forced blackmail / incest blended family


Nov 11, 2023
I've had this idea floating around my brain for awhile now. A female IT expert uses her web hacking skills to find families to blackmail into submission. She stumbles upon this blended family and proceeds to turning them into her personal playthings. Anyone want to help flesh this out more?
It's an intriguing idea. We can set it back in the Covid lockdown days. Everyone's doing everything from home. The IT tech has been nursing a crush on this person for a while and getting to work near them has been a highlight for her. But now with the lockdown, she's resorting to secretly popping on that person's webcam to see them at home. One day she sees something mind-blowing. With her hacking skills, she finds her way into their security cameras inside the home, and can't believe the behavior she's witnessing.

Finally one day the employee goes to log in and finds their computer locked out and that they have become a victim of ransomware. She threatens to send photos of them to the employer unless certain demands are met. The IT woman pretends to help after they contact her, but she just helps lead them further down the rabbit hole, hoping to insert herself into the equation at some point.
Finally one day the employee goes to log in and finds their computer locked out and that they have become a victim of ransomware. She threatens to send photos of them to the employer unless certain demands are met. The IT woman pretends to help after they contact her, but she just helps lead them further down the rabbit hole, hoping to insert herself into the equation at some point.

Don't know the current situation, but at the height of it, ransomware as service was a thing. You could either get a copy of the tooling to carry it out against less than ideally hardened targets with less than expect knowledge, or even hire a group to do it for you. I don't expect it to have changed much since, although a few notable groups have been taken care of (at least one seemingly self destructed; war in Ukraine has disrupted a few more, one way or another). The main players are state sponsored/sheltered (RU, NK, Iran, ...) politically motivated chaos agents, and that isn't going away anytime soon.

So it's not that much a stretch if she carries the whole attack out herself. Actually, otherwise it's helluva lot of a coincidence. She might justify it by bringing attention to the vulnerabilities she found, say, if she wouldn't, someone else would, and it would be worse for them, company, and everyone. So it's her way to express affection, basically, and allow her to make the private contact she seeks, a gateway for more.

Either way, given the content of home porn videos filmed (if there's any), even the standard threat to publish the sensitive data on the hacking group's site is entirely enough for extreme discomfort. And even if they paid it off (what's unlikely, especially if it's actully staged by our cute predator) there's no warranty the stolen data are in fact deleted. To threaten to send it to interested parties is so specific, it's rather suspicious of a targeted attack. Ransomware on its own is a highly automated industry so bar a very high profile cases deep personalization of the attack isn't likely. The victims may not know or care for such details, but our IT girl might or should.
The IT woman pretends to help after they contact her, but she just helps lead them further down the rabbit hole, hoping to insert herself into the equation at some point.

Good suggestion.

I wonder though whether blackmail within the same family might not play out interestingly... and with more 'spice'... here. Various possibilities suggest themselves.
I'm unclear as to why a step family situation is specifically indicated here.
I've always envisioned a mom with 2 sons and a dad with 2 girls. The youngest son and the dad our blackmailer would turn into crossdressing sissies. The oldest son would be a surrogate Dom, helping keep everyone behaving, since our mastermind is remote and not there.

I don't know why I've always pictured it that way.
Any ordinary family can have that composition. But I think your basic premise is promising, although you haven't suggested what form the blackmail could take. Being an expert in IT does not make one an expert in blackmail.
Any ordinary family can have that composition. But I think your basic premise is promising, although you haven't suggested what form the blackmail could take. Being an expert in IT does not make one an expert in blackmail.
True but an IT expert would know where to look and possibly have access to that dark web.
Any ordinary family can have that composition. But I think your basic premise is promising, although you haven't suggested what form the blackmail could take. Being an expert in IT does not make one an expert in blackmail.
The main advantage of step family in this context I see, you can have N×2 kids within roughly the same age range without declaration of multiple twin, triple or higher number single release batches. With steps (or adoption, or fostering, or exchange students) you can have combinations a few months apart. The less relevant the further from the magic number, of course.
I was thinking that perhaps this isn't really a family at all. And that is what our peeping IT poison has discovered. They are a quartet of grifters working a con. With two older and two younger they resemble a family and have been using that as their cover story.
Smart House. I was thinking about how quickly people become dependent on technologies that provide convenience. If there is a home that has deeply penetrated many aspects of family life: diet, training program, leisure time, etc. Then the hacker who broke into the house could begin to impose his will on the family, even without blackmail. Perhaps at first they would not even understand what was happening. For example, a wife ordered a smart dildo, the house takes control of this dildo and gives her jerk-off instructions. Or son ordered a smart chastity cage and unexpectedly the cage synchronizes with the house and he loses control over the unlocking.
And over time, the family finds itself under more and more control of the smart home (hacker).
It may also turn out that the house automatically carries out washing and distribution of clothes into closets, and each closet has electronic locks. Therefore, they will only be able to wear what the hacker allowed them to wear.
+ in a smart home there are probably many cameras that will allow a hacker to monitor their toys very conveniently.
If you're going to take this concept I can give you some more ideas.
I wonder though whether blackmail within the same family might not play out interestingly... and with more 'spice'... here. Various possibilities suggest themselves.
I really like the risk of exposure in stories. When a character finds himself in a situation that his dirty secrets may be revealed, he worries about this, and tries to hide it. In this story, a situation may arise when each family member tries to hide blackmail from others, not suspecting that others are in the same position. At the same time, the blackmailer specifically creates situations for them with the risk of exposure. This would be fun to watch.