Followers not loading?


California Lover
Feb 27, 2018
About a week ago I noticed that I was being notified of new followers on my activity page and they were being counted in my # of followers as is always the case. But none are being added to my list of followers. Has anyone else experienced this?
Yeah, I've had notifications of new followers and no increment in the follower count on the control panel.

It may be readers hitting follow by mistake then immediately unfollowing, or they're using the follow as some kind of note of appreciation, like some people do with favorites.

(I have one fan who regularly favorites then unfavorites as their way of signalling appreciation, like a poor man's "like" button (they say they do this in their bio). It's nice, I guess, but they keep coming back to the same stories and doing it all over again.)

There are lags between when your control panel notifies of a new follower, you show up as followed in that person's favorites, and the follower count on your panel updates. In that order, it seems. The follower count on the control panel can take hours to increment.

Then there's the follower count shown publically on your profile... that can be many days behind.
There are lags between when your control panel notifies of a new follower, you show up as followed in that person's favorites, and the follower count on your panel updates. In that order, it seems. The follower count on the control panel can take hours to increment.
I have experienced all of those things you mentioned, but I haven’t ever had it happen like this where I get notified of the follow, my follower count gets updated, I show up in their favorited authors list, but they do not show up in my list of followers. Especially nearly a week later. And it’s not just one or two, it’s everyone who has followed me since March 30th.
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Huh. I never check the control panel's list of followers, so couldn't say. The last few folks who followed me are there, but the latest follower I got was March 28.
I think it would be easier for me to email my stories to my followers :)
I have experienced all of those things happening, but I haven’t ever had it happen like this where I get notified of the follow, my follower count gets updated, I show up in their favorited authors list, but they do not show up in my list of followers. Especially nearly a week later. And it’s not just one or two, it’s everyone who has followed me since March 30th.

Sorry about the issue.

I just did several tests and we can see Followers who followed on April 4th on our "Followers" list. Our actual Followers number is updating and appears to be only two Followers behind the expected number. The system does not update in real time everywhere, so that appears to be normal. Can you confirm that if you look at your "My Home" page and see the name of a Follower who followed you between March 30 and April 4th, that name is not on the last page of your "My Followers" page?

Thank you for your help.
I've noticed this recently.

Where is the 'My Followers' page?

Edit - oops, found it, carefully camouflaged under 'Following'. Problem seems to have resolved itself as names are in both places.
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Sorry about the issue.

I just did several tests and we can see Followers who followed on April 4th on our "Followers" list. Our actual Followers number is updating and appears to be only two Followers behind the expected number. The system does not update in real time everywhere, so that appears to be normal. Can you confirm that if you look at your "My Home" page and see the name of a Follower who followed you between March 30 and April 4th, that name is not on the last page of your "My Followers" page?

Thank you for your help.
Thanks for your attention on this. So on March 30th I was notified that a member named Rhinocock followed me. By my count he would have been follower #1949. His name showed up on my “My Followers” page. Since then members Paaps319, Sureshkumar85, abhi1505, Handydog88, and Thadius_Noble have followed me, but none have shown up in my “My Followers” page. I was just notified of Thadius_Noble an hour ago but the others were all at least 24 hours previously. Other than the most recent one, as of last night, I was listed on all of their favorite authors lists. The site shows me with 1953 followers which by count, assuming this most recent one has not yet been updated, would be correct—but the problem still persists. Hope this helps.
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Sorry about the issue.

I just did several tests and we can see Followers who followed on April 4th on our "Followers" list. Our actual Followers number is updating and appears to be only two Followers behind the expected number. The system does not update in real time everywhere, so that appears to be normal. Can you confirm that if you look at your "My Home" page and see the name of a Follower who followed you between March 30 and April 4th, that name is not on the last page of your "My Followers" page?

Thank you for your help.
The missing followers have all just been added to my “My Followers” page. Thanks for whatever you did. It appears resolved.
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Thank you for the confirmations.

We found an issue that was probably the reason for the slow updates for some Lit Authors. If you see anything similar in the future, please let me know!
My situation is that I had 356 followers as of Mar 29. I had a follower recorded on Apr 2 and another on Apr 4 and both of those followers showed up on "My Followers" page. However since the Apr 2 notification the # of followers is listed at 355 and has remained so to this time of posting. Since my problem is different from the OP I'm wondering did I have the misfortune of losing three followers or is this a similar snafu?
My situation is that I had 356 followers as of Mar 29. I had a follower recorded on Apr 2 and another on Apr 4 and both of those followers showed up on "My Followers" page. However since the Apr 2 notification the # of followers is listed at 355 and has remained so to this time of posting. Since my problem is different from the OP I'm wondering did I have the misfortune of losing three followers or is this a similar snafu?
How many member names are listed on page 35 of your “My Followers” page? If it’s more than 5 than it’s likely a snafu, if it is 5, it is likely you lost 3 followers. As for the snafu possibility, that is now a new issue for me. I should have 6 more followers in my follower count than it is saying I have. It’s been locked on 1953 for 3 days, but I’ve added 6 new followers since. I PM’d Manu directly about it late last night.
How many member names are listed on page 35 of your “My Followers” page? If it’s more than 5 than it’s likely a snafu, if it is 5, it is likely you lost 3 followers. As for the snafu possibility, that is now a new issue for me. I should have 6 more followers in my follower count than it is saying I have. It’s been locked on 1953 for 3 days, but I’ve added 6 new followers since. I PM’d Manu directly about it late last night.
OK there are ten names listed on page 35 just as there are on page 1. So I guess that means 350 followers. On page 36 I count seven followers or in other words I have actually 357 followers. So, I guess I gained two followers while losing one follower so far this month.
Oops you’re right…page 36. Yes, I think 357 is correct, but how many followers does it say you have when you click on “Following” and then My Followers?
OK, this is not - not - a complaint, but there seems to be a remaining problem. I look at my author”s page and see a number for followers. Fine, although it seems to not have changed recently despite notices somebody has begun following me. But I went to check out a comment for one of my stories just now and the ‘followers’ there differs by 50+.

As I said, I’m not really worried. This is just FYI.
OK, this is not - not - a complaint, but there seems to be a remaining problem. I look at my author”s page and see a number for followers. Fine, although it seems to not have changed recently despite notices somebody has begun following me. But I went to check out a comment for one of my stories just now and the ‘followers’ there differs by 50+.

As I said, I’m not really worried. This is just FYI.
That's typical, TP. The numbers you see in different places on the site are hardly ever the same - the CP though, appears to update in real time and everything else slaves off that, with different server clocks.
OK, this is not - not - a complaint, but there seems to be a remaining problem. I look at my author”s page and see a number for followers. Fine, although it seems to not have changed recently despite notices somebody has begun following me. But I went to check out a comment for one of my stories just now and the ‘followers’ there differs by 50+.

As I said, I’m not really worried. This is just FYI.
I started this thread and have had a few hiccups since, but my follower count and list of followers have aligned over the past 4-5 days. Manu acknowledged they are experiencing a few glitches in this area as they implement site updates. Hopefully your issues will get cleaned up soon too.
Gotcha, folks. The tradesmenesque time variation is acknowledged and I freely acknowledge that I couldn’t fix it if I had a gun to my head. I mention it only because 50+ is a variance of several months - unusual, ie. Info for the able, as it were.
Followers aren't refreshing properly. The easy solution is to just update your profile in some small way and save changes. Let's say you change your status from single to attached, or even to no answer and when you press save changes follower count will update immediately.