Forgotten Feelings (closed for Sarah4uk and Domain Master)


Literotica Guru
Aug 10, 2001
Forgotten Feelings (closed for Sarahuk4 and Domain Master)


Name .... Karen Watership.

Age .... 35 years old

Physical Description .... 5'4", blonde hair , shortish in a bob , blue/green eyes , medium build, not too skinny but not too fat , 140lbs.

Lonely as her Mother has just died , stayed unmarried to look after her ...


Looking at the White envelope in my hand I know exactly what it is , as Mum always said White envelopes are good news , Brown ones are bills , chuckling to myself I think she was always correct ..

With mix feelings I open it up , it was what I expected a cheque for £300,000 the residue from our house to the little house I am now living in , with a sigh I just look at it ...

Sitting down now with the cup of coffee I have just made , looking at the cheque my mind drifts back of my lost years , I remember that young man , what was his name , Ahhh Josh , who wanted to marry me at 19 , and how Mum said he wasnt good enough for me , how she made me see sence, but was it really sense or did she want me for herself , who knows , sighing again I look out of the window ...Well I know a lot of women would love to be in my position , 35 years old , single , with a good deal of money at my disposal , this £300,000 from the sale of the house , all Mums private money , infact getting out the calculator , I add it up , goodness me over £750,000 ....What am I going to do with it ...

Walking down the road , I notice a sign , "Puppies for Sale" , thinking to myself , well that would be an excellent idea , that would be company and also give me a reason to exercise , or if not I will vegetate .

3 Months Later...

The puppy now a full 6 months old is being a little handfull , her name , Lara , after the Dr Zhavago film , I realise now I do need help so decide on taking her to a dogs show , which is on this Saturday , hopefuly finding a dog breeder/shower/handler who can help me with this problem. She is so quite , so adorable, a black labrador , with the cutest little eyes .

Walking into the crowded field , looking at all the people stood around , suddenly I feel so so so nervous , I start to inwardly panic , and wonder if I should just retreat , but with Lara looking at me with her lovely eyes ,I decide she needs the best form of training , so for her sake I start to walk further towards the tents .

Looking around I see a man stood there, with a lovely dog by his side , looking as thou he might be a competitor , I am wondering if he can help me ...

"Hello , sorry to trouble you , can you help me please?"....
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Name: Reg Weston, age, 56years, 5'11",dark brown hair, balding,piercing blue eyes, overweight, around 17 and a half stones, unkempt appearance, long straggly hair and a bushy beard.
dressed in old fashioned, well worn clothes.
has lived on his own since his wife ran away with another, younger man around 11 years ago, taking his only son with her.
Reg has spent lots of time and money looking for them as he loves his son and doesn't want to lose touch but, has no idea where they are.

Welcome Domain to the world of SRP , I hope that you will enjoy it , I am sure you will ...Mmmm.. lovely being a Virgin again isnt it ...again !!!


The man introduced himself to me as Reg Watson , he was a local dog breeder and had his own kennels , hense he was at the show and a competitor. I asked him his advise about Lara and he told me to visit him sometime , but as he handed me his card , I smiled and he just looked at me.

Driving home , with Lara , safely locked behind the dog grill I start to smile to myself , he really was a very nice man , one of the nicest men I have spoken to for a long time , and he seemed to like dogs.

Lying in bed that night , with Lara on the floor by my side I start to let my mind wander ...

Without realising my hand started to massage my breast and feeling my nipples getting harder I start to moan slightly and I hear Lara move , so I shout at her to go down stairs which she does , moving over to my cupboard I get out my friend , my Mr Happy , and test his batteries , which were flat ...Damn!! , I think , but lie back down ...looking at my body , my flat tummy I can see my pussy hairs , feeling down my tummy with my right hand I search for my lips , and gently tease them , while my other hand pulls gently at my nipples , wetting my finger tip putting it on my nipple and gently circling each one in turn , then I pull my breast up to my own mouth and start to suck my nipple while my other finger starts to massage my outer lips then gradually into my inner lips , massaging the lips between first two fingers , now letting go of my breast both hands go down to my pussy ...My finger finds my clit , so swollen and so hard , my breath coming in rasps now , as I massage it , round and round with my finger , twirling it , going faster and faster , as my fingers from my other hand start to enter me , finger fucking myself , going faster and harder , then back out and up to my hard nipples , and my finger going in circles on my clit ...finally I feel the release as I climax , once then twice , the pulsing through and through my body , rippling up to my naval , leaving me totally worn out ...

Lying back on my bed , my body totally worn out , I look at myself in my mirror , my cheeks so flushed , my body on fire , and I suddenly wish I was with a man , not just any man , but I did like Reg quite a lot ....shaking my head I think , stupid woman , he didnt even look at you like that at all ...

Looking out of the window , Lara sat by me eating her breakfast , i think , wonder if I ought to contact him , getting out the piece of card from my bag , I reach for the phone ...

Hearing the purring sound , I suddenly realise he has answered it ...

"Hello is that Mr Weston , this is Miss Watership , have you a minute please " ...
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Standing outside the marquee, having a cigarette waiting for the release time to come. why do they have such stupid rules about not being able to leave before a certain time? I could be home by now, seeing if young Kayleigh has been doing the kennels properly and feeding the dogs right as well, got quite a few in, good job I told her that she could bring her friend Wendy in to help her, not easy getting the food served up to 43 dogs.

"Excuse me please, can you help me?" i am only vaguely aware that a young woman has stopped and is speaking to me. Not really sure that she has spoken to me, i turn and have a proper look.
she is nice, better, she is lovely, around 30 ish, blonde hair, lovely eyes, what colour would you call them?
she has a dog, a young bitch pup with her!a lab, full bred lab but, not trained by the look of things.
The woman introduced herself as Karen someoneorother, and asked me some silly question about the bitch. i gave her some advice and gave her a card, well, i was feeling that i'd like to see her again.
I told her she would be welcome at the kennels anytime if she wanted any other help.

That night, i lay in bed, alone as usual, thinking about things as I usually do and i got to thinking about that young woman, Karen whatshername?

she was quite tasty really, i wouldn't mind her being here with me, i haven't shared a bed with a woman for more years than i can remember! and she, karen, was very tasty, not fat but, not one of them stick insects either.
my mind played back over the time when she turned around to walk away, such a lovely arse.
i felt a stirring in my cock, it rose, quite unbidden and i realised that i was stroking it, i was also thinking about Karen too.
myhand started to move up and down on my cock! I was enjoying it too, so i started rubbing it properly.
and then, i woke up, still on my back and go down stairs about
8.15 late but still on time to help. i put the kettle on and look out to see where Kayleigh had got to
the phone rang and i reached out and picked it up automatically, "Shady Pines Kennels" i say, "Can I help you?"
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Listening to his deep voice I hear him say ...

"Shady Pines Kennels ,Can I help you?"

"Hello is that Mr Weston , this is Miss Watership , have you a minute please " ...

I went on to explain that I really did need help to train Lara , as she was getting very naughty now and pulled me all the time and wanted obidence classess for her , he told me to go up to his kennels any time this afternoon ...

Grabbing the towel as I get out of the shower I start to pat myself dry , over my face , down my neck , over my breasts , gently rubbing each nipple as I can see drops of water over the hardening points and down over my tummy to my glistening hairs of my damp pussy , drying each arm and then leg , I step out of the shower cubicle and think , what shall I wear.

Getting out a lovely blue skirt , light blue , I get out my best sweater , and looking at it I think , well it looks too doudy , so I find a skinny rib blue top which matches the blue of the skirt , and pulling out my new white lacy briefs I start to dress , putting on my bra and pulling over my skinny rib top , I look at myself in the mirror , the bra doesnt look quite right , so taking it off , I remove my bra and put the top back on , Yessss now that looks a lot better , not so bulky ....looking at myself, side on in the mirror , I am wondering if I look too tarty , but decide not , as I often walk around with no bra on , I hate bras really .

"Lara, Lara, come here you naughty dog " , I shout at her as I let her out of the car at the kennels , as she bounds off towards the other dogs in the kennels, then I hear a gruff voice yelling , turning around I see him stood there , and suddenly I feel very very concious of what I am wearing , as this man glares at me.

"Hello Mr Weston I am Karen Watership " , holding out my hand , "Pleased to meet you and thank you for inviting me here , but Lara is being very naughty , I am so sorry " , I start to mutter , looking down , feeling embarrassed ......
i come out of the door of the house just in time to see her arrive,
she had phoned me earlier to ask my help in training her little bitch no trouble there, she is just a naughty puppy and she will calm down with time but, there are a few things that she needs to be taught to make her into an obedient and useful young dog.
clicker training will do the trick.
so much for the bitch now, what about the filly, Karen it was, watersummat or other. when she 'phoned this morning i was so surprised to hear from her i didn't catch her name properly, she Was lovely, probably better than i had remembered, she has a blue skirt on, quite a short one too and then, like a bolt from the blue comes the puppy, out of the car, stupidly, she's not on a lead just loose in the car, like always, it's the owner that needs training much more so than the dog. as she starts charging around the yard, i notice that karen is leaning into her car for something, she is displaying a gorgeous pair of legs, and as she recovers from the car i see that she is wearing one of those brief tops, same colour as her skirt, she looks very smart and hang on, she doesn't look as if she has a bra on either.there's a cool breeze up here, much more so than down in the town nearby, making her nipples hard it was, lovely, really great tits and her nipples were good long and firm ones too, i secretly longed to be able to suck them, to squeeze them hard for her to make them sting, she looks over at me, just as i am fantasising about her. i must have looked guilty.and i was getting a hard on too, , well i knew how to deal with that ok, i put a hand in my pocket and squeezed the end of my cock, i winced, just as karen looked over at me again.
"come on lass," i said, "let's set to training that there dog of yourn before mine are driven into a frenzy by her."
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He looks at me , and suddenly I feel very self concious , he is rather handsome in a rough type of way , and I can feel my nipples harden not only to the coldness of the wind but to his stare , not feeling like this for a long time I dont know how to react , luckily he said.

"come on lass, let's set to training that there dog of yourn before mine are driven into a frenzy by her."

That broke that awful silence , and I half ran over to collect Lara , and turning to him , I feel such excitment that this man will be helping me with her .

After an eneregenic hour of marching up and down , he asks me if I would like a cuppa , I agree , but tell him I only like coffee. I notice as I wander in the kitchen , it wasnt too tidy so assume he is unmarried , or widowed no signs of a womans touch , smiling to myself I think , good ....

Watching him go over to what I persume is his best crockery he pulls out two cups and saucers and fills them with the perculating coffee , it smells lovely , handing it to me he smiles and offers me the milk , which i take and feeling our hands meet sends shivers up my spine , which react on my nipples making them harden further , and I am sure I can see the effect it has in his jeans. Pulling my hand away I get all jittery and nervous and I drop my cup in my lap , hot coffee everywhere.

"Ahhhhhhh" , I scream out in pain , and embarrassment , Reg came straight over, Ohhh gosh what do I do now I think , trying not to cry. He brings me over a tea cloth and trys to dab me off, but it isnt working , so I ask him nicely if I can visit his Bathroom ...

Once in I leave the door ajar , and unzipping my skirt , I take it off , the skirt has its own lining so I am just now in my white lacy briefs ...bending over the sink , dabbing the coffee stain off under the flowing water , Lara pushes open the door , turning around quickly because of the noise , I see Reg stood in the lounge door way looking right at me , I try to cover over my panties , but know he saw them immediatly , knowing he saw how revealing they are , made me feel actually quite excited , and I know my body is good for a woman of my age , I turn around again and start to wash off my skirt ...Stepping back into my skirt , I zip it up and walk out of the bathroom ...

Turning to Reg as thou nothing happened I say ..

"Thank you for letting me wash off my skirt , I must be going , and is it ok for Tuesday , 2.00pm to bring Lara as we already discussed " ...

Sitting back in the car I let out a great big sigh ..that man did things to me , and letting my right hand slip down between my hands as I drive , I feel how wet I am , thinking about that ,I know who will be busy today , and how I must buy some new batteries for it ...

After eating tea , and a relaxing bath , I take the batteries out of my handbag , and lie on my bed ...Mmmmmm ....
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she rushes about and catches the dog, i definitely think that it's the owner that needs the training, the dog well, bitch to be precise, watched her and when she starts getting close, dashes off again, like a naughty child.
the bitch having been caught, i make karen march around a bit, i need to see how the bitch responds to her so, first time, lots of walking back and foreth, up and down.
after an hour or so, i call it a day, but, i have been watching her, she is a lovely mover and so is the little bitch too. i ask her if she would like a "cuppa." she says she would love a coffee and we go into the kitchen, thank god i had tidied it up a bit, though it still looks a bit rough in there.
i poured the coffee into two of my "best" cups and hand her one, passing her a little jug of milk after, i can't help buit notice her tits, they look great and her nipples look so inviting and firm too. i am a bit preoccupied and my hand brushes hers as i pass over the milk., my god, they're lovely, she's lovely but, she starts at my touch and then, the coffee is in her lap.i almost dragged her up and rip the skirt off of her to save her from blisters which may result in too long an exposure to the boiling coffee!
she screams out in pain and surprise too and although i know i should rip her skirt off i just hand her a cloth to dab, ineffectively with.
she asks me if she can use the bathroom, there is the downstairs bathroom, me and the staff use it whenever its been cold, wet, or sometime i use it at night cos i'm sometimes too tired to go upstairs. so i take her there, she goes in and dpoesn't close the door properly, i hear her at the wash basin and wish that i could be there!
the little bitch, who had rushed off cowering somewhere when she had received the coffee into her lap, and now, she realised that her mistress had left the room and she is determined to locate her! lara,(the bitch!) pushes her way into the bathroom.
the door is wide open and i am just outside, karen is standing there, bent over the basin, her skirt in her hands and with just a very brief pair of briefs on, she has an absolutely wonderful arse.

(this is unfinished i will finish it am 19/11.)