For 24 hours...


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
Merry Christmas and have a good time on this thread.

You can hijack, talk dirty, flirt, play or divulge your darkest secrets.

There are two rules

a) Follow lit general kiddie talk, no copyrighted pics etc


b) You MUST stay off topic!

:D Happy Holidays to all of you, my new lit friends.

Thank you for being one of the best, most intelligent and creative groups of folks on the net!


misst, that's so funny = ) wish I could stay up, but I'm...erm...santa's pretty busy tonight.

Phew! I so understand you....Santa was very busy here, then the undoing of Santa has made for a long and lovely day.

But geesh!

We are all exhausted!

Merry Christmas,...

And lilguy?
I am a bit too submissive to rape you, but feel free to try me!

my parents are on their way over gasp and nothing is done more gasping
Everybody is gone, here.

Within 20 minutes, the kidlings and I were sound asleep on the couch.

Methinks, there is such a thing as too much Christmas!

Chicklet said:

misst, that's so funny = ) wish I could stay up, but I'm...erm...santa's pretty busy tonight.


are you santa's lil present Chicklet? Wish he dropped you down my chimney:devil:
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:eek: <Shaving Bonnie's fur and stripping so we can streak through this thread!> :eek:

Hi Blessed Be!

Hmm wondering, given that our authors were busy with Christmas, who would like to continue the thread through New Year's?

Or for another 24 hours?

Any thoughts?
MissT I think that it would be beneficial to the Story Ideas forum to have a "chat" where we can post off topic with our friends (since not MANY of us go to the general boards)

my humble opinion

and you can have dibbs on me <wink> i'll tell my boyfriend.

I'm always ready to make pointless posts. lol I used to hang out with AskForMore and Renny on those "long, long threads" after all. :eek: :rolleyes: :p
Well, let's just keep this thread rolling for a bit and see what happens.

I have noticed a lot of freindships that hvae developed and self restraint when posting "on topic." I mean, I like flirting with the best of them, ya know?

Let's see if the idea catches on.

I do understand a lot of people don't venture to the GB or Playground for idle chit chat. I understand why...we get comfie with our own groups and those much larger groups can be intimidating.

Frankly, there is a different color and timbre to the interaction here and let's have a little fun over the holidays!

Chicklet said:

and you can have dibbs on me <wink> i'll tell my boyfriend.


Be sure to tell him I am not bi.


I can make ya laugh, though! :rose:
teee hee - if you were we'd have pretty_lil_stranger in here in a sec fighting you off <grin>
MissTaken said:
Hmmm I want dibs on the chickletdee!


but I'll share

( my group sex fantasy another wish not fulfilled for Christnmas. Hey, cum yto think of it, i didn't get ANY sex for Christmas. What gives with this santa dude?)
sirhugs said:
but I'll share

( my group sex fantasy another wish not fulfilled for Christnmas. Hey, cum yto think of it, i didn't get ANY sex for Christmas. What gives with this santa dude?)

Santa is pissed, because the elfs have been bonking the Misses while he's been out given away toys. His mistake came when he gave away her toy and she had nothing to comfort her. She grab the first thing handy, so happened that it was an elf.

You know elfs like to work as a team. Santa got back to refill his bag and found his wife covered in elf cum.

Sir Hugs, you should have been on the first delivery. Some guys have really sore cocks this morning. The elfs fucked you this xmas dude.
sirhugs said:
but I'll share

( my group sex fantasy another wish not fulfilled for Christnmas. Hey, cum yto think of it, i didn't get ANY sex for Christmas. What gives with this santa dude?)

That's b/c you couldn't find my house santa...I was very sad that I couldn't give you my present :(