For Perky only! The rest ya'll eat the corn from my shit!

Mousey, I can kick your butt all up and down the eastern seaboard.

You can eat the corn from your own shit.
Let's chop off MM's head and see if there is a brain in it.

No real animals were hurt in this testing.
KillerMuffin said:
Mousey, I can kick your butt all up and down the eastern seaboard.

You can eat the corn from your own shit.

Lets get it ONNNNNNNN !!!!!!!

I believe she could do it too.
Didnt ya'll read the rules? Either stay away or eat the corn from my shit.

Ya'll made a perplexing choice.
modest mouse said:
Didnt ya'll read the rules? Either stay away or eat the corn from my shit.

Ya'll made a perplexing choice.

Don't mind me. I'm just enthralled by that black square that is your AV.
You do spell ya'll with perfect panache and daring. I like that in a guy.

Particularly when I know it sends some people into frothing fits.
Muffin, we're star-crossed lovers. In that mutual domestic violence kind of way.
