for subs, do you like knowing in advance?


Good to the last drop
Jun 25, 2000
what is going to happen?

He sends you a very descriptive email about his plans for the evening letting you think about it all day, or is it better not knowing?
WriterDom said:
what is going to happen?

He sends you a very descriptive email about his plans for the evening letting you think about it all day, or is it better not knowing?

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I don't like knowing at all, the suspence is very erotic. However, I really can relax more and enjoy the evening more if I know what is generally going to happen. I'm a bit obsessive when it comes to worrying so if I don't know...I worry about it being something that I can't handle, or something that is a limit he/she doesn't know about, or if it will be too humiliating, or I'll mis-hear something, or...

the mind can be very unerotic sometimes :( I guess it really depends on who the Top is and my over-all comfort level with them.
I enjoy them both very much. They are both potent forms of control.

Not knowing or expecting is perhaps more of an intense physical control when it happens, though it can keep the mind wondering, anticipating the unexpected, or in simple desire for something to happen. It's very intense when She catches me completely off guard.

Knowing exactly what lies in store for me can be intense mental control that begins long before a hand is ever layed on me, and plays itself out for hours or days. It leaves me much more time to become excited as well as worrying a bit, and tends to consume my thoughts.

A combination keeps one on their toes, and I wouldn't want to do without either for too long. :)
I just don't want to know!

Now, if he sends me a note that tells me what to wear or what to have available, that can send the imagination into a whirlwind.

But, if I have a written agenda, the whole thing goes flat.
Originally posted by MissTaken

Now, if he sends me a note that tells me what to wear or what to have available, that can send the imagination into a whirlwind.

I sometimes detail clothing requirements if I feel like it at the time.

But, if I have a written agenda, the whole thing goes flat.

I am often asked what will happen, and I usually tell my sub he has to wait and find out! LOL

Anticipation is half the fun!

Ebonyfire said:
Originally posted by MissTaken

Now, if he sends me a note that tells me what to wear or what to have available, that can send the imagination into a whirlwind.

I sometimes detail clothing requirements if I feel like it at the time.

But, if I have a written agenda, the whole thing goes flat.

I am often asked what will happen, and I usually tell my sub he has to wait and find out! LOL

Anticipation is half the fun!


If you were bi and I were bi, it could be a match made in heaven!

Alas! I will treasure your friendship. :rose:
MissTaken said:
If you were bi and I were bi, it could be a match made in heaven!

Alas! I will treasure your friendship. :rose:

Same here! You are a sweety pie! Even when you bust my chops!

MissTaken said:
If you were bi and I were bi, it could be a match made in heaven!

Alas! I will treasure your friendship. :rose:

Mmmm so if you were both bi... that would mean you'd also both want a man there... hehehe... and then... uhmm.. nevermind... i'm thinking dirty thoughts again. LOL

P. B. Walker said:
Mmmm so if you were both bi... that would mean you'd also both want a man there... hehehe... and then... uhmm.. nevermind... i'm thinking dirty thoughts again. LOL


Shame, shame, everyone knows your name.

Either way works for me. If I know what to expect, my mind goes into overdrive with anticipation. If I don't know what to expect, my mind goes into overdrive wondering and imagining what might be planned. Both ways are fun.
Desdemona said:
Either way works for me. If I know what to expect, my mind goes into overdrive with anticipation. If I don't know what to expect, my mind goes into overdrive wondering and imagining what might be planned. Both ways are fun.

So how many tuneups do you need with all that overdriving?

lol Eb
P. B. Walker said:
whew... all this feminine lubrication... I'm getting all hot under the collar.


Generally speaking, I think it works better if you get hot elsewhere, PB. ;)
Desdemona said:
Generally speaking, I think it works better if you get hot elsewhere, PB. ;)

Well never worry... cus it's spreading quickly... <winks>

but alas, no lubrication... yet. ;)

P. B. Walker said:
Well never worry... cus it's spreading quickly... <winks>

but alas, no lubrication... yet. ;)


Well get busy and whip out the webcam,fella. ;)
ut oh... lol.

would I be naughty enough to use a webcam??? omg... whatever gave ya'll that idea... mmm... lol
