For the good of the kingdom (closed)


Literotica Guru
Jan 10, 2013
Alex watched as the castle came into view, appearing out of the snow and gleaming like a jewel in the middle of a snowy wasteland. He imagined stepping into the fabled hall of flames and feeling the warmth seep through his bones and shuddered kicking his horse and spurring it to go faster. The heavy hooded cloak he wore was made of the finest furs and leathers but it did little to hide the unforgiving chill of the nation. It was always covered in snow even during the brief summer and cold chills were the only kind of wind you could get in this particular country.

He rode the last few miles up the road as fast as he could, both he and his horse named shadow spurred on by the sight of the castle looming in the distance. They made it in record time and Alex worked quickly getting Shadow inside of the barn and ignoring the men and servants rushing to help him. He jumped down and went inside look around the corridor in wonder of his surroundings. No one in his country had ever even seen the famous castle never mind be inside of it. It was just as he thought opulent and warm and brimming with history and commanding respect.

The servants came up taking his coat from him and pointing where he needed to go, Alex had never been surrounded by so many riches before and he turned trying to see as much as possible as he walked to the kings audience room. His armor was freshly polished and clung to his massive body showing off his raw impressive physique, he was a mountain of a man towering over every one and rippling with muscles as he walked. He had his helmet off revealing his handsome defined face and electric green eyes, his black hair was buzzed short and his chin was covered in a scratchy shadow of a beard he had yet to shave off. More importantly however a crown rested on his head glittering softly in the light of the fire, it was the first crown built for him by his most skilled smiths when he took the new throne.

His country had been barbaric for the last few years, struggling to survive under a harsh winter and in fighting amongst each other. It had been him Alex Tiberius Stone the brave who had convinced them all that peace was a better option than fighting. The ice creatures were a bigger threat he had argued and the seven tribes would need to all band together in order to combat that. He was surprised when they all agreed and in a fortnight they had crowned him king and decided that he would lead them.

His first order of business had been to make peace with the neighboring nation, luckily most of the fighting the barbarians had been doing was infighting and none of his people had been fighting the other nation. The kingdom was a large one but the king was largely bankrupt because of the amount of supplies that needed to be made to help survive the harsh winters. Luckily money was some thing Alex had plenty of so he had proposed an alliance he asked for their daughter’s hand in marriage and they agreed greedily awaiting the large money he had promised as her dowry.

He walked into the Audience chamber and stood ignoring the whispering nobbles and watching the thrones that would seat the royal family. They had not arrived yet so he waited wondering what his bride would look like. It didn’t matter to him to much but he found himself wondering any ways and day dreaming as he waited for them to arrive and greet him.
“Papa, this is such a horrible mistake. He’s nothing but a barbarian.”

Her voice was soft and shaking, her light grey eyes imploring her father to rethink his position on her marriage. Caroline had been stunned for the past few weeks since it had been announced that she would be married to the man who was the head of a neighboring tribe. The fate to her seemed worse than death, but her father was completely unyielding when it came to her pleas.

“Enough, Caroline. I will not hear any more on the subject.” The great King Philip X, her strong and imposing father, threw his dark gaze over the form of his daughter and sneered slightly.

Hers had been an unexpected birth, one that had taken his beloved wife from him nearly eighteen years ago. He already had three strapping sons, fine heirs to his throne. He had never wanted to raise the fair haired, squalling infant especially after she’d stolen the life of her mother. Rumor had it that the young Caroline was a changeling, a bad omen, one that he desperately wanted to be rid of. Who better to give her to than his neighbor, the new King. She would be his burden then.

“But, Papa…”

“ENOUGH!” Philip’s voice echoed off the stone walls as his eyes turned fiery and Caroline knew that she was overstepping her boundaries. “You will meet him and marry him with a smile on your face, daughter. Anything less will be met with swift and harsh punishment.”

“Yes, Papa.” She said in a soft voice, almost a whisper as he swept past her, calling to his sons to join him as they made their way to the audience chamber.

As the large wooden door closed behind her, Caroline turned to stare. She trembled, tears clinging to her lashes as she thought about the man that she was about to marry. She had heard stories about the brut, nasty stories from her maids about the way that they lived in tents and moved about in the harsh winter like barbarians. She would surely die…

With a small sigh, Caroline ran her hands over the lush velvet blue dress she was wearing, one that had been specially made for this occasion. Her father had ordered her primped and polished for the first meeting and she had never seen herself like this before. Her light grey eyes were lined with a thick smudge of kohl. Her pale lips had been painted the deepest of red. Her white blonde hair had been pulled and pinned until it twinkled in the light, showing off the tiny sapphire pins that had been placed in the elaborate hairstyle. This wasn’t her. None of it was, but she supposed that she had to play the part of the wealthy princess, the one that was worthy of a king…

With a deep breath, she made her way towards the closed door, her heart pounding as she made up her mind to meet her destiny head on with grace. She wouldn’t let him see her fear…
Alex watches as the king and his entourage came in, he had three strapping sons but Alex could tell by the way they carried them selves that they hadn’t seen much battle. They were also small compared to him but he towered over most every one so that wasn’t that surprising. No Queen came out with them and Alex frowned wondering what happened to her, he hadn’t known much about this kingdom until he became king and he hadn’t time to do much research into the subject either.

He waited until they were seated and then bowed showing his respect for the king and his princes, it was one of the (many) reasons why Alex was the first barbarian king the others would have demanded their prize or already did some thing royalty would consider “brash or uncivilized” Alex however knew how to play the game and more importantly was smart enough to keep his barbarian nature in check.

“I have come seeking an alliance with you King Phillip” Alex said stepping out of his bow and straightening “tales have reached me of your might and since our nations are so close I thought an alliance might be best for the coming winters they look to be especially harsh and the winter creatures will be attacking in force I have come to ask for your daughters hand and I bring with me both my army and riches that will give you much joy”

Alex heard the door opening and turned, he watched awe struck as the most beautiful woman in the world walked in. He had never seen such a beauty, never seen some one so graceful and mesmerizing. He had been a little scared when he choose to do this because he had never seen the princess. What if she was ugly? Or if they had nothing in common. He had never expected her to be so beautiful so utterly divine.

“By the gods” he murmured watching her his eyes following her the entire time.
Caroline’s head was bowed as she stepped into the room, her stomach twisting and turning with the fear and anxiety that she held. She didn’t want this marriage, but she had little means of stopping it. She just had to hope that the King wasn’t as much of a barbarian as the women at court made him out to be. She truly felt like a lamb being led to her slaughter.

She paused just inside the door, glancing up at the finely dressed man. Her was certainly handsome enough, she decided, but there was little more behind his general appearance that she could tell. His gaze didn’t see warm. His arms were hard muscled and certainly strong enough to crush her like a bug. What kind of man was this, she tried to decide.

“Might I introduce you to my daughter, the Princess Caroline.” Her father’s voice rang out across the room and Caroline was suddenly reminded why she was there.

She took a step towards the man and curtseyed as she’d been taught, her eyes lowering to the floor and her head bowing in respect towards him. She hoped that he couldn’t see the way she trembled nor the way that her eyes couldn’t meet his own.

“I’m very pleased to meet you, my lord.” She said softly, her head still bowed and her knees still bent as she waited for his word to release her pose.
“Please release your pose” Alex said trying not to stare to much as he smiled at her, by the gods she was pretty! He had never seen any creature quite like her; so radiant and so warm, warmer than the brightest day he had ever seen. He had heard tales of the beauties in this land but never had he expected to find some thing like this.

He realized he was starting to stare and instead smiled at her trying to convey how warm he was despite his…. Impressive physique. He knew he could be a bit frightening when some one first laid eyes on him and the last thing he wanted as his soon to be wife and queen to be terrified of him. He bowed dipping his head and taking her hand, he gently kissed it then looked up at her putting on his most charming smile.

“Princess Caroline” Alex said keeping her hand in his “It is my honor to introduce my self I am Alex Tiberius the newly crowned king or Axel I have come to ask for your hand in marriage and I am pleasantly surprised I have heard rumors of your beauty but no one said I would be meeting a goddess I would be honored to marry you if you would have me of course” he said even though he knew she didn’t really have a choice, it was a sad thing to realize but Alex wasn’t one to beat around the bush. He knew his situation and more importantly.

He knew hers
Caroline slowly rose from her curtsy, looking at the other kind as he smiled at her with a warmth in his eyes. She took in a deep breath to cure her shivering, hoping that her nerves did not show too greatly. She wanted this man to be pleased with the deal that had been struck. If he denied her, she could only imagine what her life would be like.

She was surprised as he took her hand in his, bowing low over it before he kissed it warmly and looked at her with the most charming smile she had ever seen in her life. She felt a strange fluttering in her belly, a small smile crossing her features as he introduced himself. A blush coated her cheeks as he praised her on her beauty.

“Of course I will have you, my lord.” She said softly, knowing that she had little choice in the matter, but knowing that it was important that all of the nobles in the room hear her consent.

“Then it is settled.” Her father’s voice boomed from behind her, making her jump and pull her hand from Alex’s as she stood ramrod straight. “A marriage contract will be settled and the ceremony will take place soon.”

Caroline blushed deeply at the impatient tone in her father's voice. He wanted to be rid of her, to clear his life of the burden that she'd become. She felt incredibly embarrassed and wanted nothing more than to melt into the floor beneath her slippers.
Alex frowned rising out of his crouch and looking at the king, there was some thing off about the way he said it. His tone was brisk and quick almost as if he was ready to get it over with. Did he not like his daughter or some thing? Or was he in that much of a financial need? Alex turned to look at his new bride to be and his suspicions grew, she was clearly embarrassed and the way she was starring at the floor made him think she was hoping to melt into it. Alex didn’t know how any one especially a father could not want an angel such as her but he would get to the bottom of this.

Sooner rather than later

“Wonderful” Alex said taking his bride to be hand and looking back at the king “One of the traditions in my kingdom is that the bride and groom both confer and talk before the wedding I have much I need to talk to her about so if you will excuse my bluntness I will have my man bring in your dowry while I confer with her in private” Alex said holding her hand and turning.

“I am sorry for this” Alex said to her before he dragged her out of the meeting chamber, he could hear the king getting ready to protest or some thing so he worked quickly opening the doors and all but carrying her out before closing them and silencing the kings anger.

“I need to talk to you about that” Alex said releasing her “I apologize for my rough handling of you but is there some where private we can go to discuss why you looked so embarrassed?” he asked trying to convey how worried he was with his eyes.
Caroline let out a gasp as Alex’s hand wrapped around hers, pulling her along behind him as he insisted that he have time alone with her to talk. Her grey eyes were wide, looking over her shoulder at her father as Alex murmured his apologies. As they reached the doors, his men were bringing in her dowry and Alex slipped his hand around her waist and practically carried her out of the great hall.

She looked up at Alex with a startled expression as he told her that they needed to talk. She nodded and then motioned for him to follow her. Soon she was leading him into a alcove in the hall, one that was quiet and secluded.

“Please, my lord, do not think that my father’s quickness to get rid of me is a reflection on my character.” She said softly, her grey eyes still unable to meet his. “He has wanted me gone from his household for some time now.”
Alex frowned listening to her words and trying to figure them out he wanted her gone? How could any one want the angel in front of him to be gone? They would have to be mad or blind to let such radiant beauty go, to not care for some one so breathtaking and amazing. Maybe her father had his reasons but Alex couldn’t find any that made sense. It didn’t matter but maybe he could use it as an opportunity to get closer and win her over……

“I am sorry that you have to deal with that my princess” Alex said taking her hand and kissing it one more time before leaning against his wall of the alcove “I wish I could say it saddens me but his loss is my gain so to speak” Alex said winking at her.

“I know you might have heard some” Alex frowned as he settled on a word “scary things about my people but I want to tell you that you need not be afraid we our a civil lot and even though the castle I am building isn’t as grand as this one it is being built specifically for you” he said taking her hand and kneeling once more.

“I know you do not have a choice in your marriage of me” Alex said looking up at her “but I offer some thing else since your father is so keen on getting rid of you and I am so keen on having you I was thinking maybe we could leave tomorrow and have the wedding at our new castle I think you will find it much more warm than this place and the people will certainly be nicer to you if you want to leave of course”
Could this man really be someone that could save her from the life that she’d been living? Caroline watched as Alex kissed her hand once more before he turned to lean against the wall of the alcove, telling her that he truly wanted her. When he winked, she was taken back. No man had ever showed an interest in her like Alex had.

“Oh no, my lord…” She said, trying to defend what he thought she was thinking as he started to describe some of the rumors that she might have heard.

When he kneeled, Caroline knew that he was serious about all of this. She wouldn’t be able to deny him what he wanted as he swore that he would take her from this place tomorrow and marry her in the new castle that he was building. It all seemed like a fairy tale, but she was quick to remember that this was real life.

“Since you seem so keen to marry me, my lord, I suppose I must give my consent.” She said softly, her grey eyes shining brightly for perhaps the first time in so long.
“That would be most wise” Alex said getting off of the floor and smiling at her “I have heard that we barbarians can be a scary lot when we don’t get our way and I would hate for you to have to face my wrath” Alex said smiling as he said his joke.

“So do you wish to leave then?” Alex asked his smile dropping form his face as he regarded her with a serious expression “If you do wish to leave I can certainly arrange for that I will tell your father my people wish to see our marriage and convince him to make it so I doubt he would have nay problem with it but if not I can be very persuasive” Alex said rolling his muscles and winking.

“It’s your choice you are the princess and I will try and give you whatever your heart desires”
This man was strange, Caroline decided. He was most certainly a brute, one that was strong and was use to having his way. Yet, he wanted to give her whatever she wanted and desired. It made no sense, but she was keen to leave this place far behind. She wanted a new life full of adventure and he was most definitely the man that would give that to her.

“I think…I would like to be married soon.” She said softly, her way of giving her consent without offending anyone in her own kingdom. “If that means that we must leave tonight, then by all means, please inform my father.”

She had no idea how a marriage even worked. The only example that she had was her own parents. From what she heard theirs had been a love match, one that was glorious to watch and behold. It was a shame that she had never known her mother but she was told that she resembled the great beauty. Her father was heartbroken with the loss of his wife, an event which he took out on Caroline time and time again.

“I must confess to you, my lord, that I might not be the best wife, however. I’m not even sure how a wife is suppose to act towards her husband.”
It made sense, she didn’t have a mother to gain the lessons from or some one who could teach her the duties of a wife much less a Queen. Of course Alex was still learning how to be a king so maybe there were perfect matches for each other? The first king and the princess with out a Queen? Surely there were stranger partnerships over the years and Alex knew he would do any thing possible to please her.

“I am not much of a King princess” Alex said the upper corners of his mouth twisting into a smile as he turned to the door “I more or less lucked into the position and I am new at this husband business to so I think we shall learn together and hope for the best” he said going over to the door and turning to face her.

“I will go make the arrangements” Alex said watching her “why don’t you go ahead and pack and go get ready for the voyage I will come and fetch you as soon as I have your fathers permission and we can leave either tonight or tomorrow” he said giving her one last warm smile before disappearing back into the room.
“I suppose I could agree to that, my lord.” Caroline said softly, bowing her head towards Alex in agreement with his deal.

She returned his warm smile as he disappeared back into the main room, leaving her to pack and wonder if her father would agree to the deal that he had set out. Would she be a good wife, she wondered as she herself left the little alcove and made her way to her room.

She had very little to pack besides a vanity set and a few gowns. It was a sad existence for a princess, she thought as she looked around at her room. Perhaps in her new home, she could get all the new pretty things that she had always dreamed about. That little thought made her giggle with wild abandon. She had never had someone that would take care of her before. Maybe Alex would be that man…
The conversation was short and to the point, Alex suspicions about her father wanting to get rid of her as soon as possible were correct it would seem. The man wanted his money and couldn’t seem to get it fast enough and be done with his “daughter” it sickened an angered Alex but he played the politics thanking the man as if he had done him some great kindness. Alex smiled as he realized that the man had indeed done him a kindness thanks to him he and his new wife would be home before he had anticipated and they could start there new life together.

He left the room and closed the door, thanking some of the servants who rushed to help him. He knew he should be getting used to it but every one fawning over him was still too strange to get used to. He was a soldier, and a general and not yet a king even though people treated him like one, he supposed in time he would get used to it once he got into the castle and “officially” assumed his position as king.

He walked up the spiral staircase and after asking a few servants found his future queens room, he gently knocked and cleared his throat “Can I come in my princess?” he asked gently.
Caroline was just folding her last gown to be put away in her chest when there was a knock at her door. She was quick to open it, stunned to see Alex there. She would have thought that the marriage talks with her father would have lasted a while at least, but there he stood, a man without a mission.

“Of course you may come in, my lord.” She said softly, moving to one side to allow him to enter her tiny room.

It was a bit embarrassing for him to see a glimpse into her intimate world. Her room was small, meagerly furnished, and a little fire burned in a fireplace that was much too small for a woman of her standing. She stood before him in her blue gown, her hands clasped behind her back as she stared at him with her light grey eyes.

“How may I be of service to you, my lord?” She asked him politely, remembering her manners.
“Thank you” Alex said walking into her room; he looked around his lip curling into distain as he saw her sparse furnishings and pitiful looking room. Alex didn’t know much about being royalty but he did know that this wasn’t the room of a princess it was the room of an unwanted girl who her father didn’t appreciate or even care for. He felt anger fill his body and he curled and uncurled his hands in an attempt to keep it in check as he swore to himself that he would never make her come back to this room again.

“I talked to your father” Alex finally said grabbing some wine and turning his back to her as he filled two glasses for them both “He tried to stall for a bit but in the end I managed to convince him that there was no reason for us to stay we can leave tonight if you wish or we can stay and then leave in the morning”

He turned and smiled handing her the glass of amber liquid and leaning against her vanity “It is your choice I had a carriage made for you as a wedding present and it is waiting for both of us if we do leave tonight we won’t reach my kingdom until midday tomorrow but it does have a bed inside for you to rest in and all the amenities that you could wish for” He said smiling at her lovingly.
Caroline was surprised when he announced that they would leave tonight if she wished. She took the glass of wine from him and looked down into the amber liquid for a moment before her startled gaze moved back towards his. He seemed to have had everything planned for her departure, even when their marriage was no a foregone conclusion.

“I’m not sure…” She said softly, her wine untouched as she noticed the way he that he smiled at her so warmly. As much as she had dreamed about leaving her life behind and starting anew, the idea seemed so frightening now that it had actually presented itself.

There was no future if she stayed. That much she knew and she had little choice in denying the man in front of him what he had just bought and paid for. She was his, just as much as any piece of property was his. That thought didn’t settle well in her belly as she placed her wine on the vanity and turned away from him for a moment. Her mind was spinning, the thoughts unpleasant, but she knew that he was awaiting an answer.

“We will leave tonight then, my lord.” She said softly, turning back towards him with a smile that seemed sincere yet didn’t quite reach her eyes. “It would be my fondest wish.”
“Our you sure?” Alex asked drinking some of his own wine and setting it down, he was worried about his new bride to be. She didn’t look excited to leave more nervous and scared than any thing else, was it him? He wanted her to be at ease with him to feel comfortable with his presence they were to be wed after all and with marriage came a life long commitment to each other. It wouldn’t do well for either of them to be nervous around one another when soon they would be spending the rest of their lives together.

“If you wish to stay we can my princess” Alex said taking her hand and placing it in his “I only wish for you to be happy right now I can tell this land has not been kind to you and I think in my land you will be much happier but if you wish to stay and spend more time with your people you can I only want you to be happy and at ease with this situation and our coming marriage”

He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed them trying his best to remain in the proper rules of etiquette with her, she was beautiful and alluring, which was both a blessing and a curse for the new king he had to keep himself in check and not bring her into his arms and kiss her roughly, even though he wanted to very much.
Caroline felt a strange pull in her belly as Alex kissed the back of her hand. He had this way about him that called to her, demanded attention, and she was trying her hardest to not give into that urge. If she were honest with him, she was scared. This was the only home that she’d ever known and it wasn’t a happy one. What if things with him didn’t work out? Where would she go then?

“I’m sure, my lord.” She said softly, her grey eyes holding his as she mustered up a little smile. “The sooner I am away from here the better.”

“It will take time to be comfortable in a new land, that much I admit, but I will always try to be happy for you, my lord.” It was perhaps the wrong thing to say, but it was what came to mind when she thought of her situation.

“My possessions are in this trunk if you are ready.” She motioned towards the small trunk that sat at the foot of her bed, locked tightly with the key hanging around her throat on a silver chain.
He sighed at her comment about trying to be happy for him and turned getting his own coat back on. He knew it was just her up bringing saying those things but it bothered him how much he put away her own happiness for other people. It was an endearing and beautiful quality but for a people pleaser like Alex it was just a tad difficult. He supposed in time she would become more willing to speak her mind and he resolved to be patient with her until she loosened up around him.

She would come around to him

He grabbed the heavy trunk and lifted it, putting it over his shoulder in one hand and turning to her. His muscles rippled and burned a little from the exertion but he ignored it instead gesturing for her to walk with him out of the room and down the spiral staircase. He walked ahead of her ignoring the gaping servants watching him carry the truck and instead nodding at his people that it was time to go.

“the carriage is waiting outside princess” Alex explained moving towards the massive oak doors leading out of the castle “I had my best people go to work fabricating it the first ever in our land it was built by our most skilled wood workers as a gift to you the first princess and Queen of our land it’s a bit ostentatious but we were told royalty liked that” Alex joked stopping at the doors and turning to her.

“are you ready to see it?”
She was a bit in awe at the way that he handled her trunk. It had taken two stout men to handle it before, she thought to herself as she followed after Alex down the spiral staircase and towards the large wooden doors of the castle. She paused as he explained to her about the carriage, describing that it was the first of its kind built for his kingdom.

“Of course I am ready to see it, my lord.” Caroline said with a smile, pulling on her cloak against the bitter winter wind that was howling outside.
He opened the door letting the cold air blast through the stone hall, his heavy cloak prevented him from feeling to much of it and he kept going trudging through the snow as a couple of his warriors brought up a carriage and his horse. The carriage was beautiful with hand drawn paintings of the new kingdom as well as a couple of pretty flowers, it was long stretching out a couple more inches than a regular carriage and glowing softly inside.

“A early wedding present my princess” Alex said opening the door and showing her an impressive inside suite, it was warm and cozy and even featured a short wooden couch and a large plushy bed “Do you like it?” he asked curiously.
Caroline’s cloak fluttered around her as the door was open, the cold wind making her shiver, but she followed behind Alex none the less. The carriage and horses were a beautiful sight to behold. In fact, it stopped her in her tracks, a smile slowly creeping along her features. He had made them for her. Well, maybe not for her exactly, but for the princess that he had been expecting to meet. But still, the thought was there and she was left truly breathless.

Caroline stepped towards the carriage, peeking into the warm and cozy interior as Alex opened the door for her, telling her that it was an early wedding gift. It was too much for her, she thought to herself as she noticed the bed inside.

“I love it.” She said in a truly humbled tone, glancing up at her betrothed as he looked down at her with a curious expression. “But it is far too much for a simple princess like myself, my lord. You have done too much for me already.”

Her grey eyes found his as her white blonde hair blew into her face from the howling winds. “Will you be riding inside with me, my lord?”
Alex smiled; she liked the gift and his people would be over joyed when they got back to the castle and they heard the news. There were already talks of a giant feast in their honor being prepared and Alex had no doubt that his people would be preparing all sots of surprises for him and his new bride to be. His people were a happy lot (even though they were barbarians) and they became even happier when Alex brought together the tribes, sure some had been opposed to the idea but they had been a small group in compared to the people for it. All of the tribes came and watched him crowned and the rumor was that there wasn’t a single person who missed it.

“I am glad you like it princess” Alex said patting it warmly before turning to her “I can ride in there with you if you wish but I thought it wasn’t proper so I was going to ride on my horse it is late and so I imagined you would want to retire but I can ride with you if you want my princes” He said smiling at her.