For A Price (closed)


Literotica Knight
Jul 13, 2007
As David was pulling into his sister's driveway, preparing for a twelve day stay with her, he had to smile at the thought of getting to spend so much time with her again. True, they were only seperated by a two hour drive, but they still only really saw one another for the big holidays...even then, he couldn't recall the last time they had been together for more than a weekend visit. Now, he'd have almost two whole weeks of just him and Anne while her husband was away. The very idea of it was making him happier than he'd been in a long while...and, given the circumstances involved, it was also starting to get him hard.

Since reaching adulthood and leaving the nest to live their own lives, David and Anne had been in constant contact by phone and internet, and had grown closer than they ever had while living under the same roof. Aside from the usual, mundane topics siblings share, both had been surprisingly open about their sex lives; Their partners' abilities and flaws, new things they had tried and how good or bad those things had been, even those particular fetishes that really did it for them. Somewhere along the line, David had confessed that at 14, his big sister Anne had been the root of many a sexual fantasy; He'd been a breast man from the word go, and Anne had developed early and rapidly. By 16, she had a pair of 38Ds on a petite 5'2 frame, and paired with her short red hair, she was pretty much David's ideal image of sexy. This had been confessed with cameras running, and David had been treated to the deep blush it caused his sister, and they had had a good laugh at that...David was also fairly sure Anne made a point of tilting the camera a few degrees lower from that point on, just to be a tease.

It had also come to light that both siblings shared an interest in the BDSM lifestyle, but had some difficulties in finding a suitable partner. Anne had divulged a love of certain aspects which turned her on to no end, but that she couldn't share with her husband John; She loved him dearly, but he was certainly not a Dominant, and would likely be tempted to run away from the dirty thoughts inside her head. It was that very fact which lead brother and sister to their current situation.

In searching for a few hours with a more appropriate, occasional Master, Anne had had a brief fling with a man who turned out to, for one, be a truly poor choice...and two, by a quirk of fate, was listed in her phone right next to David. After a few weeks of disappointing sex, Anne had sent a somewhat detailed message to break it off, which had been sent to her brother by mistake. It was followed by several texts and one very desperate voice mail begging and pleading that the affair be kept secret, which David was more than happy to do.

For a price.

David had told his sister, in no uncertain terms, that she was going to submit to him while her husband went out of two. David would arrive the day after John had left, and be gone the day before he returned, and in the interrim, she would belong to him. After a bit of protest, Anne had concented to the arrangement.

And at long last, he was here, and Anne was openning the door, wearing the outfit he had sent ahead and instructed her to wear for him; A leather corset, short black skirt, and black leather ballet boots up to her knees. She leaned in the doorway, clearly unsteady and unaccustomed to the boots, and blushing furiously, biting her bottom lip...looking even sexier now in her early thirties than she had as a teenager.

And, if only for a while, she was entirely his.
Anne got up early that morning, checked her email from David, she wanted to make damn sure she got all His instructions correctly or there was sure to be some unpleasant consequences. She finishes reading and quickly hops in the shower before checking the time to make sure she would not be late for later. Lathering her long slender legs with shaving cream;laughing slightly as she did, knowing they will soon be tortured by those horrid boots she was to wear.
Anne was sitting my the front door, watching for David to arrive. After was seemed like hours she finally saw him pull into her drive, immediately she started to get nervous; she started to shake despite all her fear, she could feel her pussy getting wet. She stood up and teetered unsteady on her toes. Making her way to the door chewing her lip, she opened it.
"H...h...hello David," she managed to squeak out. Watching him closely as he started to smile with an evil grin. "would you like t come in please, i have done everything you asked for" she stated as she quite painfully and un steadily made it to the room that used to be the living room, has now turned into a room of submissive tortures. A wooden saw horse sat facing it, the top had been made into a sharp peak, blocks of wood sat tucked under it. the rug pulled back and a wooden post bolted to the floor in the middle of the room for her leash to be locked to. A large flat box filled with sharp gravel sat next to the only chair in the room, two small posts had been bolted to it, about shoulder width apart and rings attached to the end of those. She knew she would spend a lot of time kneeling there over next few weeks. "The bedroom and basement have been set up as well, h..had a friend help me with the preparations"
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David stepped into the house, brushing past Anne with an approving look over her body...still petite as ever, but with beautifully full breasts and amazingly long legs for her height...and looked over the former living room. The amount of work was impressive, the room so incredibly different. He almost had to chuckle, remembering a tall, festively adorned Christmas tree in the corner where now sat a throne and a box of gravel for a bad little submissive to kneel upon. Most of all though, the thought of how quickly Anne must've put it together made him smile. Clearly she could be good and see to a task when she wanted to be.

There was a subtle clicking sound behind him, and David turned to find Anne had dutifully come to him. His arms encircled her, sliding from the small of her back down onto her ass, which he gave a brief caress and a small squeeze. With a kiss on her forehead, he took one step back from her.

"you've done well, anne, in preparing the house, as well as yourself, for My being here. For that, I'm pleased with you. And now that I am here, W/we need to establish your proper place. Firstly, when you address Me, it will be as Sir or as Master, and it will be said with respect. Second...unless told otherwise, you will kneel before Me or beside Me, with your hands behind your back, back straight, and your head slightly lowered. And third, if there is something you want, you will ask, and I will determine if you should have it." He took hold of her chin between thumb and forefinger, lifting her gaze to meet his own. "Remember, I can be very good to you, and I intend to be, because I do love my little sister so very much. But, I can also be very not-so-good to you if you earn it. So, if there is something you want of Me, should you think you've behaved and deserve it, you will ask Me if I will do will never, ever tell Me what to do. I hope that I'm making Myself clear on this point."

Releasing her chin, David took a key ring from his pocket, with several similar keys hanging from it, and held it up to Anne's face. "Now then. In the trunk of My car is a small black box...long and narrow, you'll know it when you see it. Take these keys, in your mouth, and go get that box. you will come back with those keys in your mouth, and bring the box to Me." He gave her another kiss on the forehead, and grinned wickedly. "Hopefully you find the right key quickly, and your neighbors don't happen to see you out there."
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"Yes Da.....uh Sir, Yes Sir" she stammered as she could feel the words He said send tiny shocks through her body. That look in His eyes was one she had been longing for as long as she could remember. she stood there frozen for several seconds, her body numb with lust. Quickly she shook it of realizing He had given her a task.

Breaking the gaze into His eyes; she looks down to His hand spotting the set of keys. Gingerly she leans forward opening her trembling mouth and taking the keys from him into it, The cold metal imprinting in her brain, thinking this wont be the last time she will have cold metal there over the next few weeks. anne turns to take her first few wobbly steps towards the door " Oh D...Sir, i am not sure i can do this, the car is awfully far away!" she turns to look at Him, hoping He will give her some compassion, His gaze was still locked on her, quickly she spins back around and continues to walk hoping she has not upset Him.

she finally makes it to the front door after several painful steps, each one more so than the first as her poor toes start to cramp; hoping she was not stuck in these for the entire time, surely David would not do that to His little sister, He loved her after all. Peeking outside the door to see if anyone was outside in the yard. Being as early as it was in the morning everyone has to still be sleeping. Taking her first step into the cool air, immediately her nipples became erect. Taking her first step down from the porch she had to tightly grip the railing, wondering how she is going to do this carrying something back. The Jingle of the keys broke her thoughts this as she started to stumble. Luckily she was near the car and quickly caught herself. Making her way to the trunk, she takes the keys in hand, finally noticing how many keys were actually on it. she tries several of them before selecting the correct one. The trunk opens and she spots the black box and something rather large covered by a blanket. she wanted to know what it was but thought she ought not to peek, knowing He was most likely watching her. she grabs the box and starts back for the door after shutting the trunk. After a few steps she remembers she should have the keys back on her mouth;shifting the box she places them back between her teeth. Getting back to the front door, David is just inside to greet her.

"Here is the box Sir" she holds it up for Him. Wondering why He is ot grabbing it her mind races to check fi she is missing something. she drops to her knees in front of Him with her head slightly bowed down and offers up the box.
It truly pleased David to watch as Anne stumbled to the front door, her ass swaying beautifully with each step, and he followed her with his eyes until she was outside. As he thought of her crossing the driveway dressed as she was, he was torn between hoping someone was awake and would see her, adding to her embarassment...or hoping nobody notice, so that no one but him would be allowed to see her this way.

As she was returning, it was equally pleasing for him, seeing the obvious humiliation of the situation on his sister's face...something he knew she liked, on some level. When she offered the box to him, he simply waited silently, seeing if she would figure it out for herself, or if she would require further instruction. Soon however, it dawned on her, the realization flashing through her eyes, and Anne sank to her knees with head lowered and the box held up for him. He took it from her, looking down at her with a smile of approval.

Opening the box, David withdrew the strip of leather inside it, showing it to Anne before he lowered to clasp the collar around her neck, adjusting it to place the metal ring centered in the front. He took a hold of her chin and raised it, locking eyes with her, his voice even and deadly serious. "That will remain on your neck at all times...if I ever see you without it, for even a second, I'll put it back on you, and padlock it in place, for you to explain to John when he comes back home. Hopefully, W/we're clear. Now...follow."

Turning away, David went to the chair in the corner of the playroom, formerly the living room, and sat down, expecting Anne to be right behind him. He folded his hands, the fingers steepled, and looked intently upon her. "So far, you have four rules to follow. Tell them to Me, and there might be a reward for you."

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anne shudders as she feels the cold leather around her neck. she kneels there squeezing her legs together hoping David has not noticed her arousal starting to run from between her legs.

she hears His words to follow;she quickly stands up and scampers over and takes her spot on her knees in front of Him, looking at His feet, wishing she could jump in His lap. she starts to let her mind wander of HOW she could have gotten into this situation. Suddenly he thought is broken as she can feel His eyes gazing intently at her. a shudder runs though her body as she can tell she is in trouble, she missed something while she was day dreaming, Hes gaze turning colder with every second.
David sat quietly, entirely still but for his forefingers which he tapped together while he waited, his eyes locked on Anne's. For a full minute, he waited this way, but his sister didn't say a single word. inally, he just sighed and stood up, shaking his head slowly.

"Well then...since you can't seem to remember even a single one of your rules, I guess I'll have to find some way of reminding you, won't I? Stand up, anne, and strip...all but your boots. And, of course, your collar; Which I only just told you you were to keep on at all times, so if nothing else, you should have remembered that."

He stood watching her, resting his hands on the sawhorse, leaning forward on it slightly, and gave her a smile, wicked smile.
Looking up at Him unsure of what to say anne just stares at Him.

"i remember my rules Sir, just day dreaming and missed what You asked for, i am sorry"

His stare none breaking from her timid gaze; she slowly stands up wobbling slightly and reaches for the front clasps on her corset, slowly undoing them. Sweat starting to form on her forehead as she sees the anger in His eyes.

"sorry Sir! i wont day dream again, please give me a second chance? i am getting used to this and..."

her voice trails off as she removes the last bit of clothing and stands before her Brother naked for the first time, trying to cover herself slightly with her hands. her body shaking.
Seeing his sister standing in front of him, physically naked as well as emotionally exposed to him now, excited David and caused his already stiff cock to twitch eagerly. He stepped around the saw horse, coming to Anne for a closer look...taking hold of her wrists and raising her arms above her head to prevent her covering herself.

"Yes, anne; I understand you're getting used to all of this. How-ev-er..." He said, emphasizing each sylable. "For one thing, I happen to know from your own lips that you're knowledgable enough about the lifestyle, that you should be able to pay attention when you Master speaks to you. And secondly, as W/we are on a bit of a time limit, you don't have the luxury of taking your time and easing into this situation; I expect you to learn quickly, and when you can't do so on your own, then I need to assist you in learning. Stay."

Letting go of her arms, David passed her, giving her bare backside a light caress as he passed. Going to the car, he went to a second, larger box he had brought, bringing it from the backseat and returning to the living room/play room to set it down and open it. Giving Anne an appraising up and down glance, gauging the length of her legs, he placed a wooden block under each of the back legs of the saw horse, raising it to a level she would need to be on tiptoe for what he had planned. "Now...come to the saw horse, and bend yourself over it, with your arms and legs along side its legs, and the beam between your breasts."
Nervously fidgeting as David leaves the house to get to the car;knowing she has messed up greatly. her arms starting to ache, she wondered if He would notice if she dropped them until He got back into the house 'she thought against this, she was in enough trouble as it was.

"That will be impossible Dav..Sir" upon hearing her instruction to mount the saw horse. Make her was slowly over to the unforgiving sawhorse she could not take her eyes off it. Carefully she bends over, the sharp edges digging into her tits, she tries to wiggle about to find a comfy position realizing this was pointless. "Please Sir, i am sorry for day dreaming, please let me have this one, i promise not to do it again" her toes start to ache, her tits hanging down on either side of the rough wood. It felt like an eternity before she say Him move out of the corner of her eye, slowly make His way to the front of her and squat down to look her in the eyes.

she swallows hard as she sees He brought over a very large bag she had not noticed before, it was filed with all kind of leather items she could not make out. Watching Him as His hard look slowly turned up on the corner of His mouth....
Reaching into the bag he had brought, David withdrew several short leather straps, looking much like half sized belts, with metal eyelets running almost the entire length at regular intervals. Looping one of these around Anne's wrist and the leg of the sawhorse, he found that he would have to go a tiny bit looser or tighter than he might've liked, the buckle landing exactly halfway between a pair of eyelets. It was only a matter of a second's worth of thought before he cinched the strap tighter and secured it, binding her arm to the sawhorse, and repeating the process with the other wrist and both ankles. Finished, he stood back up and gave his sister's raised ass a hard slap.

"There; I think I rather like you this way. And on some level, I think W/we both know you like it too." Going back into the bag, he brought out a relatively short, blunt anal plug, and took his time in easing it into Anne's ass, her squirming and sounds of discomfort arousing him further. "If I were to have you for My own a longer period of time, anne, perhaps I could allow you this one slip. However, as I said...W/we're on a time limit, so there will be no slips...and lessons will have to be taught to be sure they will stick."

With that, David unzipped his pants, doing so slowly, for his sister to hear the metal teeth parting and know what was to come. With a hand on either hip, he thrust forward hard, driving his cock deep inside her pussy with a quiet groan.
The words He speaks causing her entire body to tingle with each syllable. Laying there with the saw horse roughly digging into the sides of her tits; secretly she laid there wondering if this really was a punishment or what she has been waiting for, for so long.

"ohh Sir Your cock feels so good in my pussy!" Breathlessly she whispers as He pounds into her pussy. "You are much larger than John, i feel so full" anne starts to push back as much as she can, trying to get His entire cock into her pussy. The plug moving back and forth slightly with each thrust. her orgasm quickly starts to build with all the sensations taking over her body, her eyes close and loudly moans starting to get lost inside herself. "i want to cum David"
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