For those who say Iraq has no WMD's



I'm honestly trying to figure out your logic.

Do you think they were all destroyed after the Gulf War?

If not, did the Iraqis destroy them on their own?

Do you think Iraq would admit to having them now?

What would it take for you to admit you were wrong?

What did they use to kill the Kurds?
I'd just ship him some WMD's on a Korean Registered ship with the flag painted as soon as it hit the Sea of Arabia along with faked Chinese Purchase Orders and then send in the Marines to say, "GOTCHA!"

But then, tactically, I'm not above faking an attack on a Polish radio station...

Interesting how the first two responses answered he questions with another question.
miles said:
Interesting how the first two responses answered he questions with another question.
But Miles, all I'm waiting for is the proof and all I'll hearing is hype and sabre-rattling. Like the Head Weapons Inspector, Hans Blix, said, "If the Americans have the proof, then tell us and we'll head right over to the location and pick them up..."
But they don't. Apparently.
Despite the constant Europebashing, think seriously about this: No Western nation would hesitate if there was proof. A smoking gun would be enough to send even the most sceptical, anti-American western nations into an alliance against Baghdad.
But every nation except the States says that there is no proof. (Blair doesn't represent the opinions of his countrymen)

Stories like this (only one example) are enough for me to doubt that any proof exists.
miles said:
Hanns Blix wants to appease Iraq. Period.
Oops, sorry. I thought you said... how did you put it? I'm honestly trying to figure out your logic.
And then you post something like that. Why would he want to appease Iraq? How do you know this? Do you two go bowling together?

Oh well, at least you admitted that it is 'logic' in our possession.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Actually, I think the scuds were heading for Hezzbollah or Iran
Hi hanns! What's the weather like in the English ghettos today?