Fool me twice, shame on me...

I don't know why some people do the things they do. I don't know why people stay in such destructive relationships. I think it goes far beyond low self-esteem, but that may be where it starts.

I'm sorry all this happened to you... I'm sorry it's all still happening to her.

You deserve more than a rant, hon. That's for sure.
red_rose said:
I don't know why some people do the things they do. I don't know why people stay in such destructive relationships. I think it goes far beyond low self-esteem, but that may be where it starts.

I'm sorry all this happened to you... I'm sorry it's all still happening to her.

You deserve more than a rant, hon. That's for sure.

It is actually easier to believe, than not. They reaffirm what you want to hear, and the times they are with you, you can feel so good that you don't want to hear the truth, as you know you will lose the beauty of your fantasy. IMO, having recently been there, done that.
Often times we believe, just because we want to so badly.

Trusting isn't a bad trait, but it does leave us open to get hurt by manipulative and selfish people.

I wish you all the best, and I'm glad that you have extracted yourself from a situation that unhealthy. Shame she hasn't.
Snake bite me once, snake's fault. Snake bite me twice, my fault.
Dear Desert Amazon

it has been a long time since i have had a chance to speak withyou.
i believed you and your son were well and everything was going good for you both. i am so sorry to hear of what has taken place.
Why does this happen? who knows. but you did say you never met a con artist before. perhaps you have now, but it still doesnt help what has happened.
i believe that things like this happens because of hope of new things to come, letting ones guard down, the want of a companion, perhaps being a little naive. Hey, even beaten spouses are afraid to leave for some of the same reasons.
i feel sad for you.
the right person is out there for you DA, and they will bring with them all the things you and your son truly deserve. dont let your guard down, but dont be afraid.
Big Hugs to you and your son!
Oh man! I am so sorry about what you've been through. I'm sure you realize how lucky you are, though. Imagine if your relationship had progressed much further. *shudder*
Lying is one of the most difficult behaviors to deal with in children or adults.

It is particularly difficult when you can't see the motivation for the lie. What does the liar have to gain? Why continue?

I, too, continue to be too trusting and always have been. It is my hope that someday it will work to my benefit, but who knows?

In any event, hugs to you...I have been on the recieving end of manipulation on more than one occasion and it really bites.

Re: Re: Dear Desert Amazon

Desert Amazon said:'re a sight for sore eyes you know? You made me get a little misty with your words though.

I've missed you my friend.


and i----you!:rose:
In a dysfunctional relationship like the one still persisting between the man and the woman you speak of, not only will the man find a woman to accept his con...the woman will invariably find a man to con her.

Couples engage in intricate dances...not always heathy ones.

The fact that she still lends him money (credit cards) and still clings to him is every bit as unhealthy for both of them as what he does.

Thankfully DA, you've emerged having learning something with which you can move forward. So, good for you for seeing it!


DA, I am really sorry to hear this, but don't let it sour you on future possibilities. Such people are truly losers - not just in how they act, but in the fact that they don't have a clue what they have lost by abusing such wonderful people as yourself.

I forgot to mention - I don't recall if I told you about my ID change (I am Shy Tall Guy).
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Wow. Nothing like coming up against someone with a personality disorder. Sounds like he found his match in his wife. I am glad you were able to get out. If certainly hurts, and I am sorry you are hurting but how lucky it didn't go any farther.

Keep reminding yourself that he was personality disordered. You didn't make a bad choice, he was just a broken person and you found out in time.

A little scathed but you will be okay.
DA, my friend I am sorry to hear what you have been put through....Who knows why people do what they do???What makes these con artists tick??? I suppose if we knew we wouldn't be fooled by them right???

I offer an ear....A shoulder....and send a warm hug my friend....

Desert Amazon~

You have a PM, my friend.

You have my number, call me anytime.
Re: Re: Desert Amazon~

Desert Amazon said:
Thank you...

And yes, I'm pissed but saddened too...I'm also very resilient.

Don't forget.........beautiful.....inside and out.......:)