "sorry I just couldn't resist myself!" he said with a boyish grin.
When their hands touched and eyes met she felt a rush go through her, but as he turned to put the dish away she rushed her sight back to the sink. Does he feel that? Am I sure I'm okay with this? He was my teacher! As he popped her with the towel she shrieked coming out of her thoughts, looking over at him.

"Sorry I just couldn't resist myself!" he said, grinning.

Raising a brow she smirked, then grabbed the sprayer from the sink and sprayed him with cold water, laughing.
Cory saw her turn and before he could move she sprayed him with the faucet. "oh crap! That is cold!" Cory yelled as she sprayed him. Lunging towards her Cory wrapped his arms around her causing her to drop the sprayer back into the sink.

As Cory wrapped his arms around her my meaning he had pinned her to the counter. She was sitting up on top of it with her legs spread and he was between them his hands had pinned her arms against the top cabinets and when they realized where they were Cory was standing face to face with Aubrey. Cory still holding her arms and his body pressed to hers grinned. "you little devil. Playing unfair with the water." Cory grinned and then released her arms but didn't move from between her legs as she set on the counter top.