Following your stats


Dec 10, 2010
Being a noob on Lit, I may have missed something in going through the FAQ, so I thought I'd ask here.

I understand how to get my story ratings, views, votes and comments, but it's not clear if there is an easy way to keep track of how many times a story is favorited, or how many times I'm listed as a favorite author.


Being a noob on Lit, I may have missed something in going through the FAQ, so I thought I'd ask here.

I understand how to get my story ratings, views, votes and comments, but it's not clear if there is an easy way to keep track of how many times a story is favorited, or how many times I'm listed as a favorite author.



Until you get on the top 250 favorites list, there is not and easy way to track authors favorites. But as of right now it takes close to 540 to even get to the bottom rung. You could keep your own count from your recent activity page.

Stories are listed with the number of favorites somewhere but I'm not sure where.
Simplest way I've found (and it's not extremely simple) is to go to and search your own name under members. That gives you a list of all your stories. You can check The number of reads and favourites at the bottom of the last page of the story.

Also, as far as checking who has favourited you... go into your control panel and click 'submissions' then 'recent activity'. It lists who has favourited your or unfavourited you, but only for 30 days.