Unable to edit story due to the character limit of the title field. Seeking possible workarounds.


Mythverse Chronicler
Dec 1, 2014
Hi, all.
I'm uncertain if this is the right place to ask this sort of thing, so if it is, please direct me to the proper place.

If not, my query is that I have recently published a new story on my profile, however, a comment has pointed out a mistake in the very last paragraph that I had completely missed when going through the final draft which has ended up completely changed the intended meaning of that sentence: the word 'aware' was used instead of 'unaware'. Unfortunately, Literotica do not make amending mistakes like this very straightforward.

For those not in the know, the process to edit a story already published involves resubmitting the same story except with the word 'EDITED' in the title so that the administrators or whoever is responsible for this sort of thing know that it is an updated version of the text to replace the old one. However, there is a character limit the title of a story and I do not have any space available to include 'EDITED' alongside the full title as it is. To be blunt, I find this approach to edit stories to be extremely shortsighted.

I have contacted the Literotica staff directly about this problem I am having, although they have not gotten back to me at this time.

The only real option available to me at this time that I can think of is to remove the story altogether and reupload it again with the change, but I do not want to resort to that as a few people have already favourited the story and would be unfair on them I feel.

If anybody can suggest anything to help me out here, it would be very much appreciated. Thank you.
Yeah, as TheLobster says.

I've done this a couple of times now. No issues.
Right. For some reason, this is something that I glossed over. I suppose that says a lot about my skill as a proof-reader, especially because of what even caused this problem in the first place.
Thank you very much for putting this numpty in the right direction, folks.
It's been about a week since I've tried this and the edited story is still currently stuck in 'pending' with no update of any sort. I'm a bit concerned that it's going to be indefinitely stuck in limbo at this rate now.
It's been about a week since I've tried this and the edited story is still currently stuck in 'pending' with no update of any sort. I'm a bit concerned that it's going to be indefinitely stuck in limbo at this rate now.
Edits take quite a bit longer to be approved than regular story publishing takes.
Literally the day after I made that last post, the edit had gone through. Typical, but I'm glad it's been amended now. I can sleep at night. Thanks to anybody who replied to this forum.