First hostages displayed on Iraqi TV

NBC is also reporting that pictures of the execution of these same prisoners are being shown..

Lets hope it's an erroneous report.
Quess the Iraqis dont believe in the Geneva Convention

I feel sick for all of them

Especially the female

I have a journalism/PR background so I see the war coverage in a different light--it's been pure sensationalism--this is NOT responsible journalism...why in the HELL do they need to show reports of prisoners who have been executed? So the families of these soldiers can find out via the media that their loved one was killed? I have VERY mixed emotions about the war in general but even more mixed feelings about the media coverage. I have two brothers in the military (neither one are over there--thank God) --however, I do have a good friend who's stationed in Germany (he's in the Army) and I fear he'll have to go over there soon. Did anyone watch the mother who called in to NBC the other night? She chided Tom Brokaw and the media in general about irresponsible reporting--she brought up valid points. She found out via the news that her son was killed. Tom Brokaw was on the verge of tears.

There is no way I could protest this war b/c of my brothers and my friends and the men and women who are fighting for my freedom, however I think the media needs to revisit how they cover this war. This coverage is WORSE than the coverage of the Gulf heart feels so sick right now. I'm sending positive energy and thoughts to everyone (not just US soldiers but all soldiers) who are involved in this conflict.

We need to send our love to them all!

thanks for letting me get my two cents worth in!

Javagirl in Cali.
Al Jazeera Showing Captured US Troops
I was watching Arabic news, Al Jazeera, and they were interviewing some American troops that they say were captured in Nasiryia (sp) in the fighting yesterday (Saturday), from unit 507 (?). Fox News says that´s a unit that´s based in Texas.

Here´s what I saw: There was one Black-American woman, "Shawna," with corn-rowed hair and who said that she was from Texas and wasn´t wearing any shoes, and another fellow, that appeared to have been shot in the stomach, I believe he said his name was Sgt John Reilly. I admit I could be mistaken if this was the fellow or another, but that was one of the names that I caught.

All of the captured, said they worked in "maintainence."

There were two other men - One (Caucasian) looked quite disoriented (he was sitting on a chair and seemed to be in a state of shock), another (Black-American) couldn´t understand any of the questions being asked him, and indeed he seemed to be laughing at the Iraqi reporters (I took the laughing as odd, as it was more a sign of nervousness, or showing that they fellow was disoriented). Maybe that had to do with questions, which were bizarre. One of the questions was how were you greeted when you came into Iraq, "with guns or flowers." The response back was "I´m sorry I don´t understand."

UPDATE: There were just some more images shown, and it appears there could be another fellow, also Caucasian. No sound, only a quick image flashed across the scene. Sorry I can´t be more precise. I know there were four in the original "interview," I just can´t tell if this was one of the others, or a fifth person.

In the earlier "interview," one of the men said he was from New Jersey, and another from Kansas.

The fellow, I believe it was Sgt Reilly, was at first laying down, injured, there was blood on his shirt, his pants were unbuttoned, and he was holding his stomach. He didn´t want to speak, but the person from Iraqi news, lifted him up into a speaking position - okay, he basically forced him to speak, putting his hand on the fellows head, and then lifting him into a sitting position. Certainly not the type of journalist behaviour that one would expect, which make me think that this "journalist" might have been military and demanding that the fellow speak.

The tape was edited, quite obvious, since it jumped from scene to scene. While it wasn´t live, Al Jazeera reported it as a live exclusive.

The images were coming in from Iraqi television (as identified by the microphone and logo), and relayed by Al Jazeera. The images appear to have been taken in a hospital, there were a ton of journalists asking questions.

There were also images of dead (three or four?) in what does appear to be a hospital morgue, which they said were American dead. Fox News says that it appeared they were executed with shots to the head, but to tell you the truth I didn´t catch that. I believe, that´s because I was just so horrified by what I was seeing.

UPDATE: Thev´re reshowing the morgue scene - it´s totally disgusting, American soldiers laying on the ground, at least 10 that I could count, and indeed with shots to the head! There is a person moving the bodies around, and the camera angle follows them focusing on the wounds of the individuals. They are laying on the floor, heaped on each other. Since posting this, I can say that on Al Jazeera now this is one of the top news items, and they keep showing the images over and over again. Every few minutes, there are the images of the poor men, their bodies, thrown in a room, lying on a concrete floor. As disgusting as it is to say, there were pools of blood under the bodies, which I would think suggests that they were recently dead.

Besides the fact that this breaks the Geneva Convention, my heart goes out to them and their families.

I see that Fox is thinking about relaying the news, but saying the Dept of Defense looks like propaganda. Of course it was, but it certainly does look like US troops. The accents, the clothes, etc.

I see Rumsfeld says that he hasn´t seen the report and can´t confirm it. Well, I´m not a professional, but it was very disturbing, and certainly did appear to be true.

Relatedly, Al Jazeera is showing other scenes where there are American dead from a shoot out, and a a burnt out vehicle that appeared to be something like a tanker. Sorry I can´t describe better, but I´m not a military person. I can say it didn´t look like an attack vehicle, but rather something that would follow behind for supplies. I´ve just heard a report on Sky News that there was an attack near the same place named above, where at least 10 Americans died from rocket launchers that hit an amphibious vehicle.

Lastly, I´m not claiming the veracity of these reports, I´m merely saying what I´ve seen. And it is truly disgusting. If there are slight differences, it´s because I´m writing this from memory - it was horrific to see, and I froze, and then I thought this needs posted so all can know what is going on. I´ve tried to be as accurate as possible, as far as my memory serves me.
The Plunger said:
The 75% of Americans in favor of this action. Just watch CNN or any of the other mainstream news sources.

I don't get cable... I am getting my reporting from the big three and NPR with has BBC and CNN feeds... and frankly I don't see much of trying to sway anybody...

My loca NBC affiliate just aired a interview with James Cromwell about Actors for Peace... The next is with a Pro-Troop activist... I have been pleased with the even handed way this has been reported.
It would be tragic if a cruise missle found its way to the Al-Jazeer central broadcasting office.