For the record


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
I have no intention whatsoever of opening that thread with my name in the title.

I have that person on ignore for a reason, and choose not to interact with them at any time.

If you choose to read it, be my guest. But I have no interest in hearing about it.
peachykeen said:
I have no intention whatsoever of opening that thread with my name in the title.

I have that person on ignore for a reason, and choose not to interact with them at any time.

If you choose to read it, be my guest. But I have no interest in hearing about it.

what's new in London? We've got London weather here. Yucky!
Once Hannsy's real identity is revealed...people will like him even less.
London is actually quite nice today islandman, crisp and bright, very autumny, and not particularly damp, which for London is very good indeed. In fact it has scarcely rained at all since I've been back, very unusual indeed!

I'm fine Trish; at the moment I should really be writing cover letters for the batch of CV's I need to send out on Monday, but I'm having a cup of tea and taking a break. Going to start dinner in a few minutes anyway.

(Oh CVs as in curriculum vitae, not Chilled Vodkas;) )
peachykeen said:
London is actually quite nice today islandman, crisp and bright, very autumny, and not particularly damp, which for London is very good indeed. In fact it has scarcely rained at all since I've been back, very unusual indeed!

(Oh CVs as in curriculum vitae, not Chilled Vodkas;) )

I could not take living in London. Better you than I.

CVs - i'm redoing mine this weekend. Got any tips?
storm1969 said:
Isn't he CV/yoyotwat/70%-30%?

I don't know who he is for certain...but after looking at the writing styles of a few people, and seeing the remarks they leave, I will bet anything that it's not CV, yayati, 70/30, REDWave, SINthysist, or pp_man.
Bob_Bytchin said:
I don't know who he is for certain...but after looking at the writing styles of a few people, and seeing the remarks they leave, I will bet anything that it's not CV, yayati, 70/30, REDWave, SINthysist, or pp_man.

for fuck's sake man, enough already. I'd like one fucking thread where i don't see his name.
Ok, I guess I'm hungry now, but you reminded me of the best seafood dinner I've EVER had. There's a very small restaurant in the ground floor of the office building directly east across the street from the Tower of London. (One of the buildings that hem in the St. Katherine Docks)

Set price, silver service, Dover Sole. OMG -- it melted in the mouth.

I was wondering Peachy, what do you find you miss from here, while over there?
Well it is amusing how many views that other thread is getting, even if he seems to be the only one posting on it. I guess a lot of folks are excited by the idea of it, eh? Or just curious? Whatever.

FYI - and I am not saying anything here now that I haven't said in parts in other threads - here is the story, in a nutshell. I was sexually abused by a family friend when I was 11. I know a lot of people might see this as very personal information to give away, but see, I don't. It has no power over me (anymore). Someone knowing this about me is, to me, about as intimate as them knowing where I went to high school. (West Morris Central.) Not to minimize any suffering others who have been through similar experiences may experience, but past is past, I know who I am today and that's about all there is to it. It took me a while, and a good deal of work, to get to the point where I could say that confidently and LIVE it. But I do. So, whatever anyone else has to say about it is pretty meaningless to me, really.

Now I'm going to go make dinner. Going to try the spinach and chickpea soup recipe in today's Guardian weekend magazine. Will let you know how it goes.
PEACHY! I'm sorry, Hanns chewed through the bars on his cage, and escaped, I chased him all the way here, the sneaky bastard..
*cracks a whip at hanns* back to your pen, beast! *crack*

I'll see if I can chain him to the wall or something..
Good gawd, A_J not that bad?

I'm loosing my touch...

I'm touched.

I am the Walrus.



He's more like Dixon or PC...

I didn't open it. But I am looking foward to having drinks with you again sometime, Peachy!
He knows I can't actually see what he writes, right?

Thanks Dill :) Yes it was fun, let me know if you're ever jumping across the pond.
peachykeen said:
London is actually quite nice today islandman, crisp and bright, very autumny, and not particularly damp, which for London is very good indeed. In fact it has scarcely rained at all since I've been back, very unusual indeed!

What do you mean 'crisp and bright?' It fucking chucked it down this morning!!! Buckets of it. And it's been trying to repeat the performance all day.

Man, some people should look out their windows occassionally ;)
hanns, when you are on ignore, your posts show up as

"This post was removed because the person is on your ignore list, click here to view this post"