Finish The Sentence


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
Smoking a cigarette...

The last mistake I made...

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat...

If Laurel lived next door...

Can someone...

Making money is like...

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...

The coolest dude on the planet...

Fat chicks...

The one person on Literotica...

I wear...
If Laurel lived next door I'd bring her a homemade apple pie. I'm baking one today, and have too many apples for just one pie.
Smoking a cigarette... makes us all look mysterious and sophisticated, obviously

The last mistake I made... lost me a bet

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... is being attracted to women

If Laurel lived next door... I'd get the adresses of all the lovely ladies of lit and stalk them

Can someone... open the window? its cold in here.

Making money is like... increasing your bank balance through working

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... to find an arabic-english tanslator

The coolest dude on the planet... looks backat me from the mirror

Fat chicks... make better eggs in the long run

The one person on Literotica... is a real schizophrenic

I wear... nothing in bed
Smoking a cigarette...
gives me a buzz.

The last mistake I made...
was a small one.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat...
(next question)

If Laurel lived next door...
we'd carpool.

Can someone...
give me a -kissy-?

Making money is like...
breathing. you hafta have it, or not survive.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...
to pick up the tab.

The coolest dude on the planet...
is marxist. next in line is shaft.

Fat chicks...
are better in bed.

The one person on Literotica...
i'd like to choke is frimost.

I wear...
my heart on my sleeve, sometimes.
Smoking a nasty.

The last mistake I made...was not following my gut.

The mistake I'm doomed to having that extra scoop of mint chocolate chip icecream.

If Laurel lived next door...I'd offer to kitty-sit anytime.

Can someone...please rub my shoulders?

Making money is like...finishing the race.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...what his goal in life is.

The coolest dude on the Lyle Lovett.

Fat chicks...make good Sunday dinner.

The one person on Literotica...I really want to meet is Perky.

I wear...VS thongs every day.
Marxist said:
Smoking a cigarette... lit at the filter end doesn't taste right.

The last mistake I made...cost me $300

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat...I'm doomed to repeat

If Laurel lived next door...she'd be the owner of that fricking dog and I'd go over there and yell at her.

Can someone...Help me?

Making money is like...drawing blood

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...where Ossama bin Laden is

The coolest dude on the planet...probably also has a lovely penis

Fat chicks...try harder

The one person on Literotica...Nope....too tempting.

I wear... Cotton jockeys for her.
Rule #1-Never hit "new thread" when replying...

Smoking a cigarette..."Prepares my lungs for the future environment.

The last mistake I made..."Was logging on when I have To be somewhere else."

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat..."Is logging on when I have to be somewhere else."

If Laurel lived next door..."She would have called the cops on me a dozen times."

Can someone..."Mow my lawn?"

Making money is like..."Trying to empty a lake with a spoon."

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him..."How the hell do we dig our way out of here?"

The coolest dude on the planet..."Is equal to the shinest fish in the aquarium."

Fat chicks..."Use more soap."

The one person on Literotica..."That can't laugh, belongs somewhere else."

I wear..."Aluminum foil to confuse the NSA spy satellites."
Smoking a cigarette... does NOT look cool. Quite the contrary.

The last mistake I made... was thinking I knew how to conjugate 'didowmi', and not studying.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... is being too confident in my studies.

If Laurel lived next door... I'd ask her to take my cat for me.

Can someone... PLEASE get me off?! Jesus, I'm horny.

Making money is like... granny-apple pie.. a bit tart, but oh so yummy in the end.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... if his lookalikes get plastic surgery to look like him, or if it's a natural occurance.

The coolest dude on the planet... is guyanonymous

Fat chicks... are tigers in the sack.

The one person on Literotica... I'd love to give my all to, is... my darling girl... *grin*

I wear... no underwear 3 days of the week, thongs 3 days of the week, and comfy undees one day a week.
Marxist said:
Smoking a cigarette... IS DISGUSTING

The last mistake I made... GOT PAPER INSTEAD PLASTIC

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... EATING CARBS

If Laurel lived next door... BE HAPPY

Can someone...LOAN ME A FEW BUCKS

Making money is like... HEAVEN

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...TO DRINK SOME ARSNIC

The coolest dude on the planet...MY BOYFRIEND


The one person on Literotica...THATS A HOTTIE IS STARBLAYDE

Smoking a one of the most disqusting things i can imagine.

The last mistake I made...was not so bad in the grande scheme of things.

The mistake I'm doomed to one i can live with.

If Laurel lived next door...i'm sure i'd have more than one kitten

Can someone...please cook me a nice home cooked meal.

Making money is like...making a sandwich. (yeah..i don't know. i'm groggy and i can only be so thoughtful)

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask pay.

The coolest dude on the my mojo jojo.

Fat chicks...are just like everyone else.

The one person on Literotica...that i can trust is me.

I calvins or nothing at all.
Marxist said:
Smoking a cigarette...

The last mistake I made...

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat...

If Laurel lived next door...

Can someone...

Making money is like...

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...

The coolest dude on the planet...

Fat chicks...

The one person on Literotica...

I wear...

Smoking a cigarette is a good idea. It's God's way of pointing out the girls with low self-esteem. Think about it, if a girl will smoke a cig, sucking dick must seem like a relief.

The last mistake I made involved my mouth. I'll keep it shut.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat involved my mouth. I can't keep the damned thing shut.

If Laurel lived next door, I'd kidnap her kitty. Yes, that one.

Can someone make me a sandwich? I'm hungry and beer only makes me sleepy.

Making money is like making love to a greasy whore. In fact, that's how I make my money.

If I went to lunch I'd ask Saddam Hussein how he maintains that 'stache in a time of war. And about his wannabe Stalin moves like killing Kurds and Shiites and relatives.

The coolest dude on the planet is my dad. He dresses like a middle-aged Turk but that only adds to the coolness.

Fat chicks make good chicken sandwiches. I think Chik-Fil-A is on the menu tonight.

The one person on Literotica that makes Spinaroonie sound Republican is REDWAVE. I love them both.

I wear designer clothes at discount prices. Don't tell nobody.
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Smoking a cigarette...just does not appeal to me.

The last mistake I one that I am sure I will repeat.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat...see, I told you!

If Laurel lived next door...that would just be damn cool.

Can me 300 bucks?

Making money is like...asking for 300 dollars, but with a lot more work involved.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask the hell he got here and if I can get a patent on the technology.

The coolest dude on the planet...would be a heck of a title.

Fat chicks...are yummy too.

The one person on Literotica...left standing would be Manu, right before he hit the switch to shut us all down.

I wear...these really kickin smiley face boxers...sometimes.
Smoking a cigarette... is something I'll never do.

The last mistake I made... sure as hell won't be my last.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... is always wanting things done now rather then waiting for a better time.

If Laurel lived next door... I'd constantly be asking for that raise I've been wanting. :D

Can someone... give me a back rub?

Making money is like... a box of chocolates.... no, wait, that's what life is like.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... what he thought of his portrayal in the Hot Shots! movies.

The coolest dude on the planet... probably gets all the girls... or guys, depending on his preference.

Fat chicks... are often as attractive as skinny chicks, if not more.

The one person on Literotica... I'd love to powerbomb through a table is AFM.

I wear... nothing except my underwear to bed. Scary, I know.
Smoking a cigarette looks even more obscene when it's an 11 year old smoking it.

The last mistake I made was you.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat is soon to be repeated.

If Laurel lived next door I'd play with her little kitten. She'd let me.

Can someone mow my lawn for under forty bucks?

Making money is illegal but I wish I knew how - I'd take my chances.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him if he wouldn't mind repeating that?

The coolest dude on the planet is Johnny Cash. No question.

Fat chicks don't make good fryers; three and a half pounders are ideal when frying chicken.

The one person on Literotica I'd like to talk to isn't here.

I wear you out.
Smoking a cigarette...sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the reminder.

The last mistake I made...went blissfully undetected.

The mistake I'm doomed to lit and in my hand right now.

If Laurel lived next door...I'd finally have vampire neighbors, which would make my life easier all around. Plus I'd finally get my long-promised margarita.

Can someone...write my dissertation for me? Thanks ever so much.

Making money is like...weak simile: easily executed by even the simpleminded, but commonly interpreted as a sign of intelligence nonetheless.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask notice the beautiful chandelier, so I'd get a good shot at his neck with my fork.

The coolest dude on the Prince. I mean, really--who gets more duded up than that cat?

Fat chicks...fuck harder.

The one person on me.

I wear... L'air du Temps. And I smells good. ;)

Nice to see you, Marxist. It's been a while; I've missed your arch commentary.

Re: Re: Finish The Sentence

Smoking a cigarette... is a great way to keep me from kissing you

The last mistake I made... hurt. a lot.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... is my favorite one to make.

If Laurel lived next door... i would visit her for tea and kitten breaks.

Can someone... hold me while i sleep? i really really need a good night of sleep.

Making money is like... hard, y'know?

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... why he keeps making those south park cameos.

The coolest dude on the planet... is my friend John. he's like scary cool. it's intimidating.

Fat chicks... mmmm.... girls

The one person on Literotica... i have on ignore is you.

I wear... clothes with holes in them because i'm poor.
Marxist said:
Smoking a cigarette... enriches the corporations

The last mistake I made... moved out six years ago

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... giving the wrong people the benefit of the doubt, but i like it that way

If Laurel lived next door... my kitty and her kitty would set up their own board

Can someone... please give 'dubya' a clue

Making money is like... the last thing on earth to strive for

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... "What the fuck were you thinking?"

The coolest dude on the planet... probably my two year old girl

Fat chicks... are people, too

The one person on Literotica... that needs a life . . . just left

I wear... as little as possible
Smoking a something I haven't done since New York.

The last mistake I made...hurting the one I love.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat...hurting the one I love.

If Laurel lived next door...that would kickass.

Can someone...give me a million dollars?

Making money is like...making love, it takes love to make love.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...if he knows any good Dubya jokes.

The coolest dude on the planet...Bono.

Fat chicks...are big.

The one person on Literotica...that knows the truth of phytoplankton is Raindancer.

I wear...two par when I get tuh struttin in muh Arr Farce Uns.
Smoking a something I just can't seem to stop.

The last mistake I made...was changing jobs.

The mistake I'm doomed to turning on the television set.

If Laurel lived next door...I help her move (this place sucks.

Can me a beer?

Making money is like...forgery.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask pick up the tab.

The coolest dude on the Norman Schwatzkopf.

Fat chicks...grow up to be tasty broilers.

The one person on Literotica...who always makes me laugh is Marxist.

I wear... a neck tie five days a week.
Marxist said:
Smoking a something I miss terribly since I gave up.

The last mistake I made...was to speak before I thought.

The mistake I'm doomed to to continue seaking before I think.

If Laurel lived next door...I could pat her pussy.

Can me for being me, not for what I can do for them?

Making money is like...something I wish I didn't have to do.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him...How come he couldn't taste the arsenic I'd laced his coffee with.

The coolest dude on the my fun loving son!

Fat chicks...are just like thin chicks.

The one person on Literotica...who I admire already knows who she/he is.

I wear...clothes....most of the time
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Marxist said:
Smoking a cigarette... gives me intense satisfaction. Especially after sex...

The last mistake I made... will not be my last mistake ever.

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... letting my coke fizz over.. Geez I hate that!

If Laurel lived next door... who is laurel?

Can someone... please scratch my back?

Making money is like... making love.... You never get enough.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... fuck off and die.

The coolest dudes on the planet... American Military Men!

Fat chickens... need love to!

The one person on Literotica... I would love to rim is Heavy. That ass...... mmm mmm mmm!

I wear... nothing at all under my clothes.
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Smoking a cigarette... watching the rings rise into the night

The last mistake I made... was due to clerical error

The mistake I'm doomed to repeat... going to work every day

If Laurel lived next door... I'd be borowing sugar for a living

Can someone... make em a milkshake

Making money is like... having sex, you always hope a little more is coming your way soon.

If I went to lunch with Saddam Hussein I'd ask him... if he ever thought of using the dexatrim system. Fat and Khaki don't go together.

The coolest dude on the planet... Jack Nicholson

Fat chicks... more to love

The one person on Literotica... has yet to know I slilently stalk her.

I wear... sweats at night when I'm here.