Finding a person’s stories

Nov 23, 2022
If, for example, someone adds to a thread in the forum, what is the quickest way to get to any stories they have written?
Go to the bottom of the page, click on Stories, scroll down till you find Search Authors (right hand column, right down the bottom of the page).
And yes, you'd think there's be a more straightforward way to do it.

I'm not certain of the technical details, but AFAIK the reason there isn't an easy link between the two is that "story" and "forum" sides of this site run on separate software. I suspect when you create an account here you're really creating one account on each side, with the same username etc., and the forum software doesn't automatically know what your author account is.
I think the fastest way is Google search "Literotica" and "author name." Always pulls up the submission page.
And yes, you'd think there's be a more straightforward way to do it.

I'm not certain of the technical details, but AFAIK the reason there isn't an easy link between the two is that "story" and "forum" sides of this site run on separate software. I suspect when you create an account here you're really creating one account on each side, with the same username etc., and the forum software doesn't automatically know what your author account is.
I don't remember when I joined the forums if it carried over my user name from the story side or if I entered myself to maintain continuity.
Pull down the "Explore" menu at the top of the page, select search, and enter the author's name.
I don't remember when I joined the forums if it carried over my user name from the story side or if I entered myself to maintain continuity.
Your name stays the same automatically. Forum and story accounts are linked to that extent.
Another way, related; Go here. (This is also reachable by navigating from the main page ).

Under the large heading, change the “search for” from stories to members. Search by member name.
And yes, you'd think there's be a more straightforward way to do it.

I'm not certain of the technical details, but AFAIK the reason there isn't an easy link between the two is that "story" and "forum" sides of this site run on separate software. I suspect when you create an account here you're really creating one account on each side, with the same username etc., and the forum software doesn't automatically know what your author account is.
Seems like if they can link a signature in the forum, why can't they just have a link on someone's forum profile?
Seems like if they can link a signature in the forum, why can't they just have a link on someone's forum profile?
The site doesn't automatically create forum signatures. People who want that have to manually edit their signature and point it to the right URL.

As to why users can't edit it into their forum profile (at least, I don't think it's possible): by my understanding, the story side of the site is mostly custom coding, and the forum side runs off a generic off-the-shelf forum package. Earlier this year (I think? it's been a very long year for me) they changed to a different package and migrated all the forum stuff across.

So the site is maintaining both story and forum accounts for each user, and trying to keep them in sync, but one half of that is running on an off-the-shelf package that they presumably only have limited ability to customise, and which wouldn't have been designed for syncing with a story-side account. Normally with that kind of thing you want to have a single "source of truth". You don't want a situation where somebody updates their details on the story side but the forum side still has their old details, yada yada.

One solution to that would be to let users edit their story accounts, and then have an automated process that copies those changes across to the forum profile, without letting users edit it directly. But I expect that would be a headache, and they'd have had to recreate that process when switching forum packages. So it's probably easier for them just to minimise what people can do with the forum profiles, restricting that mostly to stuff that is specifically about forum-side behaviour like creating a forum signature, and leave everything else to the story-side profiles.

(I'm just guessing here, based on what I've seen as a user; I think there are others here who've seen more of the behind-the-scenes operations and can correct me if I've gone wrong.)